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Hey, i, ‘m Elisa♥ Welcome to my room ^_^, 21 y.o.


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Hey, i, 'm Elisa♥ Welcome to my room ^_^ live sex chat

110 thoughts on “Hey, i, ‘m Elisa♥ Welcome to my room ^_^ the naked on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. How many times do you need to post here before you take the advise given to you and stop trying to make a shitty relationship with a shitty person work out? Please just let him go. There is no point in trying to salvage this.

  2. “Umm… babe. Why were the porn stars black? They should be white because I'm white”

    I'm all about communication, but some thoughts should stay in your head. He needs to reevaluate some things on his own before bringing any of his shit to her.

  3. Here is my input:

    1) that girl is not your friend and she does not value your friendship. If she did, she would see you are happy with your girlfriend and stop pursuing. Friends don't pursue the way this girl is and your girlfriend was right to block her. Secondly, if she doesn't care you are in a relationship and is still pursuing you, what makes you think she'd treat one with you any different? She clearly doesn't respect the title of a relationship

    2) You clearly care a lot about your girlfriend, but it's not fair that A) You unblocked this girl she made clear she wasn't comfortable with and B) you are considering breaking up with her over something like feeling desired. I've been in a 4 year long relationship and felt undesired. After talking it over with my partner, we found ways and tried things so I could feel that way again. For us, it was having him initiate sex more. I gave him a time frame (once a week) and said I would like you to initiate sex 1-2 times in that week, because it helps me feel wanted. But it could be 100 other things, like re-doing your first date.

    But I agree with what most people are saying. Don't break up with her for this girl.

  4. Are you kidding? I’ll marry her and I’m a straight woman. She just hasn’t met someone who is good enough for her and complements her life and personality. 31 isn’t old. I am awesome and didn’t get married until 38. ?

  5. At what point was the price relevant? I’m kinda on your brothers side. With the cost of living being extremely high and so many people struggling…maybe know your audience and shut the fuck up about dropping half the average salary to watch TV in another country

  6. u/Dazzling_Ant_6881, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  7. said that the problem is not the amount he ate,

    Well it actually is. He's not looking to see how much food is there, he's just pigging out on what he wants with no consideration to anyone else. His behaviour is selfish. He needs to realise he can eat the portions given to him, and seconds if there is enough without taking food away from others but he cant justil assume and pig in. If hes still hungry he can pick up extra on the way home.

    He has no consideration for you or anyone else. Does he do this around his family and friends?

  8. That's exactly what I'm worried about. I know it's not my responsibility to make her happy anymore but I'm kinda sad for her, if she really is spending this time alone. I really believe nobody should. You got a good point though.

  9. Well from an overall perspective, I think it is good that you no longer have a leech in the house. It was already bad that you had to be his full time servant. Now he can take care of himself.

  10. He is working on himself having just started therapy, so my initial instinct is to give him some time to prove that he's improving. You obviously love him, but love now doesn't necessarily mean you're compatible long-term. There has to be a line in the sand somewhere. If this pattern of behavior continues you should get out, and let him work on himself on his own.

    If you try to breakup, and he has another panic attack, don't let that change your mind. You have to be stronger than him. If he really loves you and can't online without you, he'll stop mistreating you.

    Love is naked. Good luck OP.

  11. Hello /u/throaway32423423421,

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  12. I think the problem lies in you trying to force her into changing. First off women tend to gain weight a lot more easily than men and it can be a lot harder to lose, in addition to that people gain weight for a multitude of reasons. And yes you can say you're worried about her health but unless you're in her doctor's office you have no idea if the weight gain is affecting her health negatively or a symptom of a problem. For all you know maybe new meds are causing her to gain, BC, stress, hormone changes, ect. Heck she may not even know.

    You have no idea unless she tells you and the real issue is you have not set up an environment where she'd be comfortable even sharing the reason with you when you're constantly mentioning her weight and passively aggressively trying to get her to work out when she's told you several times to not do that.

    Really think about if you love her regardless of her weight because if you don't it's time to end it because if you can't handle occasional aesthetic changes than this isn't going to work long term, she'll go through a lot of changes in the future as she ages and if you guys decide to have kids, she's not gonna be the 120lb 19yo forever. And you're gonna change too and I'm sure you'd want a partner who'd be able to love you through the changes.

    If you really love her and still find her attractive and this was not just a cohort way to admit you're not then focus on just being a good bf and gaining that trust back and making her feel safe and open to communicate with you. If there's an issue she wants help with then she'll let you know.

