? Hey Hey Guys I, ‘m Amanda,very gald to see U in my room, anything you want, you can see it in my PVT room ? the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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? Hey Hey Guys I, ‘m Amanda,very gald to see U in my room, anything you want, you can see it in my PVT room ?, 18 y.o.


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? Hey Hey Guys I, 'm Amanda,very gald to see U in my room, anything you want, you can see it in my PVT room ? on-line sex chat

89 thoughts on “? Hey Hey Guys I, ‘m Amanda,very gald to see U in my room, anything you want, you can see it in my PVT room ? the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. He is neither wrong nor right. You may love that person as a 17 yr self would. But you do not understand the concept of love.

    For example as a teenager you would think freedom is staying out as long as you want or not doing school work and going to parties etc.. But as an adult you will realise freedom in essence, is responsibility and accountability.

    He just wants what's best for you. Don't take it that he doesn't understand or appreciate you. It is because he understands you as he was once 17 and appreciates you that he says that. So that you dont lose out on life or make regretable choices.

    But this doesn't mean you can't be or shouldn't be in a relationship if you want. Human feelings are complex. So take your time and listen to your parents.

  2. He could of been having a bad day and didnt talk, or hes just being ignorant and a bit of a idiot for not answering, have you tried calling?

  3. You’re blowing this waaaaay out of proportion. What he said is a figure of speech, maybe not one you like, but he apologized. That should really be the end of it. There’s nothing wrong with not wanting to stay in contact with an ex. You need to just move on, don’t make a mountain out of a molehill.

  4. I personally think it’s incredibly weird to ask her to show you her naked body after a shower over FaceTime, but regardless of that lol, it sounds like she’s just having a time of lowered sex drive. It could be a sign of deeper issues in the relationship, or it could just be normal / honeymoon sexuality phasing out.

  5. When he found out about this, the weird thing to me was the fact that he was more concerned with whether or not his friends cared, rather than the fact I stayed up for hours panicking and thinking he was dead.

    That's because he's doing it for attention.

    Call the police every time he threatens suicide.

  6. Hey OP, I’m so sorry to hear your partner has you walking on eggshells due to this bullshit. Withholding affection and pressuring you to make changes without any willingness to have a conversation are strategies to manipulate you. He wants to be at the center of your attention constantly, which keeps you on your toes trying to please him. This is abusive as hell. Someone who really loves you will never make you feel like shit for simply existing. Someone who really respects you would talk to you directly if they felt hurt in some way. Please be aware that he has set you up for failure by mistreating you this way. You might stretch yourself to the limits trying to figure out what he wants and what would make him happy, but the truth is, nothing you say or do will ever be enough. This man is a manipulator and an emotional vampire. Get yourself and your kid out of this situation as soon as you can. Sending you so much love and strength as you navigate this difficult relationship.

  7. Well yeah. I feel like I'm an NPC in everyone else's video game. The only time I ever get noticed by anyone is when I'm being overly helpful or listening to them and am just more of a resource than a person. I don't feel like if I suddenly died tomorrow it would make much of a difference. People would inevitably move on and forget me.

  8. I thought it was the difference between a remote control toy car and one of those electric ridable car toys? Or am I mistaken.

  9. Wrong for not the fact you are checking up on her and even have this convo tells me there is an issue already.

  10. The term for this is “brinksmanship” and in a Bond it is always toxic

    and a Large Red Flag.

    If this is his negotiation style you don't want ANY PART of it.


  11. They also do a health thing too. Did he get it with the health addition? It may not be a jab at you at all. But also genealogy is really interesting and it’s cool to see exactly what it get from what parent. It could be just a way to see which side of the family your son got his different looks. Don’t always look to malice, not everything is.

  12. Here let me read it for you since clearly only one of us has an attention span long enough to read a patagrap thats more than 5 sentences, “I recently asked if we could end our open marriage, and he said no without hesitation”

  13. There is literally nothing you can do.

    Of course she isn't going to move closer to you for your convenience. You are just some guy she hooked up with, she has her entire family there and she wants her son to grow up French.

    Of course you aren't moving to France; there are all sorts of problems with that for you, it wouldn't be easy legally and you already have a life and child where you are.

    Nobody in the world would expect either of you to do anything different from what you are doing. Many men wouldn't do as much as you are doing right now in seeing him monthly.

    This child will grow up largely without his biological father, and you know what? That's ok, most kids will be fine with that (I was). She will eventually meet a decent guy who will take her and your child on and be a father figure, and you can still be his bio dad from afar and need to keep showing your interest as he grows up.

