Kiara-Stevens on-line sex cams for YOU!

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14 thoughts on “Kiara-Stevens on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. “You are a grown adult with grown children. Time to act your age and face the uncomfortable instead of running from it.”

  2. Are you trolling? Did I get baited? If this is real the friend is trying to end the relationship so he can get with you when the dust settles. It's so transparent it's funny at this point.

  3. My boyfriend can be similar and I really hate it. I hate the banging, the sulking, the tone of his voice (he talks to himself when he's really annoying sometimes). It's been tough for me to learn that where I will let things roll right off me and move on, he'll get angry and frustrated and need to feel his feelings. And his anger is usually pretty justified – like your boyfriend's. He's allowed to be angry and frustrated, and as long as he's not being abusive, you really just have to find it in you to just be okay with it. He'll get over it, he'll move on, and it will be alright.

    Assuming, of course, that he's not an angry, abusive person who is putting you in any danger or scaring you on purpose.

  4. Agreed. He's not being oblivious as if that's a personality trait. He's being emotionally lazy and playing dumb to get laid. He's making a choice to be ignorant.

  5. What if she likes it abroad and never comes back? Are you going to wait years? You're young, let her go and move on with your life. If she comes back and you both are still interested, rekindle the relationship.

  6. Agreed 100%. It's common courtesy to at least tell your friend after so he doesn't hear from someone else

  7. Can you explain precisely why it's not okay to shower with guys, but with girls?

    Not just any guys or girls, but of course very close friends.

    Locker rooms are a different topic

  8. NTA you absolutely get half of the business you built together! Go speak to your own lawyer before he changes everything around on you.

  9. That's a bald-faced lie and I can't believe how many people here are believing it. She told you that in the middle of a tirade of insults? And she's the type of person who will say anything to upset you? I smell bullshit.

  10. Pluck up the courage and just rip the band aid off, dude. It's not like trying to drag this out is going to make the situation any better.


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