AURORA live! webcams for YOU!

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OIL IN MY BODY AND SQUIRT IN THE GOAL [685 tokens remaining]

16 thoughts on “AURORA live! webcams for YOU!

  1. I have offered to move back to China (I enjoy life there), but she would prefer to stay in the UK. There is no argument she's staying here for me.

  2. Ok so instead of judging me based on how you would react, try to think of how the relationship works and if I’m in the wrong based on how I reacted to her violating MY boundaries

  3. This does not sound like a relationship that should be salvaged. You are both too young to marry or stay with a relationship that is barely hanging on and now the trust is lost. Do both of you a favor and end it before it drags out longer than it should. Coming from a guy who married young and wouldn't believe that others who told me so; divorced 18 months later. Your 20s are a time of growth where you really start to learn about yourself. Invest time and effort into yourself now and it will pay massive dividends by the time you hit your 30s.

  4. It is fucking astounding how many people have to be TOLD to do basic hygine esp men, almost every time some nasty shit like this pops up its a man. Ive heard jokes from women about the bar for dating is so low basic hygine seems like finding gold

  5. It seems she would be happy to take things day by day. You're trying to lock down the future with promises. If you keep doing that, she will stop enjoying her interactions with you.

  6. You cannot make her love you. She wants to see what men are out there but still have you. Leave her as you wish her a good life. She is being honest and your just her go to if nothing is around she wants.

  7. So my boyfriend has been treating me horribly all day.

    This was before he told her he wasn't attracted to her when she has this hairstyle. It sounds like he was being moody all day.

  8. He's emotionally abusing you and is pretty unthoughtful. You are so young and you need to decide if this is what you want for the rest of your life.

  9. It’s no use. You just can’t reason with the Relationship Advice Sharia Police on any cheating matter. They see no nuance.


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