Roochelle live sex chats for YOU!

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hello guys I’m new in this I would like to learn experiences come and play [Goal Race]

17 thoughts on “Roochelle live sex chats for YOU!

  1. That you couldn't get pregnant or have a healthy pregnancy? Unfortunately, both are considered as fertility issues but there is one situation where you do bear a child.

    But even without the baby.

    You knew what you were asking was big, as a lot of people watch porn without it becoming an addiction. He could have told you he did, did it X times a week, and wasn't addicted and was willing to help you work past this trauma.

    The thing is, you made yourself clear from the start. Is it a boundary stemming from a healthy reflexion? No, and it may change in the future. But you were clear about it and it was your right to know and decide if you wanted to pursue this relationship

    You expressing that boundary doesn't mean he shouldn't be watching porn. You can't impose things on others. It means you have the right to know if he does and make a decision accordingly.

    He denied you that right.

    To me it is like cheating (and i am for watching porn in a relationship mind you). But cheating isn't about sex, but about breaking the trust your partner has put in you and that is exactly what he did. Lied from the first week to get you to stay.

    If he thought your boundary was unreasonable, he shouldn't have stayed or lie about it.

    I don't think you can work things out. Your relationship is literally based on a lie, when you told him how devastating your ex's addiction was to you. That's very insensitive

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  3. Meh didn't tell op herself though. I'd have accepted an ultimatum. Say a couple days and then if you haven't told him then I will.

  4. I think that's what you believe. But you're not working on it it he can't tell you where he is.

    That's BS. It's long over!

    Some men change like a switch got flipped when the first baby comes, and they become abusive.

    It happens to thousands and thousands of women.

    He had abandoned you. You also don't KNOW where he is with your baby. That's not acceptable!

    Get a lawyer and follow through and make him accountable under the law.

    That's why he doesn't want the courts involved- he's up to something that he doesn't want anyone to know about.

    Does he seem attracted to anything like guns, militias, drugs, or anything shady? Would you even know if he was endangering your child?

  5. Tell her you want to lose weight & want to know if she’ll work out with you so you’ll actually do it.

  6. Dude…you've known her for six months before finally getting a kiss..

    And then she kisses some rando in a club the first time she meets him

    Maybe she was drunk. Who knows.

    But…it certainly devalues her kisses.

    I think the problem is her, not you.

    Best thing you can do is move on and find someone else. Or be aware that she will be kissing other guys at other times….this won't be the only time she does this.

  7. Yeah man it always hurts to see family act against their own interests in real time.

    All you can do is wait till he asks for help, and I bet he will when everyone stops giving it.

    Sorry y’all are dealing with that. Hope he figures it out.

  8. I don’t know what I did wrong to end up in this situation.

    You've done absolutely nothing wrong…unless you're considering taking her back and excusing her infidelity. Then you're f'ing up royally, and you'll eventually get even worse when she does it to you again. Here's hoping you've already figured this out. There's no coming back from this.

  9. No, I didn’t refuse. I was just young, stupid and irresponsible. I’m trying to right a wrong to another human being. You’re making a lot of assumptions. Even if she is married, I think she’d appreciate receiving a long lost item that was precious to her once. Thanks for your input

  10. He didn't tell me before I moved. That's the thing he held it in until months after the fact I moved. I just need hik to open up… but thank you for the advice

  11. It’s very hot. I’ve tried telling her to get help then I’m the “manipulative” one…

  12. Things will go wrong if you say Yes to this idea of his. Nothing will go wrong if you say No except that he may have a bruised ego because he is an idiot for even suggesting this in the first place.

  13. Thank you for the reply and advice. I will cut back on the drinking. I realize she is not overreacting and we are currently working through this.


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