Kitty & Leo the hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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Kitty & Leo, 19 y.o.


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26 thoughts on “Kitty & Leo the hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. No, get all the money you’re entitled to, don’t screw up your kids’ future. They don’t deserve to be in student debt or have to share a room just because their dad wants to pretend he’s a toddler.

  2. seems understandable but should've maybe brought it up sooner. that convo will always be awkward unless you're filthy rich or celebrities and it's expected.

    i'm sure she'd understand property inherited from your parents. but it might put 5% doubt in her mind how committed to her you are.

    you planning to have children? will you only put your child on as an heir to the property in that scenario or at that point would you add her as well?

    maybe sort out what your life looks like with her a little better before bringing it up.

    i'm assuming she has no assets of value or nothing in comparison to what you have.

    i think you are completely within reason to ask for a prenup in that situation. but as you know “reason” is not always deciding factor when talking bout marriage lol especially a woman in wedding planning mode.

    if it's a deal breaker for either of you, then i guess it's time to move on and next relationship make sure to get that confirmed if think it might get serious.

  3. So up front I’m in a sixteen year long and counting relationship where I love you was said two weeks in. But we’d been in the same friends group for years. Even then my response was ‘let’s put that back in the box for awhile’. That lasted all of another month. But with older and wiser eyes I’d tell them that while you like them (if true) you panicked and said it back when you didn’t mean it. Let them know that you’re not ready for that level of commitment and then either back away entirely or slowly date. It can be a really bad sign when people start the I love yous too soon.

  4. On top of that she wants to try for a kid. Which there is no intimacy, ONLY if she wants it. So I feel obligated to do it. Personally, I don’t want to even do anything if I feel like it’s not genuine.

  5. Your title isn't really accurate, because the sex work isn't an issue. It shouldn't be, anyway.

    But cheating on you during your relationship, if you were supposed to be exclusive at that point, is bad. Worse is that apparently your friends knew and kept it secret together. That's just not right.

  6. What started the rut? Was it anything specific?

    How often do you speak with him openly about all of this? It sounds like he doesn’t know you’re thinking this way at all.

    Why does physical touch overwhelm you? The communication between you two seems very lacking, the drinking problem and financial problems are very serious deals. If you guys haven’t set specific goals financially that’s a big deal as well.

    Go into detail on how he is immature if you could OP?

    I agree with the comment that says love is not enough for a long term commitment.

  7. Leave. This. Man. Alone.

    Trust me. Listen. I represent people charged with crimes against their partners. This is every red flag in the book, and you’re setting yourself up to go to jail for stalking. His willingness to call the police and throw you under the bus like that is incredibly dangerous, and you need to get as far away from this dude and his gas station as you can.

  8. we don’t really know each other well either, she’s not in any of my classes or free periods, she always says she wants to hang out but she’s not sure if she can, and then she always follows up and says she can’t.

  9. I think yeah that’s a big part of what I struggle with. Wondering what the next thing truth come out to be. And the thing is I never asked him if he watched porn or said it made me uncomfortable he came forward with lies for no reason. There’s other things he says too without me prompting like “I never watch specific people or search for any specific person they’re alway random” and “I never get off to people I can have communication with.” Him saying those things when I didn’t ask makes me suspicious now because of the broken trust

  10. She is completely controlling and toxic if she doesn't get her way. She doesn't care about you, she cares about you fulfilling her perceived role for you.

  11. The simple fact you find it discomforting should be enough for him to lock that shit down and stop it.

    I’m naturally flirty and don’t know I’m doing it, but it seems like it’s super obvious in his case, I can see how he’d think it’s harmless (my SO and I think flirting is harmless), but I can also see how it would make you uncomfortable.

    It’s a tough one, but you need to re-affirm your boundaries; if he thinks it’s unreasonable and that you’re just being insecure, he knows where the door is.

  12. Holy crap whose cutting onions in here?

    OP this is so sweet. You and your husband are clearly in love! I agree with some of the above statements- ask him what HE wants. Maybe he wants to start collecting something, maybe he'd really love a cuddly toy/plushies now and again. Maybe he'd want quality time. Love notes are also a super good idea! Hide them in random places too so he finds them randomly 🙂

    My friend once made me a joke jar. She wrote a load of silly jokes on tiny bits of paper, filled the jar, and when I need a laugh I pick one out. They're all bad dad jokes too!

  13. You are being abused. She hit you and when you try to tell her that's not ok, she steals your car?

    This will not get better. She has no interest in improving herself, and that's why she's dating an 18 year old who won't know they shouldn't put up with this shit.

    Break it off, or you have many, very unhappy years ahead of you.

  14. Several things have you ever had this heart to heart with him?

    Secondly…the red flag of moving fast with someone who has been married several times shouldn't have been ignored.

    Third…he has been married 3 times before you. Had you bother to ask why those marriages ended and how long he waited between relationships. He sounds like he maybe polyamorous and doesn't know it. Many people I know who are poly end up cheating and it has nothing to do with sex. They are addicted to NRE.

  15. Or one from today where the bf leaves piss all over the toilet and literal shit on the toilet SEAT

  16. And just personally – I had lots of sex, and it was fun, and had lots of unique experiences, but at the end of the day, it was just sex, and I can barely remember one orgasm from the next. It made me happy for a few minutes after, sometimes I went to sleep quicker, and it burned off more calories.

    What made sex special to me was the person I was with. Getting to cuddle them afterwards or fall asleep intwined with them. Getting to watch tv after sleepily, or order pizza in bed. Each longterm partner I've been with, I have hundreds of amazing memories I can play over and over again, and sex memories are not at the top. If I was currently given the choice of stay with one partner forever and never have had or continue to have sex, or stay alone, I would pick the first. So maybe I'm biased.

    There is always the chance you find someone else and stay with them forever, having sex until you die. It's possible, and if you choose that path, I wish that for you. But just be warned, throwing away something great for the possibility of something amazing is a gamble. Ultimately, choice is yours.

  17. He needs to see a Doctor. Persistent ED in someone formerly able to have intercourse is usually a circulatory issue. Sometimes life style stuff helps, like losing weight. Medication definitely helps.

    Urologist are almost all men. They deal with ED patients all day. Many of the Doctors have had ED themselves, either regularly or the occasional bad night. They will be sympathetic and will want to help your husband.

    Don’t tie your attractiveness to your husband’s ED. It’s usually not about arousal. The heart can’t get enough blood to the penis for an erection. Medication increases blood flow. If it was about arousal, medication would be hormones – and it’s not.

    Treatments can help a lot.


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