  13. I’m there right now, v likely this was an every night event, u shud have seen the red flag when he booked this trip

  14. Questioning why he is on dating apps if he isn't dating, and why she is finding hair from other women in their home isn't microanalyzing. They aren't even just “signs,” they are tangible proof that he's cheating.

  15. Not really in the Northeast. I don’t know anyone who was married before age 20 that wasn’t born before 1960.

    Like I know it happens, but statistically it’s the outlier here in terms of probability. Probably higher odds if OP is from Utah or Florida.

  16. She’s probably realised she’s asexual.

    Figure it out means are you willing to stay and be celibate too, or is she open to a poly relationship or whether to leave her.

    Seeing as you’re only 21 and only been dating for barely a year, I would just walk away. You two are not compatible.

  17. And to make it worse, they are bringing other people from the outside and telling them about her with only what they think they know. It’s just irritating

  18. 26 and in the same boat as this dude. Very far behind for my age. I'm scared as hell I'm going to pull the same mistakes.

  19. And he’s not flexible on this at all? Because this is objectively unreasonable. If he refuses to budge on this or renegotiate to a more reasonable division considering the possibility of children, that would be a red flag for me, TBH.

  20. he has this obsession with female purity and it makes him upset that he wasn’t my first time

    So… let me get this straight: He's upset over something you did -before- the two of you made any commitments to each other? The fucking audacity of this guy is astounding.

    Just to be 100% clear here – Your history is NO ONE else's business. Anyone who thinks less of you because of your past can kick rocks.

    And one last thing – any guy that obsesses about female purity is a misogynist pig. Avoid them at all costs.

  21. Then telling them and weathering the storm is your only option. I’d also consider if I’d really want Feminazis as friends. There is a fine line between being revolutionary and hateful.

  22. Yeah its easy for him to change his mind because its not him giving up his body, mental health and subsequent free time for the rest his life. Mens lives do not change the same way womens do in parenthood. Do not just have a child to appease him and make him stay. You will resent him, you might resent the child for the changes you go through, and you have to be realistic here youll probably be the one doing most of the childcare. If this was not in your life plan dont do it. Now if youre just on the fence you could always freeze your eggs and wait so that youre not at a total loss if you change your mind later in life. Regardless, im sorry this is happening OP and wouldnt wish this situation on my enemy it is very heartbreaking to realize you and your partner want different things suddenly.

  23. Contact the friend and ask her the nature of the relationship. Do it when your ‘wife’ is with you for a period of time so they can’t corroborate stories

  24. I’d ditch her. Shes making so many excuses and the “shut him up” thing is a braindead excuse that is inexplicable. She seems really sorry but I wouldn’t give her another chance tbh.

  25. Well, even if she wanted to, she can’t change the past. Plus, anything she did before you got together has nothing to do with you. So you either have to find a way to let it go or move on. Those are the only options. If you are into her, you gotta realize that everything that came before helped shape her into who she is, even hook ups.

    This all comes down to your own insecurities and you need to work on getting over them. Are you worried she will cheat? Are you worried because she’s more experienced than you? Anything I can think of that would make you worry are about YOU not her, which makes this a you problem.

  26. You want him to be decent? People dont magically change. You let him boss you around and ruin your credit… hes controlling about men SEEING YOU… hes so far from decent i cant fathom him even attempting to move that way. Im sad for your kids. If they are boys they are learning men get to control women. If they arw girls they are learning to be doormats. Honestly this is just bad.

  27. You really need to leave if you don't want to become a statistic. He's going to kill you. He started pretty early on in your relationship. You also need therapy because if this is what you accept for “love” you probably have some serious issues yourself. Keep yourself safe.

  28. once your sister is in a better place emotionally, remind her that its better she got out of a relationship with someone who would lie and say she was emotionally abusive to manipulate a girl he has known since she was a very young child to sleep with him.

  29. I’ll bet the price of an hour in the Skybox that this post, and ‘the wife’s POV’ post are both faker than a stripper’s … well … anything.

  30. The rates aren't all that similar and men also don't like female condoms anymore than they like typical condoms. Plus it doesn't fix the problem of “sharing the load”

  31. He's ashamed to what other people will say. By all means, loose the weight if it makes tou feel better and healthier, but you are worth more than that.