    It's one of those things. Keep your hand in, keep doing all you can but don't expect that either of you can realistically do more in this situation

  14. Her excuses are cold and weird. Sounds like more communication is needed. Tell her your feelings and ask her why she really doesn’t want to go.

    My moms an alcoholic and if I were in your shoes, this would rest hurt me and would really mess with my trust in my partner.

  15. He said it’s “bordering on that if allergies”. I get the perfume thing, but beyond that this is a little nuts.

  16. Yeah it is quite amazing that he didn't have any insight as to how the children might look like her because she's their mother

  17. how am I offended? it’s just dialogue about the subject and related matters. I’m just working through my thought process on the topic

  18. Change the locks….now.

    Seriously, just end it. It doesn't have to be gentle, just not cruel. There's a lot of yardage between the two.

    Sorry you're going through this.

  19. Why does he get to put his foot down without budging on putting you on the deed? He sounds like a child.

  20. the question is why did he catch feelings for you? why is he attracted to someone so young with such a vastly different life experience

  21. We are just going to generally have to do this more for women, but in this case I think you’re okay to feel this way.

    You can be a pushover, that’s okay. You can’t be a pushover, then be constantly upset about what happens being one and then bring it to your relationship. That is draining and damaging.

    You also can’t make someone be strong willed or independent. You can empower and support them, but they have to be able to do those things and take those steps.

    You gotta find a way to be happy in this situation with these flaws, or understand you’ll likely never be and break up.

    Both are equally good resolutions here.

  22. I’m not suggesting she’s using you or even predicting the worst. I’m just saying be smart. Assume everything you give her is completely lost and you’re never getting it back.

  23. Many men in a marriage want someone other than their spouse. If he follows up on this it's called cheating and diminishes both parties.

    It's OK to fancy someone outside the marriage, it's wrong to take action on it.

    If he can't keep it in his pants and monogamy is important to you, then divorce is the only way that leaves you with self-respect.

    If he can live with porn and celibacy and you – then that's his option

  24. This is just miscommunication. I would be annoyed if I brought food home for myself and someone else helped themselves to it without asking. I also get that you mistakenly thought that he intended to give you one of the meals.

    Some people get territorial about their food. If you eat something of theirs they will be angry and resent you. I consider it a boundary with this type of person. It also doesn't matter if it was free. If someone is looking forward to eating something the cost is irrelevant. I would consider that this may be a boundary for him and be more careful in future.

  25. It's not gaslighting, but it's being an AH, at least I think so. She may have been “joking”, but it's crossing a line when it's your mom and she's talking like that. It's just-gross.

  26. Me and the new girl are gonna hang today and im wondering should I tell her how I feel and then cut it off for a while to see if she’s still all I can think about.

    1st…you're already cheating. 2nd…don't be piece of shit. You keep your mouth shut until you break it off with current GF.

    You're trying to trade but keep current gf as a backup. Just in case the new fling isn't feeling it.

  27. I would want to know.

    I won't comment on the rest as I don't have anything nice to say, but yes, if I was the girlfriend, I would want to know, before I married him.

  28. It all comes down to which is more important to you, buying yourself the watch to celebrate making more money or keeping your relationship healthy and happy? If you’re in a relationship, it should be the latter. Like literally, you want to buy the watch or keep your girl?

    You want to commemorate the fact that you can afford this watch. You can also commemorate the fact you have someone in your life that cares about you enough to buy you this watch. I’m sure that’s a new step in your life too.

    And it’s just $350. Like there’s so many things you can buy for yourself to celebrate that you can afford $350. A ps5 is like $500 go buy that. Better yet, celebrate by buying her a $350 gift because you can do that now and you couldn’t before.

  29. idk where I said English courses but okay cause foreign language by assumption should be anything but the language I am typing in right? but yeah, thanks ??‍???‍?

  30. in her last fuss, she said several time that I have a long journey before we have intimacy again. i surely have thinks to change. but I am sure that she has far more concerns than me to adress before someone touch her. And i suspect than there always will be another drama/problem/whatever to deny my progress.

  31. When did his wife told him not to date a friend? She just told him to maintain anonymity w.r.t his sexual partners

  32. Ah, the pedo stache… When he’ll have enough of his family, friends and random people telling him how much he looks like a creep, he’ll get rid of it.

  33. Why does my ex boyfriend M23 follow girls and like their photos after he just broke up with me F21?

    Why do you know what he is doing on his social media accounts, and why does it matter? Leave him alone and move on.

  34. You, apparently, want affection and communication. Neither of which he is giving you. You say he gives you a place where you are wanted and desired, yet his lack of communication and affection would imply that isn't the case. You consider yourself, more or less, to be a loser and instead of working at improving yourself and improving the type of people you allow to be in your life, you allow this man to talk to you in the way he does in the photo you attached (which, in case you didn't notice, is not as if he is talking to a human being he cares about and respects, but rather a hole for him to stick an appendage into whenever the mood strikes him).

