?Skye? is that cunt the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

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?Skye? is that cunt, 22 y.o.


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?Skye? is that cunt on-line sex chat

76 thoughts on “?Skye? is that cunt the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. I think she was just thrown off that you compare her to an almost 60 year old woman. And you wanted to make a stupid joke.

  2. All this is just weird. The best advice I can give is to take a break from relationships and figure out where your head is at. THEN give it a go. It will save a lot of hurt feelings all around.

  3. Hormonal birth control works by tricking your body into thinking it's pregnant.

    He may also be able to subconsciously detect that, and his body might react differently to “pregnant” vs fertile.

  4. I would be asking myself why they want to “set the record straight” now after Angel died and can't rebut any of their accusations. They want to control the narrative

  5. I mean, I'm not saying we never had the general conversation, but she had never displayed her feelings of 'not wanting to get married'.

  6. My ex-husband did the exact same thing after we had our child. He knew if we were both sick, I'd call my parents and ask them to take my daughter while we recovered. It was his way to escape the responsibility of parenting. This is just one reason why he's my ex. Don't have kids with your boyfriend!

  7. Why does she feel the need to catch up with an ex sexual partner? Seriously, what is there to talk about…”remember the last time we had sex?” I wouldn't be trusting her in this situation. More then likely your update to this post will be heartbreaking.

  8. Indeed. All this dude wants is to fap on days OP doesnt feel like having sex, yet she tries to bulldoze all over him

    It’s fine to have boundaries but it’s not fine to try to control others. If she’s not okay with it then she should leave, not demand him to stop

  9. He's 32? And he's CRYING because you had an orgasm with another man, years before you even met?

    Yeah, this is very very immature. No, actually, it's just downright WEIRD.

    You're 31 years old. Did he honestly think you've never had an orgasm?

    This would be such a massive turnoff for me, I would definitely have to exit the relationship, for fear I couldn't prevent myself from laughing at the big baby.

  10. If you weren't turned on you are incompatible. Take it for what it is. You are feeling valid emotions. It's ok to just say goodbye, it was a mistake. Don't make it a big todo, just resolve it and quick like.

  11. Yeah and OP is so very hot to defend themselves but admits she doesn't know if his wife knows about her ? but in another comment refuses to accept responsibility bc she's not the married one. Yeah but she knows he IS married.

    Honestly dude, why are you giving so much of yourself to another person in a committed relationship if you don't even know if their partner is aware of yalls connection?! So sketchy

  12. You might not be compatible sexually. He might need a more submissive woman and you might need a more dominant or self-assured man.

  13. She sounds exhausting and emotionally draining. I’m a woman. I have hung up on people like your gf. I mean ok you can have a rough patch but come on. I recently lost my Mom, had to get the death certificate today. I called my best friend. First thing I said, “How was your day? You had that appointment today, how did that go?” It went well and I was happy for her. We talked about that and her family and her dog! Then she asked me how things went because she knew about today. But it wasn’t all about me.

    By the way congratulations on that exam!

    Relationships are work but it needs 2 people working on it or it will never work. The right one is out there.

  14. What do you have to lose by writing her a letter? ?‍♀️

    If your heart is telling you to write her a letter or reach out in some other fashion, just do it. You have nothing to lose and I don't feel like she gave you true closure.

    Either way, I wish you luck on mending your heart. I've been there. It just takes time, lots of time. But if I could time travel back to my first true heartbreak, I would tell myself to pick myself up, dust myself off, and get back out there. I wasted eight of my best years miserable over losing my first love. I wish I could get that time back.

    If things don't work out with her, I promise it's because there is something/someone greater in store for you.

  15. Being bisexual has absolutely nothing to do with being non-monogamous. Bisexual people do not need to have concurrent relationships with people of varying genders in order to be fulfilled. Bisexual people in hetero-passing relationships are no less bisexual.

    Your husband is using his new-found identity to justify cheating.

    You both agreed when you married that you were in a monogamous relationship; you don't have to and shouldn't agree to change that if you don't want to. If your husband wants to break that agreement by going out to explore with men, he needs to intiate divorce, move out, and go do that on his own.

  16. It's only been 5 months. It's time to break up, as it's just not working out. That's the whole point of dating

  17. The guy is letting you be the bad guy by being his messenger. He needs to be the one to be direct and reject her. Being kind doesn’t mean being vague and leading her on. It’s possible to be both kind and direct in rejecting someone.

  18. Only if the people creating aren't part of the culture, otherwise it's them taking advantage of a fetish they are ok playing out. If they were white girls with Southern US accents, then yeah it's totally appropriation. Whole someone like that could theoretically be Muslim, they wouldn't be part of that specific bit of culture unless they chose to.

