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34 thoughts on “ameow the naked live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. If she’s there, really all you can do is go up to her and introduce yourself. Perhaps you can ask her if she’d like a study partner. Or just simply ask her if she’d like to meet you for coffee sometime soon and that you hope you can both get to know one another better. I feel like wording it that way is casual and non-threatening.

    If she accepts, maybe it’ll blossom into something romantic. And if it doesn’t, you at least made a new friend.

    But you won’t know unless you try. I hope she’s there on Tuesday!

    If she’s not there… hopefully you’ll get lucky and maybe see her in a hallway or around campus sometime? It would be hot to track her down since you don’t know anything about her. And even if you did, asking around might make people uncomfortable, even though you have good intentions.

  2. Plus she said in comments this is not the first time it has happened. If it was, it’s still unacceptable and needs to be discussed but since it’s not, anger management is definitely needed.

  3. u/Quirky_Guest9103, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  4. I think people are just doing these posts with the age differences and blatant abusive situations too fuck with us all now.

    I refuse to believe anyone could type stuff like this out with such clarity, but still completely not understand why or what the issue is.

  5. There’s nothing to do. She was pretty clear that she wasn’t interested in that happening again right now. Just go about your life like you were before that happened.

  6. Pretty natural that you would end up feeling desperate for love but unworthy of it at the same time.

    That leads to sharing too much about yourself too fast, and believing you're in love in only 3 weeks, as well as living with someone far too soon.

    Your anxious attachment style is unhealthy and will lead you down a cycle of constant brief relationships that fall apart as quickly as they form.

  7. You cannot waive your parental rights against the wishes of the other parent. You will be responsible for child support.

  8. Her response should show you what her intentions are. Keep her at arms length, do not allow her to use you.

  9. It sounds like she wants attention, tbh. Being in a constant state of crisis gets her cuddles and nice words from her boyfriend. She might not even being doing it consciously, but at the end of the day this is a manipulation tactic because she likes when you drop everything and care for her.

  10. I’ve been ruined financially and had to start over. 10/10 would do again vs staying in a shit marriage.

  11. He can be fully committed to you and completely love you, but still not want to take your name. But you’re requiring proof via him doing what you want as an act of love. That’s guilt tripping, classic manipulation tactic, ie if you love me you’ll do this for me…

  12. I can think of a few pretty normal professions that make that kind of money. Lawyers, doctors, IB. It’s not unknown.

  13. Another child requires so much more time and energy and care than simply putting it in a nursery. She’s tired. She’s given all she has to give of living to serve others, and she deserves to have a life with things she wants, too, not just what others want from her.

  14. Tell his parents you are worried about him and recommend that he seeks therapy. Then walk away. He needs help and a relationship isn't right for either of you right now.

  15. I think it’s her being a bit too childish, it’s been getting in my nerves and i don’t have the balls to tell her

  16. Why is your bf arguing with your mother? That's a massive red flag right there. It's one thing if you were married and he's having an argument with his mother-in-law, but as someone who is dating another person's child you shut up and say yes ma'am, no ma'am.

    You can argue with your mom, the fact your bf does is a huge red flag, and the fact you don't think it's a red flag is a red flag.

  17. Sometimes misogynists love to marry a strong, intelligent independent woman because it's a big win for them. Makes them feel like they scored and they are attracted to them in a way. But once married, can't stand that this same woman they chased is able to stand up for herself and isn't wholly dependent on him. Very weird.

  18. Exactly. I think he knows that. Probably just posted on here for some advice and reassurance, anxious and dreading telling his lady what’s happened. I really hope she believes him and agrees the friend needs to move out asap because she doesn’t respect her or him or their relationship!

  19. I don’t want to talk badly about her but she does have serve mental health issues. Not that I’m perfect by any means but I have held down a job, have rental properties and have even picked up another job since we found out to pay down my debt.

    She on the other hand quit her job after 2 weeks when she found out she was pregnant and has suffered in and out of rehab for the last 5 years or so. Thankfully I haven’t gotten that bad and just needed a wake up like to get back on track.

    I would also like to state that even through all of this I still don’t think she’s an awful person. She can be spiteful like no one I’ve ever met and not listen to reason but deep down she’s a very caring and loving person.

    I am trying to avoid court however it seems this may be the only route moving forward. Do you know if I have to wait until the child is born or can I get things moving now?

  20. Sounds like you were her plan B for a child. I would recommend running very fast in the opposite direction from her. Why does she not have a job but can be resentful and mean about you not having one?

  21. I’m going to trust you.. because I’m in the bathroom and I don’t need some NSFW audio to pop off and my wife to think I’m in here watching porn ? Because I’M MARRIED!!

  22. Ask for what you want. He’s not psychic. You’re not a little kid and most adults are flexible about bday stuff.

    I personally think you’re being ridiculous. He got you a gift, he wished you happy bday. He didn’t ignore your bday but he didn’t make you a princess for the day.

  23. What the hell, he have an affair there not best friends.

    Tell him you have seen the messages and your done. He made his choice in those messages and it ain't you.

    From what I can gather there is he dumped you to pursue her and she shot him down.. then he lied and came back to easy option B.. ( which is you) and said he was confused and doesn't have those feelings… when really he does and she shot him down… which would explain the text he said . ” it could of been you in her place”

    Meaning he wanted it she didn't.

    Get ya head out the cloud and dump him.

    Utterly disrespectful


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