Kendall-collins live! sex chats for YOU!

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9 thoughts on “Kendall-collins live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Everybody is saying that your career should be more important than your relationship at the moment. But maybe it doesn’t have to be one or the other? Maybe he can move with you?

  2. You’ve only seen your friends twice since you got in this relationship? That’s not normal or fair, nor is it fair that you are working 2 jobs while she does nothing. Both of you should be working, contributing to your household and doing things with other people. I think you feeling envious is completely understandable. A partner should complement your life and make you happy, not suck you dry financially and emotionally. Is she depressed or just addicted to the video games? I would suggest setting a timeline for her to have a job and pay bills or move out—you could find a roommate with a job to split costs if she doesn’t follow through. And start doing things on your own to make you happy. Try to spend more with your friends again. Stop investing everything into her and the relationship and allow yourself to invest in YOU as an individual as well.

  3. I have been the guy in this exact scenario. Except I didn’t get violent. I just begged for my ex back and had to go no contact because our relationship really was just toxic in the end. I would say that first loves are one of a kind and it’s gonna take a while for you to get over him. You just gotta give it time and eventually you’ll meet someone else that gives you that same feeling. I’ve been married over a decade now and got 2 kids. The first love stung real naked, but I found something better in the end.

  4. It means it is not a priority of his and that his finances are there and the gf wants to and that he doesn't find a hobby or whatever taking all of his time, he may have a child. Regardless of whether he ends up having children or not, his answer does not bode well for a future involved father.

    I would walk.

  5. Hi, hope youre going well all considering

    Im a little confused by your title because you say “uncomfortably” and then at the end “we're comfortable with the arrangements”

    You sound like youre doing an awesome job and im sure you yourself have been dealt so much stress. It is okay for you to have boundaries, the example of and reinforcement of your boundaries will be a healthy example for her to understand and regain trust and confidence

    Remind her “no one will hurt you. You can lock yourself up in here and get cozy and i will be right in the next room. You need sleep, and if I move I dont want to startle you. You need undisturbed peace”


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