    Someone else compared it to the “naughty nun” that so many seem turned on by. Unless you are Catholic, wearing that would be exactly the same.

    While I think it's disrespectful and petty gross, I'm not sure it can be called appropriation.

  19. His apology means nothing at this point – it’s almost like the movie villains monologue after being caught – and it’s safest for you to go NC

  20. Ok dude calm down, it's allowed he's not breaking any laws and he's not cheating on your mum, everything is fine just a bit awkward. Wipe the history if it makes you feel better and forget you saw it.

  21. Honestly I think your boyfriend has some insecurities to deal with.

    There's nothing you can do to change the past, and he has to understand and move on from that. Y'all have slept with other people. It happens.

  22. Unless things have changed in the last year or so… the souse is responsible and has ti pay child support if they divorce. I don’t know that they’ve changed things because of same sex marriage laws.

  23. You're from France? The country that made it illegal to get a paternity test so they could “Maintain the integrity of family” or some other such nonsense? Sorry to say your family lives in the perfect place to commit paternity fraud. I mean, it's already not even a crime. But at least in other countries and continents you can get a DNA test and possibly save yourself from raising another man's kid. No such luck in France.

  24. Being related by blood does not automatically = entitlement to your life. My father has been an alcoholic my whole life and as I grew older and realized how much trauma I went through I went on to live my own life, he didn’t go to my wedding and had an excuse and hasn’t shown up more than once in 10 years and still messages me occasionally trying to guilt trip me asking why we don’t talk anymore… it’s like talking to a brick wall and he always has excuses. I’ve thought about if I was to have a child would I let him meet them? Likely not, he doesn’t show up for me and won’t take an ounce of responsibility. We’re family by blood but I have an entire life and family around me that doesn’t include him. OP if anyone brings your mother to this event tell them they’re both leaving, she has no entitlement to your child.. it’s 100% your decision.

  25. Can foreplay rubbing the penis on the outside of the vagina cause pregnancy?

    Not exactly high chance, but certainly not zero. Anytime you get a penis fairly near a vagina, and certainly once everyone's wetness is in play, there is a chance.

    Can pre-cum on the outside of the vagina from foreplay enter and get carried into the vagina once you start having sex even with a condom?

    Same answer. It can, but it's not what I would call likely. Best to be on some form of birth control if you want to do that.

    Can you get pregnant if you start putting on a condom wrong, but then immediately correct your mistake and reverse the condom to the correct size, making sure you wipe the outside before penetration begins?

    Yup. Once that thing has touched a penis, it's not safe for reuse. Once you took it off you should have thrown it away and gotten a new one. Your delivering that precum straight into her vagina friend.

    Above all else though? No method of birth control is 100%. Sex can make babies given the chance. If you aren't ready for the potential outcomes, then I would strongly suggest you consider alternatives for mutual gratification.

  26. It is perfectly okay to love someone AND recognize you cannot be with them long term due to issues beyond their control. It is also perfectly okay to break up but still have feelings for that person.

    Being a stay at home parent can be very difficult. A baby is a lot of work; toddlers even more so. Based solely on what you’ve written, your current SO likely couldn’t handle being a SAHP.

    You are young. You also recognize that your partner, through no fault of their own, cannot maintain employment. They are not independent enough to enter into a long term, adult relationship that may result in children.

    You know you need to break up. You cannot wait until they are in the right headspace to do so; that may never occur. You are studying abroad, in a masters program, and should not be worrying about a long distance relationship that is oceans away from you. I applaud you for wanting to be kind, but you cannot ignore what is healthiest for you.

  27. yeanh, naw… most of the fun for me is making sure my Lady enjoys herself. And she tries to make sure I do. That's what it's all about.

  28. should you talk about it? probably..kinda depends on how you are being 'shoved'..the kinda 'shove' where someone places their arm lightly on you and then guides you to a better spot..or the kinda 'shove' that sends you flying 3 feet..either way talking to your partner in general about differences in opinions and actions is a fairly healthy thing to do.

  29. Yes she always wanted to move there before we met. Distance will be closed in a few months. I have a lease that I’m in now that I have to finish. So since she moved I’ve been seeing her about once per month but it’s like pulling teeth. I can’t just go as I please because they may be there.

    They’re in their late 50s, like 58ish.

    When she lived home, we’d spend about 1 day per week because of our schedules. She’d always do something family related, dinner, errands etc with them. So it’s not new. I understand where you may be coming from but no it’s not this weird thing that’s happened all of a sudden

  30. Don't say sorry to us…say sorry to her with flowers and dinner and tell her everything you said here.

  31. OP,

    Start posting videos about the perfect girlfriend cooking, cleaning, taking care of her man, etc. See how she likes it.

    She is using you for your money, you move in start paying HER BILLS so she can have more money to spend on herself.

