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28 thoughts on “MiaRoosse on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Something smells rotten with that whole situation and you just gotta stick to your guns and take the friend. Because she’s gotta be testing you to see if one you’re gonna try something with the sister, or the sisters going to monitor your behavior especially around other women and either way it just doesn’t feel like it’s worth the headache.

  2. It cannot be worked out. The betrayal of your private personhood had been wrecked.

    Demand his user password and access to his photo cloud or his PC files – he is doing this to a lot of women.

    Warn his sisters and cousins. He is a creep, in the most cowardly sense.

  3. I'm only saying that it doesn't hurt to take stock of the whole situation. Is he being controlling or is he acting out of frustration? I never condoned what he did.

  4. Please remember that love is a decision. If you want to remain in a relationship you have to decide to love daily. And then build on that. Don't believe Hollywood. They have love all wrong.

  5. If that's the case then the writing is on the wall. That's not a safe environment.

    I would suggest counseling but if there is a stonewall reaction then it's an abort mission. This is heartbreaking as OP seems committed.

  6. I mean, we’ve had our arguments.. and I’ve started to feel this way for a few months now. He’s just started to be more vocal about it. He said we would be good friends but he doesn’t like my personality when it comes to being his wife. I originally wanted to go to therapy so we could work on the resentment we’ve built up. How we both feel disrespected. But since he told me today that he doesn’t like my personality I’m starting to question whether therapy is worth it or if we just aren’t meant to be and to not push it. I’m not one to easily give up but he sounds set in stone that he doesn’t like who I am (as wife material).

  7. I think you need to block your ex fiancee and her bf. I mean she did the decent thing sending you the cheating stuff, but then to hit on you. Really, not someone that you would want to have a relationship with.

  8. Thank you.. given his struggle with anxiety, I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt for now. However, if he continues to have issues the next time I go out despite our agreed-upon compromise, I'll have to maintain my guard.

  9. I turned my life upside down to be with her.


    I left home,

    You chose to move in with her. Clarify how you left your home for her

    I left my old job,

    Clarify how this had anything to do with your relationship

    I burned bridges with friends.

    You had vented to her that these were degenerate friends. If they had a bad influence on you why would you be upset for cutting them loose

    I shouldn't have deleted the conversation, I know that now. But I wasn't flirting or anything–I hid it because I thought she'd get insecure about me texting another woman. I was trying to avoid conflict.

    Except hiding had deleting those messages created the conflict “you were trying to avoid”. If it was innocent then why hide? So yeah she’s going to feel insecure

    It's like I'm not even allowed to have friends that are women now

    Because you haven’t done anything to earn her trust in regards to the opposite sex.

  10. This is why I match my upset ass over to my hubs or momil or whoever I’m mad at and talk with them face to face and we get to the bottom because SO MUCH ASSUMPTION IS IN TEXT. Tone doesn’t come through it can’t be explained in the moment because then they could just never respond and say “oh I was busy”.

  11. He’s telling you how little he values you. What you do with that information will determine your own self worth.

  12. Your boyfriend is an idiot and a cheater. He’s already making excuses to you now for when he does cheat. Fucking loser, dump his ass.

  13. Why so dramatic? Why not just sit down and talk to her in real life. Have a real conversation about your feelings and how her actions made you feel. A leter is just going to prolong this argument. Just go talk and hash it out then make up and bang.

  14. Talk to him? Your imagining all these things like your not invited and he assumes you would go here and there. Just tell him how you feel and then you can figure out if his reaction is adequate but right now the issue is 100% you

  15. Run!!! My 1st serious relationship was with a woman who pulled stuff like that and I stayed with her for several years, even married and had a kid. That was 22 years ago and I’m still working on fixing the damage she left. Do your fixture self a favor and GTFO

  16. Yeah, they’re fun do together. As you stated. But OP said she don’t want him going. If it makes HIM uncomfortable. Then I believe if she cared enough, she would respect what he wants as well.


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