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45 thoughts on “Naomhy live sex cams for YOU!

  1. Oh dont worry about it ive been a little not nice to some comments in this post ?butt anyways Thanks and get some rest

  2. Um no. I’m not saying that’s the only reason people cry. Nor am I saying I don’t cry, but clearly this isn’t a one off or even two off thing. If you’re not emotionally stable enough to have an adult conversation about where you went wrong without automatically bawling your eyes and crying then yes that is a issue and maybe at that point it might be unconsciously manipulative because you know once the water works come out the conversation is pretty much over. I’d expect this from a younger person maybe teens or early twenties, but as a grown almost 40 year old woman yes that is something that should’ve been learned. Even OP herself says thats a problem she has which she even addresses, but continues to do. It’s a habit at this point and she’ll really have to try if she wants to break it, but to me it doesn’t sound like she’s trying to stop just hiding and leaving while she cries which is almost worse.

  3. Yeah the way OP talks about this is revealing imo and while the SO is out of line for name calling, I feel like that could have been a moment of frustration.

  4. Are you furious at him, or at yourself for doing something you didn't really want to do and then having this happen?

    Honestly, blowing your top at him probably isn't going to change what he does. It might make you feel better though. Just don't expect it to go as you are planning and have a plan B for when you don't feel the relief you are searching for.

    And you're right. The changes you have made over the years are not his to destroy. Sex and relationships and friendships are very complicated things when you mix them.

  5. The simplest reason is usually the right reason: Your family is full of assholes. That's why everyone hates each other and they are treated poorly.

  6. I definitely need to look into this specific controversy more, unfortunately it seems poorly documented. I’m not entirely certain why it was brought up in this context though as I’m referring pretty exclusively to modern research!

  7. If you believe he is unfaithful, call it quits now. Relationships don't get easier, they only get more complicated.

  8. That is what breaks do. And, most of the time, they finish breaking up the whole relationship.

    Just read through this reddit.

  9. Won't have sex with you, doesn't even sleep in the same bed as you.

    How often do you guys share intimate moments, and I don't mean sex. I mean holding hands, curling up together to watch tv?

  10. HAHAHAHAHAHA but he’s never done anything conniving or manipulative? And other guys prey on young women but not your boyfriend?

    Girl. No.

  11. If he is telling you he loves you this early without an actual connection, run. Run fast and run far. This is a million red flags I wish I’d had seen 20 years ago but I didn’t have the sense. Do not waste one more moment of your life on him and do not let him make you feel like you need him and cannot do better. I would just tell him that while you enjoyed getting to know him, unfortunately you aren’t compatible and that you wish him well. And then block.

  12. awkwafina is total crap though because she lies about being raised in Black culture but that's not true at all.

  13. Like I said, plenty of people won't give it a second glance. But because blackfishing is a thing, there will be some people that will have questions.

  14. Oh no. No no no. Don’t fall for this trap. Tell him NO ABSOLUTELY NOT. He either lets it go or you go separate ways. He is asking for wayyyyyy too goddamn much the audacity of this dude.

  15. No why would I have endless cleaning? Why are you so nasty?

    You’re husband is probably as horrible as you so I’m glad you found each other.

  16. I just have to interject as someone with a vagina and say that daily masturbation does not mean a normal sex drive. I struggle with low libido but masturbate regularly as a stress reliever and self soothing method. Also, not defending OPs wife here, but it seems like she’s more interested in OP and his friend together than her directly touching herself to him.

  17. It comes up as a typo on my keyboard but yes, I just had to though. I never ever, until now, have corrected typos on Reddit, so I thought I’d give it a try here just cause it really stood out to me.

  18. A child will cost way more than an abortion.

    I say this as someone who's currently pregnant myself: you are doing everyone a favor by ending this pregnancy.

    You need to get away from this man and a child will legally bind you to him for the next two decades. Also, if he's abusing you and other women, imagine what would happen if the child is a girl. Imagine how this man would treat a newborn or a toddler.

  19. To echo others. DO NOT GO BACK TO YOUR HOME COUNTRY. Nothing good can come of it. And quite honestly, I understand your husband. Id probably do the same thing too.

  20. she’s my first everything. i know i’m an idiot i just can’t lose her. i also suffer from ROCD ?

  21. I’d make a plan to move out when the lease ends or have her move out.

    Her conditions may be a reason but they’re not an excuse. I know first hand that ADHD can make it hard to do basic tasks. It’s overwhelming to think about all you need to do and get started. But with medication and therapy, you can learn techniques to manage it. If she’s just going to use things as an excuse and not make any real effort to improve the situation then it’s just not going to be a liveable situation for you in the long term and you need an exit strategy.

  22. Totally agree.

    You gotta create space, girl! Every day you guys continue like this is a nail in the coffin.

  23. If you’re going to make a medical claim, you should be able to provide a source. They aren’t asking someone to teach them calculus. If I say “Chocolate causes brain damage”, I’d better be prepared to indicate where that claim came from.

  24. She gets abused so you suggest she gives her kid away. How gracious of you. The baby is actually her fourth child .

  25. Holy shit.

    If you have a free hour, go and search the topic “why doesn't she just leave” to help you understand why victims of abuse are not volunteers.

  26. Aside from the conventional thing about you haven't known him very long, what are you afraid of?


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