    I'm sorry, but I suppose I'm not sure what you are expecting the way of advice. You can't go swimming in hazardous waste and not expect it to be toxic.

  35. Emotional maturity of a 13 year old. Winning the award for the biggest main character energy ever seen on Reddit.

  36. I’m sorry but you clearly need a different partner. You guys got together in October but then took a two month break? You clearly are needing more time and one on one attention from a partner as it’s likely your love language. Him flaking for 3 weeks at a time? Major red flag.

    If the relationship is like this now and hasn’t improved then what makes you think it’ll be better in several months time?

    You need someone who is willing to put in the time and effort to make you feel loved and wanted. Not someone who will come stay the night occasionally then flake off for a few weeks.

  37. Rape is not sex. Even if you had been raped in that chair, you sure as fuck didn’t have sex in it. Your bf is a douchebag.

  38. Considering he didn't have your back throughout all this, not even after his mom admitted to trying to break you up, this never had any chance to last. Sorry

  39. She doesn’t owe you anything bc you moved to be with her or bc you had all these plans. And she didn’t disrespect you bc other people were also interested in her. What you should be thinking about is how you lost someone who committed 3 years of her life with you bc your “anger issues” (whatever that entails) ended up being too much for her. You need to not blame her and take a reeeeeeeeeal good look in the mirror to see how you can improve your issues moving forward before getting in any other relationship. It hurts bc you probably lost a future with her, but you have to work on yourself to even have a chance of a future with anyone.

  40. When I got in my car I remembered I had to wish my bro a happy birthday. I left him a message and decided to get a slice of pizza in his honor as that is his favorite food.

    You really need a TL;DR or something… you have so much irrelevant fluff in this post, that it's naked to understand exactly what the issue is.

  41. “Dad, I was a fully-grown adult and out of the house when you and mom split up. I'm glad you're happy with Alex, but as she did not help raise me, I have never lived under a roof with her, and we share no blood, she and her children will never be “family” to me. She is my father's girlfriend and if you marry, she will be my father's wife and her kids will be my father's step kids. That's it. I'm sorry that it apparently hurts Alex' feelings, but we're not the Brady Bunch blending some family while raising kids. I'm all raised. We're not going to rewrite family history here, Dad.”

  42. My dreams are to speak Japanese and even live in the country itself.

    are those her dreams too? Maybe you need to have that conversation because you don't seem to have the same life plans. You may not be compatible

  43. In the case of a husband, who won’t stop literally molesting his own wife, no. Absolutely not. You are either going to tolerate this forever or you’re going to decide to walk away from it because those are your options.

  44. As someone who has dealt with this bullshit in college…

    Screenshot and block. Don't try to keep this secret either. Don't let him embarrass you in public. Roast his ass if he tries to humiliate you. Tell your girlfriends.

    Also, this is harder but really important… don't hang out with dudes like this. Birds of a feather flock together.

  45. Damn OP.. naked to know what to say.

    I learned this same lesson with my first BF but we were just play fighting. He effortlessly overpowered me and there was nothing I could do about it. It did scare me but that was because of the revelation of just how much stronger men actually are, I didn't hold it against him or anything.

    I might get downvoted for this but I think it was important for her to learn the reality of things. It's a sad truth but women have to be extra careful about the situations they put themselves in.

  46. So you started getting together with her while she was still in a relationship with someone else and now you are surprised that she is doing the same thing again? WOW SHOCKER, turns out you aren't 'special enough' to change her. She's just a garbage person and you are a fool for wasting so much of your life with her

    These are just the consequences of your actions. Dump her

  47. I don’t want to be mean but Is it possible that you have a serious conversation? Tell her how you feel, tell her you don’t like when she makes those comments because they’re unreasonable. imean…if you had the vasectomy done and you were checked several times; the only chance she gets pregnant is if she has sex with some other man.

    Have the talk, focus on your feelings. She’s being weird.

  48. But here’s the thing, telling her self sabotages both your lives. The only reason you want to tell her is to unload your guilty conscious, not to help her. Telling her only hurts her more. Telling her only breaks her heart, killing her trust in you & men. Do you want her to have trust issues? Cause this is how you create trust issues for her.

    The reason why they say don’t confess to such things is because it’s selfish. It has absolutely nothing to do with the person you have to tell and everything to do with your uncomfortable conscious state of emotional turmoil. It’s selfish because you only relieve yourself of everything and dump everything on her, leaving her now the one in emotional turmoil.

