Erika-gomez online sex chats for YOU!

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9 thoughts on “Erika-gomez online sex chats for YOU!

  1. Dripping, sure, but that's not what happened. You didn't get a meaningful quantity (the bit under the nails or what sips trough the PJs doesn't count) of it in you, so my guess is you're still safe.

  2. Im hesistant to tell because Im not sure what consequences there will be if they know I was the one who told. And on the other hand, I feel for the other person being cheated on and want to tell them. also a part of me wants to tell for revenge. I’m going back and forth on this lol. Thanks for the input, Ill continue to think

  3. You were on a Break, they are well within their right to do what they wish with whom they wish, Period. ??‍♀️

  4. There is nothing you can do to get him back. He is clearly done with your inability to control your jealousy and anger issues.

    Get some therapy and don't date anyone else until you resolve your mental health issues.

  5. Oh, I know I deserve the whole thing! lol It's not that I think I don't deserve it though, more so that I don't wish to risk losing what I have now. Regardless of what I mean to him, he means a great deal to me. And I don't want to jeopardize that if I'm not confident that he feels the same way back.

    I hear that a lot- that the notion of somebody being “out of your league” is a falsehood. I guess I just don't subscribe to that school of thought. Like attracts like. And though that's not with 100% certainly, it is more likely than not. He's got a successful career, his work is known all over the world, he travels all over the world doing art show and exhibitions, he's good looking, he's fit/takes care of himself… I couldn't be more different. I'm fat (literally, I am 300+ pounds), ugly- I am a woman with a full-grown beard and mustache; I shave every morning but still have permanent 5 o'clock shadow because the hair is so dark. I don't have my life together… at all. I am emotionally immature and unstable. I have no career. Just a lowly job where I feel miserable, unhappy, unappreciated, and I'm giving serious thoughts to leaving. I can barely afford to even pay rent, I have no savings of any kind. I am not the kind of person any man of sane mind would be proud to have on his arm, or flashing around town. I quite literally have nothing to offer.

    He is absolutely, 100%, without question, out of my league, lol I really doo appreciate your kindness on that though. Perhaps I do sell myself short in some ways, but I am a realist. People have standards and I fall far short of what any rational-minded person would or should accept for themselves.

    As for the comment about how older men feel they are perceived… I find it interesting you mentioned that, and think I will look into it more, thank you for bringing it up. I have a great interest in all things psychology, especially what drives us, and how we view ourselves, and would like to know more about this. I know that for myself, sex doesn't matter so much. I'm more interested in a person's (his) mind, and heart. Men, however, are less driven emotionally and more sexually, physically. And I simply don't have that physical attractiveness to offer.

  6. Yeah I'd be fine with it. Early on dating, my gf moved into a house with like 3 guys and 1 girl in it. Totally fine with it because I'm not insecure and trust my gf. It's crazy they didn't just have crazy orgies all time cause apparently cheating is the only place having friends goes.

  7. That's almost exactly the kind of ring I want too ? My bf and I have discussed no diamonds, there's so many other stones that I like better and fit me/my style that it would just be a waste for my partner to spend an insane amount of money on a diamond ring. I'd much rather that money go towards our future in any other way whether it be a house, honeymoon, savings, etc.

  8. Because she doesn’t want to feel bad when you lose weight and she doesn’t. Or lose you when your looks improve. Probably she wants to lose weight, but doesn’t want to do the necessary work.

  9. When you say a tiny dress and hardly anything else what do you mean? Is it cold where you are and she should have been wearing a jacket or something?

    Surely as she’s wearing a dress and she like how she looks in it then it’s all good yes?

    Now if you are meaning that the only piece of clothing she was wearing was the dress, so she was going commando, sans underwear, then you still don’t get any say in what she wears, but in that instance you do get to say that as she is dressing to attract other people she is no longer interested in the relationship with you, and that she is not welcome to return.


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