  32. Just yesterday I read a post from a 8 months pregnant woman who decided to stay with her cheating husband. In his personal diary, the husband wrote that he wants his wife dead so he could finally be happy. Have these women never seen news? I can't help but think about all those women who got murdered in that exact scenario.

  33. Why on earth did you ask her and then keep pushing if you were going to be upset with the answer? Do you know who my husband thinks about during sex? Me either! Because I would never ever ask that. If he wants to fantasize cool, if he’s not doing that also cool.

    If you are overall unhappy in this relationship then get a divorce but you need to sit down with her and tell her, calmly, why this upsets you and how it makes you feel and she needs to communicate what it is that fantasizing, in general, does for her during sex that makes it necessary.

    This isn’t the end of the world for your relationship if you don’t want it to be but you guys need to get real good about communicating for this to work and it has to come from both of you. If it’s just you opening up and she shuts you down or dismisses, belittles your feelings then it’s time to move along.

    Marriage counseling would be a great place to start.

  34. It sounds like he's got some childhood trauma type thing going on. You don't obsess over a casual acquaintance for 20 years while being emotionally distant with your wife of 20 years without some kinda intimacy problem going on.

    If you love him and want to repair this marriage, you need to go to therapy together.

    Otherwise, confront him and divorce him.

  35. The best way to get over someone is to get interested on someone else. Try meeting other girls. Get into activities that bring you into contact with other girls. You might want to also distance yourself temporarily from her. You can pick up your friendship again once you are over your crush.

  36. Not asking for advice, couldn't sleep and I like making post. Then reading the comments when I'm bored at work. Forgot to mention It was 3-4 months later she wanted to stop being friends.

  37. I think this is a bit mean implying she isn't mature enough. The fact she's thinking about it and her options and doesn't believe this is just going g to end as a fairy tale shows maturity for her age.

    On the advice side:

    Decide if you want to be a parent or not. Make the decision on the basis of being alone and doing it on your own. You need to decide if you are ready for parenthood alone first.

    If you decide you're not, don't tell him anything, currently none of his business. Your body your choice.

    If you decide you're going to have the baby then you need to tell him and see what happens.

  38. That's one of the most frustrating things I've read in a long time.

    As I told someone else a few days ago, stop being a doormat or you will continue to get walked all over.

    You've wasted WAY too much of your life on this guy.

  39. You’re making the assumption that he’s “feeling the recovery of the divorce” as if you know that’s what’s happening here.

    The only thing that can be stated as fact here is that she mentioned her wants and expectations of seeking marriage in the future and he stated his of wanting a prenup for a marriage.

    So the double standard here is you’ve deliberately only wrote him off in a negative light while she hasn’t when they are broaching the same topic that she initiated otherwise there would be no need for your initial statement or saying it’s “a sign to watch”

  40. Shoulda responded that her pussy was easily top two as well! Give her a warm smile and a rub on the arm while you guys bond over it.

    Seriously tho that’s such a fucked up thing to say. I feel like it’s a pretty general consensus that unless you’re placing them in the top spot, there’s no point in ranking people to their faces. She wants to have a list fine by me, but to say it to you is for no reason, she’s not trying to boost your ego or ask you to improve, she’s just being cruel.

  41. IMO, it's not worth having the discussion. They're probably not self-aware enough to acknowledge what they should've done better. I tried to sort of have this type of convo with my dad years ago, and it didn't help. It made our relationship more strained for a few years. If you have the convo and they react badly, how would you feel? Do you have a therapist? I wonder what a professional would say about this.

  42. It isn’t throwing 5 years down the trash.

    It’s moving on and using the last 5 years as a life and learning experience on who you were, who you’ve become, how you’ve grown, etc…

    It’s the reason it’s so important to date around and have a few serious relationships before it’s time to settle down.

    These “failed” relationships are part of who you are.

  43. When you are weak enough to worry about not being controlling then they will always see that a weakness. They imply it as they can do whatever and you will cower as soon as they say your are controlling. Time to grow a backbone. She isn’t going to stop now so get evidence and a pi. Then file for divorce

  44. OP, you've mistakingly hooked up with a psycho f*ckboy. It happens to the best of people so don't beat yourself up for it. Just block him everywhere and be more careful about who you're hanging out with in the future.

  45. Hey dude, I’m so sorry but I do you know that woman’s for the streets. Just a no contact with her there’s no reason to even talk to her you know everything that you need to know.

