Chloe on-line sex chats for YOU!

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32 thoughts on “Chloe on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Damn, never thought of it that way. This helps me to see that wearing it is also a slap in the face to society for oppressing women. It’s a power statement. ❤️

  2. No. For 14 years never talked about it, no issues with drinking. This last year she was really complaining about it because I would go like 4 days in a row having 2 -3 drinks (beers or malt beverage) a night. And then I wouldn’t for 1 or 2 nights and was off and on like that for about a year. I felt it wasn’t a problem and hid it because I didn’t want to be controlled. Would’ve reacted that way with anything. She told we would be over if she lied about it. Well, that’s when it all stated this. There was some issues with us in the past. About 10 years ago we separated for brief time, I technically cheated just before we split. We got back to gather. There was some trust issues then.

  3. You sound very reasonable! I don’t know if I have a solution to this, but your approach is very level-headed.

  4. I understand feeling a bit anxious, but there’s absolutely nothing wrong with him grabbing lunch with her in a public place.

  5. I think is your stepdaughter’s mom was no contact with her family then it was probably for a very good reason. Regardless of her passing away, you should probably continue to respect that and continue the no contact.

  6. This is how my former husband acted before he left me for another woman. If I opened the window, he wanted it closed. If I turned on the light, he wanted it off. Nothing I did pleased him. He had just completely stopped loving or liking me and my every action annoyed him.

    Happier than ever without the constant criticism!

  7. You're comforting to her. I had an ex that did that. We were LDR, and I'd just tali until she dozed off.

    It's just that you're a safe place for them, it's not a bad thing

  8. Because she expects to have her cake and eat it, too. Go travel while she's at the Bachelorette party. Fuck what she thinks. If she really can't handle that, then that sounds more like a HER problem and not a YOU problem.

  9. What? What the hell would this accomplish? He's NOT YOUR BF anymore! He broke up with you because of YOU, not her. YOU. YOU, YOU, YOU.

  10. He's speedrunnng an abusive relationship. And being rather ham-fisted about it. Either he's consistently picked very timid targets and gotten results with this sophomoric crap, or he's new at it.

    But OP, it doesn't get more clear that's where this is the going.

  11. Already booked her in for an std test. Appreciate the advice! I’m unsure whether to tell her upfront as you suggest, or use it as a test as the other comment suggests

  12. You took the words right out of my mouth. This woman is an abusive piece of shit and the insidious part of it all is that OP notices it bothers him but doesn’t even see it. Her constant negging and emasculating is her way of kicking OP down and keeping him under her thumb. Why he is even putting up with this is a mystery. One of these days she will pick the wrong woman to fight with who is going to knock the crap out of her, or their crazy psycho boyfriend with a knife is going to get involved. This toxic bitch is not safe. Get rid of her, you are better off alone than with this creature.

  13. Dont black mail or assault. Your angry now. Anger passes.

    Tell the wife. He prob got divorce coming after that. Im sure that will hurt him.

    Kick your girl out. Or you leave. Either or.

    If u got some cash lying around and can easily get a job, bail.

    Like pack a bag, fly somewhere cheap where u can spend a few weeks away from all of it. Its worth it.

  14. This is totally unreasonable!

    1 K is very expensive already, when one makes “only” 4 K a month.

    Watch that point closely.

    The way you go through this or don't will likely be a precursory sign of your future.

  15. I tell them that I’m out with friends or at work.

    This is his first house, he lived in an apartment alone before (renting).

  16. Would you be able to fly your parents out to accompany and help you? That way you're not alone while packing up and shipping your stuff. And you'll have to do something about the lease anyway because otherwise whatever damage he does to the appartment will be under your name.

  17. You don't set boundaries for others, that's controlling. You set boundaries for yourself. So if your boundary is that she can't talk to your uncle she can accept that or not. It's up to you to decide what you will do if she doesn't. If that's truly your boundary and she doesn't accept then you can't continue your relationship. Or you accept that she talks to him and trust her not to do anything stupid.

  18. If he's bold enough to do this with a neighbour, I am sure it's not the first time. Especially because your kids play together. She would have had to get your number from someone to block it (kids?).

    I would wonder of he's done this before with a co-worker or someone else you know. Think back. Open your eyes & pay attention to his behaviour.

    There is no reason for them to have each other's phone number. They are both lying. If she's married, she may not want her husband to find out.

    He's cheating or he's looking to cheat. Either way…I would rethink my marriage if I was you. Sorry. You don't deserve this. Once trust is broken it's very hot to get back.

  19. You leave him and never contact him again. Remove yourself completely from his life, change your number, if possible your email address, remove your social media or make everything private. Don't contact his family again.

    I would also get a restraining order against him and press charges. Make him pay for his behavior and what he did to you. Maybe jail time will sober him up.

    You deserve so, so much better and I'm so sorry. Don't let yourself be manipulated by him or his family. This is completely on him and he chose to do this to you. Don't feel sorry for him.

  20. Bruh you disagree of fundamental morality this won't be healthy , cutting him off is the healthy thing to do or it will take a toll on you

  21. On average the basic cost of raising just one child in the US is around $20k. This can go up and down depending on the state you live! in.

    If you dont think you are financially capable to put an extra 20k into raising a child, do not have a child. You might think you can't really plan for a child but if you already don't believe you can financially handle one, you can't financially handle one.

    Of course it is your body and your choice ultimately. But I think you need to do some more critical thinking and really look at your current situation and see if you can actually raise a child where you're at in life right now.

  22. Some girls are just like that. Just tell her the date starts 40 minutes earlier then it does and then she'll be on time

  23. Tell her to go stay with Tom. She didn't give you any thought or care when she was cheating on you so she's not your problem. She has no respect for you, she cheated on you & lied about it constantly. She's a tough cookie & she'll survive, cheaters & liars always do.

  24. One of my go to thought experiments is asking myself if my best friend were in this same situation what would I be saying to her?

    I bet you wouldn't tell your friend to tolerate behavior like this and neither should you.

  25. I had this happen to me before, my ex contacted me a year later after having a bad breakup and he genuinely expressed his feelings and it was obvious he (and both of us actually) grew out of it and had the chance to reflect on things objectively. I appreciated it to be honest. It’s a pleasant feeling to end things on good terms.

    If you feel like you have things to say I relate to it so much. I was ghosted once by an ex flirt and I remember how not getting closure and not being listened felt. Although he was just a flirt it was so very hot for me and I tried every way to get a single response back to have a closure. I was overthinking so much and I was literally talking to myself while I was texting him and doing stupid things like accidentally slipping his “nickname” out on my texts or sending voice memos just to get his attention for a tiny bit of closure. When I think about it now I feel like ughhh it was so childish but on the other hand I needed to do it to get it out of my system. And I know and understand how the communication you feel that lacked feels like. Go for it and text them how you feel?


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