Jennifer the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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Jennifer, 24 y.o.


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26 thoughts on “Jennifer the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. This feels like a test, like if you allow him to dictate that you get rid of a pet then he has control over the relationship. Like he wants some equal share in everything, even to getting hs own cat.

    This also really unfair to both the cats as well.

    I wouldn't even consider this as an option, it would be a dealbreaker.

  2. What does it matter if you’re willing to go the other way, it’s her boundary that she isn’t willing to cross.

    I agree, you will have to let go of your fantasy if you stay with your girlfriend of 6 years. I would recommend forgetting it and never bringing it up again.

    Or you can break up with you girlfriend with the hopes that one day you’ll have a threesome.

    Under no circumstances should you continue harass your girlfriend about this.

  3. It's very suspicious that he invited you but then changed his mind and is now making excuses for you not to go. You need to sit down with him and have a serious conversation about what is really going on.

  4. Listen to your husband and block them. Angel made you promise not to let her family anywhere near Rose. Keep your word.

  5. You’re going to find a guy who wouldn’t dream of making any jokes like this, not even one. And one who doesn’t have a circle jerk or at a friend group. They exist.

    Break up with him and say that he and his friends bigoted jokes suck, they were never funny, and he’s really boring.

  6. 2 months and nothing sexual? Come on man, no wonder she found someone who desires her enough to want to fuck her.

    Women like sex, don't hide your motives

  7. Hey OP- did you get medically checked out? Sometimes a blow like that to the head can be very dangerous hours after the incident. Please be sure to go to an ER/doctor asap.

    Even if it was just the alcohol I would never be able to trust her again. Move on and date someone trustworthy.

  8. He tried to give me different options, but I refused everyone of them. I guess he also was overwhelmed with the situation

  9. very toxic relationship that you are describing here.

    doesn't make any sense to me personally. seems more trouble than it's worth. why date someone who you don't trust, doesn't trust you, you have to do all this phone bullshit (personally my phone and my wife's phone are just our own property. snooping = no trust).

    plus he's trying to have sex with escorts. which generally for a committed monogamous relationship I would say is “no bueno”.

  10. Given that then I'd say this is a wake up call that there's actually possibly no room for genuine romantic relationship here. At least you both weren't on the same page.

    She's not wrong for sleeping with other people if you're not exclusive but that doesn't mean you're not allowed to feel upset by it.

    It might be best if you tell her you no longer want a relationship and if she asks why you can either be truthful in that you realized she was sleeping with other people and that turned you off. Or if you want to avoid stepping on her toes in that way because really probably should. Just say you realized the distance was too much.

  11. Healthy relationship between 2 equal partners:

    If one partner isn’t in the mood, the other says, “okay.”

    That’s it, end of story-no guilt, no argument, no problem.

    Also, healthy- “Here, I’ll cook tonight.” “We can do the dishes together.” “Why don’t you go relax in the bathtub, I’ll put the kids to bed. Every night.

    You have growing into adulthood, and realizing that you would like a partnership.

    Unfortunately, to him, you are NOT a partner- you’re the maid and nanny he likes to f. Stop letting him use you!

    And he ridicules you, as well! You will be shocked at how much more peaceful and content your life is when he is no longer in it.

  12. … inducing the delivery… for a wedding… yeah what the fuck.

    Like, what in the actual fuck.


    Labor induction carries various risks, including:

    Failed induction. An induction might be considered failed if the methods used don't result in a vaginal delivery after 24 or more hours. In such cases, a C-section might be necessary.

    Low fetal heart rate. The medications used to induce labor — oxytocin or a prostaglandin — might cause the uterus to contract too much, which can lessen the baby's oxygen supply and lower the baby's heart rate. Infection. Some methods of labor induction, such as rupturing the membranes, might increase the risk of infection for both mother and baby. The longer the time between membrane rupture and labor, the higher the risk of an infection.

    Uterine rupture. This is a rare but serious complication in which the uterus tears along the scar line from a prior C-section or major uterine surgery. Rarely, uterine rupture can also occur in women who have not had previous uterine surgery. An emergency C-section is needed to prevent life-threatening complications. The uterus might need to be removed.

    Bleeding after delivery. Labor induction increases the risk that the uterine muscles won't properly contract after giving birth, which can lead to serious bleeding after delivery.”

    If the father of my baby says that I'm keeping a record and showing it to a court. It's a FUCKING WEDDING? And you're suggesting a procedure that heightens risks for both mother and child? For the funsies of going to a wedding?

    Change the fucking date if it's that important, jesus.

    Yep, I'd not only divorce over that comment but I'd present that to court to get higher custody. ?

    Like, if you're willing to add more risk to something which once again, ends up in AN EMERGENCY OPERATION 1/5 OF THE TIME, for a party, yeah, not fit to parent, what the hell.

  13. I just always wanted to pick at the mind of a troll and get answers because I genuinely can't understand why they would write these kinds of stories. I don't mind funny and lighthearted trolls, I actually think they tend to be a breathe of fresh air when they catch you off guard with something witty.

    I believe you're on to something. They must have a very sad existence indeed, yet I can't find it in myself to feel bad for them.

    I've said it before, many times, they could invest their time in creative writing on other subs and platforms, they could gain honest support and even get paid for it.

  14. Living together first is definitely a pretty important first step. Some people are great in a relationship but clash too much when living together.


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