  46. Exactly, you know in your heart what you know, do it for your daughter. I Wish you luck, you deserve so much better

  47. You say “lying by omission” as if it’s just understood that you tell your partner every detail about your life leading up to the relationship. I don’t think that’s necessary, and I would bet I’m not the only one. You can trust someone and know them very well without knowing all of their past. Also, finances and affairs are current problems. Her sexual history is not a problem and it’s not something that would necessarily affect their relationship at all so imo it’s irrelevant whether she shares it or not

  48. Tip: Before you talk to husband, find & print out some research showing that vasectomies aren't 100% successful. That way, you can hand it to him immediately before his suspicions start snowballing.

  49. Honestly there’s nothing you can do other than offer a sympathetic ear.

    Chronic pain sucks. It’s why I’m awake at 4.30 in the morning responding on Reddit, waiting for the latest dose of painkillers to take the edge off so as I might get some sleep.

  50. You are pretty gross. Knowingly slept with a married woman and now trying to use extortion to attempt to force her to have your child because you have some fantasy that she will leave the husband for you. Or you are planning to try to use her as an incubator so you can have a child. What makes you think you’d get custody? By the time this all went through the courts for you to establish paternity she’d be well established as the primary parent. If you think because you have more money you would win you are wrong. Also the little problem that you will likely end up losing your job for being an unethical person.

  51. He's not an atheist apparently…My ex did this to me as soon as we had our first child (sort of).

    We weren't atheists but we were pretty agnostic. I am jewish but I didn't need her to convert. She, all of a sudden needed our children to have religion. I said 'Fine but it's going to be Judaism.' She agreed so no issue. she ended up converting and eventually judging me for not being jewish enough.

    Probably time to walk away.

  52. What kind of monster, shithead thinks of this sort of thing? You’re shithead boyfriend, apparently. I don’t care how “empathetic and warm” he’s being right now. What a fucken maniac.

  53. I am going to go to therapy next week, but I need to understand if I am an abuser of a victim of his gaslighting. It never happened that I became abusive out of a sudden. I am not trying to justify myself, but my boyfriend always does the things that make me anxious (threatens me with cheating / breakup / eviction etc), and I explode. And the biggest problem is that he does it on purpose (he knows in advance it makes me upset). Is my explosion considered as abuse?

  54. Don’t be silly and wrap up your Willy. If you don’t want a kid, use protection. Don’t leave 100% of the protection in someone else’s hands. Plus have you both had STI screenings? Has she been taking her BC a prescribed? Even on BC shit can happen.

  55. I don’t get this. I’m working towards early retirement too and op can retire yesterday. Plus he should have it all on index funds and a variety of banks.

  56. I feel sorry for your husband, he deserves so much better. You are a horrible person on the other hand.

  57. Self defense all the way. Just because you didn’t receive an Injury doesn’t mean you were unjustified. If someone is chasing you with a knife you can shoot them.

  58. Everyonelexpresses and receives love differently. While you may show love through physical affection and words of affirmation, your boyfriend may have a different love language. It's possible that he may be showing his love in ways that you are not recognizing or valuing.

    It may be worthwhile for you to do some light googling on the topic of “love language” so you can learn how different people express their love for one another.

    However, it's also important to have open and honest communication with your partner about your needs and concerns. Express to him how you feel and what you need from the relationship. It's possible that he may not be aware of the impact his actions (or lack thereof) are having on you.

    Ultimately, it's important to remember that a healthy relationship involves give and take from both partners. While it's important to show love and care to your partner, it's also important to receive it in return. If you feel like you're giving everything and not getting anything in return, it may be time to re-evaluate the relationship and whether it's meeting your needs. Blaming one person or the other may not be helpful in this situation. Rather, it's important to have open communication and work towards finding a balance that works for both of you

  59. You’re right.

    I have an idea of my values and morals, but I’m not entirely sure where I draw the line. I also think it’s realistic to say that people may only try these things a handful or times, or for a shot period of our lives, especially at this age.

    I suppose I will not interfere until things escalate or deescalate, then the decision will be more clear.

  60. Is your estrangement due to your gf? Abusers will try to separate you from your family and friends.

    Don't drink in your car, even parked in a parking lot. Don't sit in the car when you are drunk. You can get charged with a DUI even if you don't have the car turned on. What is the drinking age where you are?

    Get your car back. Report it stolen, if she won't return it. Get out of that relationship.

  61. She felt like she was confronting you with true evidence and got riled up. She needs to own up and apologize and work on her trust but I understand why she get a little upset.