    When was the last time she took you out to a dinner, movie or bought you something that you were looking for/at. Then take a look at what you have bought her, or took her out for a dinner, movie etc.

    you will start to see this is a one sided relationship where she asks for more and she gives you less.

  32. It's not your BF 's to accept of deny, if you dad is giving you property it is yours, you bf is fool.

  33. Don’t add her on social media. Now that she understands stands the job, don’t have personal conversations with her. Be cordial, but stop feeding those feelings.

    If she still needs to be “shown processes” ask for someone else at your work to do it and be her contact person.

    Now focus on building your relationship with your wife and child.

  34. If the marriage license hasn't been mailed in yet, just rip it up and go your separate ways. You don't want to spend your life with someone who gives you the silent treatment and bashes you to his friends for every perceived slight?

  35. Babe, no. I’ve been down that road when I was your age. It destroyed my self esteem and it took a while to recover. Get out while you can.

  36. Why the Fuck are you even considering this?

    I suggest you take the money you would spend on him and get yourself some therapy.

    Obviously dump this user loser.

  37. Also, remember he's had 2 years with you to get better. Let him be and let him figure his life out. You deserve real love and respect.

  38. She's trying to “balance” her relationships at her partner's expense.

    Wouldn't she prioritize her partner if she was a decent human being?

    Should he worry how is she going to “balance” things between the guy who wants to fuck her and her partner?

  39. Your boyfriend is insecure and needs to grow up. People like him make their partners feel lifetimes of insecurity. Its okay to have a social life outside of your partner.

    My partner of 5 years still feels guilty going out with her friends. She's leaving for a bachelorette weekend and invited me to come along. “You can hang out with the groom (who I don't know)”. It's like absolutely not, get out of here and go have a good time.

  40. Yes and being ridiculous. These people would be the absolute cream of the crop earners or people 20 years older than us.

  41. Go to Hawaii!!! If he has a problem with it, break up with him! Do not miss this opportunity!

  42. Not reading all of that (or really any, past the first paragraph tbh) but just tend your own garden.

  43. This is definitely frustrating. BUT DO NOT have a kid with a man who isn't sure he is ready. That is vastly different from supporting someone when they are down on their luck because you will be providing for and caring for a child as will he and if he doesn't want it, that is not fair to the child.

  44. Just sending some love and strength your way ?. Healing will get some time and energy, but you'll get through it. I only wish you the very best, you deserve it and you'll get it!

    Try to not lose too much sleep over trying to understand the How's and the Why's, as you can't explain erratic behaviours. It will be difficult, but cry when you need it, have some well deserved rest, heal, move on, and be ready for real love. ?

  45. You need to focus on getting better. The relationship will only get better if you can get better.

  46. He’ll “try” to do it less is not an acceptable answer. He’s fully capable of not groping women he finds attractive – I’m assuming he doesn’t do it to every very hot woman he sees on the street. Therefore he’s fully capable of restraining himself with you, he just prioritises what he wants over your need for bodily autonomy. You shouldn’t have to get mad before someone stops putting their hands on your body. I’d have one serious conversation with him and make it known that this isn’t cute or a joke and it makes you feel bad and if he does anything other than take it seriously and stop I’d be seriously reconsidering staying with him. Maybe remind him about the basic concept of consent.

  47. Therapy. Stat. Sex or not, marriage or not, you have to work on your self esteem for your own sake. Right now, you’re your own worst enemy and you keep cutting yourself down.

    Imagine you were reading this out and saying it about a close friend, not yourself. That would be horrible and cruel, wouldn’t it? So why are you so cruel to yourself?

    Best of luck OP. X

  48. My bf is the same. But he shows his love for me like fixing my broken bedroom light and painting my stairs for me and installing my dishwasher for me. That’s his way of showing me he cares for me.

    My bf has a different taste in clothes and style than I do, so he rarely compliments me. I’ve asked him to buy me some clothes that he likes and I’ll be happy to wear them for him. He’s agreed to that but he’s never acted upon it. In my insecure days I let that bother me, but I know that in my good days I don’t. Then I’ll just wear whatever the frick I want.

    Find out the way your boyfriend tells you he loves you. Some people aren’t good with words and they prefer to show you.

  49. So he’s told you he used to cheat on his previous gf during these parties and you think he’s not cheating on you ? Girl you can’t be that delusional

  50. Can you talk with your gf and look for a possibility of moving somewhere closer to your daughters as soon as your lease is up? You can always move back. Just take this time to bond with the gf and spend your vacations with your daughters and even include your gf.

  51. He feels indebted to his mom for sacrificing so much to put him through school. I was hoping that she’d at least get to know me and see I’m not a bad person but I guess that ship sailed


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