    The mature thing to do is make peace with this tiny detail when you were single that has absolutely no impact on your current situation.

    It’s not like you were seeing both, simultaneously for weeks on end, you stopped seeing one and started seeing another a week apart.

    You stopped talking to this other women the moment you made the decision and drop her to start dating your current GF.

    So make peace with the guilt. It’s not her responsibility to unburden your selfish feeling of guilt.

  49. Hi, 32M here. You really think that he is going to behave any differently if he keeps being fed the subcontextual misogynistic shit. Or that over time he is going to behave in alignment with the content he is consuming and the family of origin culture he exists in.

    This is a red flag watch where red flag behavior isn't present yet but has the likely potential to develop, given the circumstances. In contrast to a red flag warning, red flag behavior confirmed, please take cover.

  50. Look if I was 5'8″ and was considered underweight at 130 pounds while being not very physically active… At 5'2″ and being more active than I was… Results may vary

  51. I can see this going two ways. First, I was also 18 and in college and drinking for the first time. I did/said some stupid shit that I completely regretted the following morning. Unfortunately the second option seems more likely. Adding the fact that he’s acting distant now -may- mean that he still has feelings for the other person and realizing that he’s now closer may make him want secretly want to do something with him. This could just be me, but even my stupidest drunk texts had some motivation. There’s a reason why I would text my exes or previous flings.

  52. I think it's too much of a risk to have, especially John. It's not about high or low road. It's about OP protecting himself from false accusations, or being verbally attacked in his own home.

  53. This was my exact reasoning. It scares me but he tries to reassure me all the time. It’s making me panic. He only tells me that I’ll come to terms with everything but that isn’t true

  54. Your update didn’t display that communication helped the relationship. Ordinarily, it DOES, don’t get me wrong but in these cases communication is used to sooth you into not making a big deal out of his choices (which were to contemplate cheating on you, ask you directly and hurt your feelings, and shake all trust you have in him).

    So now you are soothed and he STILL had the audacity to persist with his second question. Why? Bc he sees you’ll accept disrespect as long as he apologizes. He can continue to say whatever he wants.

    I know you don’t want to hear this but he’s a callous person who cares more about his sick than your feelings. Save yourself the heartache. Y’all are so young but he’s already aiming at breaking your heart.

  55. I don’t know if I can. We’re taking some space but it’s really tough since I don’t know if I have all the answers. You think he likes her? He offered the smoke to a group but she’s the only one who took him up on the offer.

  56. He quit the moment he cheated on you, move on he’s a piece of shit and you’re way too young to settle for this bullshit if he can’t even do what HE agreed to just to get you back

  57. He did end up admitting it he was just embarrassed which is understandable. Being bisexual myself it’s naked to come out. I explained everything about how I feel and he understood and said he’d be better for me. We will see.

  58. I’m not worried I won’t be in an abusive relationship again. I’m terrified of it and I don’t want to date for a long time. I’m worried I will take years and years to get over him, thinking I’m ready, then hurting people again like I did with my first love.

  59. As someone who also used to shut down during arguments— just be patient with him, conflict isn’t something everyone’s mentally equipped to deal with right away.

  60. He sounds manipulative af and you shouldn’t get back with someone who makes you feel like your health is deteriorating. I’m in an open relationship with two of my male partners and they have never once forced me to be in this, OR only works when ALL partners want it and not be guilt trip into one.

  61. Just want to add OP, be verrrrry careful about what personal info you share with this friend, assuming you remain friends, in the future. I recently held back a couple of personal inf things with a friend just on a gut instinct and am so glad I did , as we then fell out and I am so glad i never gave her a bunch of ammo to use against me.

    It's nobody's biz what meds you take except your Dr and your pharmacist. Just put this down to a learning experience and e more taciturn in future.

  62. Your feelings are completely normal but it does sound as though the trust has gone from the relationship. Trust is one of those things that takes a long time to build up but once it is gone, it is so difficult to get back. I imagine that all this worry is causing a strain on your relationship and adding a lot of additional stress to yourself. As you will be worrying all the time she is out, which is not healthy for either of you. Sometimes love isn't enough by itself and you need to find what will make you both happy again. If you do decide to break up, I'm sure it will be difficult but I could imagine it feeling like a weight being lifted off your shoulders!

  63. How often does he have babi for an entire day & night for example? Because my bet is, he has him for a short period now and again and gets to hand him to mummy because he's crying for feeding & he doesn't have any actual concept of what it means to look after his own offspring for a prolonged period. Express your milk, go out for the day, enjoy yourself whilst he takes care of the babi. See how long it is before he's on the phone asking what to do or looking for your headphones.


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