  62. When a man actively checks out another woman in front of you and says, “she's out of my league”, the best response is, “that's funny, so am I” as you dump him.

    OP, never let anyone deliberately obfuscate and devalue your worth like this, it sets the tone for your entire relationship. You can do better than this clown.

  63. I can be jealous but your comfort comes ahead of ego in this situation. The friend did the right thing.

  64. Don’t be shocked if her plan isn’t just an affair but rather to move back home with the kids and leave YOU

  65. Nope, not normal, he's a terrible boyfriend. It sounds like he doesn't like you the way you are and is trying to shame you into being a version he likes better. Gross. Move on please.

  66. My friend in Rust would taunt roof campers. With a note and a pooky bear after wiping their inventory.

  67. I never called it grooming I think it’s gross that you can view somebody as a little brother for 15 years then develop sexual attraction to them

  68. It’s sad that you allow him to gaslight you. He’s having an emotional affair and you’re letting him because of your fear of losing him.

    Put your foot down. He stopped altogether playing with her, interacting with that are not work-related matters.

    If he wants to end your 7 years of relationship just for this woman he had meet, then he’s not in-love with you as you thought. Always, choose you and don’t let anyone take advantage of you.

  69. If he can't get over it, leave him. Whatever happened before him, it's not his business. By the way, you move in together after 5 months, and now you are engaged it is way too fast. Move on from him and heal yourself first before committing to something serious .

  70. Just tell your friend you are not interested but you could get together for Sunday dinner after he finishes up at church. I always ask friends if they want to go to church with me, and I respect their answer. It isn’t a big deal. I won’t get upset if they say no. I also let them know it is an open invitation if they change their mind. Then we talk about something else.

  71. I have tried slowing but that’s as of recently. I began by trying to just stop which was not effective. I started taking smaller doses just in the past 2 weeks. I think if I don’t improve in the next month then the doctor will be my next step

  72. How much is too much is the point at which one partner is so dissatisfied that they feel the need to ask strangers what to do. Many couples with vast differences in attitude and behavior can make their relationships work, but this takes being willing to not rely on your partner for all of your emotional inputs. So if this guy's got some highly motivated and effective friends it might not bother him so much that his romantic partner is more loosey goosey about structure and deadlines. If you've got friends with the “artistic temperament” who can bolster and support you in that mindset it might be okay that you go home to a person who likes order.

  73. If you reconcile now without any consequences for her, she will just cheat again and again. She will forever mistake your kindness for weakness and you will always have to be on guard wondering who she is sleeping with now. You would be better off just breaking up

  74. All of your points, considerations, and concerns are valid.

    As for volunteering, I do a lot of wildlife rescue, dog walking at the shelter, and meals on wheels. There are so many opportunities in most communities to volunteer.

    And with hobbies, meetup and other apps like that are great for finding groups. There are board game groups, wine tasting, art classes, running groups, kayak clubs, hiking or rock climbing, art history…the list goes on. Most are free or low cost too.

    Not sure if it’s relevant to you at all but anecdotally, before my partner and I lived together, we usually only saw each other twice a week. One weekend night and one weekday. I was the one driving to him and it was only 30 min. But the thing was that I was busy. He was busy. That’s what worked for us for several years.

    Good luck!

  75. His reaction is not warranted, whether you said it sincerely or as a joke. Weaponizing the car trip to the water park against the kids by turning around, and his “Mommy is being stupid” comment are not acceptable in any healthy relationship.

  76. Unless there is something else that you noticed, I don't think that's weird at all, especially if there is only one room with a TV.

  77. Get revenge on him by using all the schemes he came up for the other guys. But seriously, he’s an idiot and you dodged a bullet.

  78. Traditions rooted in prejudice need not be kept. Traditional marriage was a man purchasing a woman (or girl) from her father. Wives were the legal property of their husbands. They had no rights, no freedom to leave, etc. Husbands could rape their wives without legal repercussion. Women needed permission from their husbands to get a credit card in the 70s! The husband wanting to preserve “traditional” marriage is a problem in and of itself.

  79. Kick her out already.

    She will never love herself if she continues to be a leech. Self-value isn’t given, it’s earned.

    Support isn’t supposed to be a one way street. When has she ever helped anybody, supported you or her siblings.

    Break this circle of despair. You have done enough. Online your life for yourself from now on.

  80. Damn dude your hopefully soon to be ex is just a trash person. Please have some self respect and drop her ass, it seems naked now because she's your first but things will be so much better in the future.


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