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26 thoughts on “ the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. If it’s his biological son it literally cannot be his half brother unless he impregnated his biological mother. Like? That isn’t a “hang up,” it’s facts.

  2. Thank you so much for taking your time to read and reply to me, I am reading and taking every comment into consideration, I’m so lost, no friends, thank you all

  3. I think her actions really do confirm that she is manipulative. You can never really ignore someone that states they have suicidal thoughts but you are not responsible for their mental health. I think you should involve one of her family members. Tell them what is happening. Then decide when you will have this conversation with her. I usually don’t agree with breaking up over text but this may be your only option. Do it kindly without putting blame on her. Tell her that for your own mental health, you need to end this relationship. Then let her know that you will be blocking her calls over the next few weeks to give yourself time. Let the family member know when you will be sending her the text so they can be with her. Then cut off all communication and focus on yourself

  4. I’m a female, so I’ll give you my perspective. You’re too old for her, and you started dating her when she was a literal child. Leave her be and find someone closer to your age.

  5. I think getting a lift with the co-worker is fine as a general thing if it's an agreement between them.

    It's an issue though that she seems to be at the point here where if the co-worker is not available, she doesn't want to or can't even afford to catch an Uber on one single night.

    Honestly I get where the Dad is coming from, especially since this is obviously late night/early morning. It's quite an ask to have someone come and pick you up at that time.

  6. yes, I meant that i've been in therapy treating mental health issues since january of 2020. so I guess i've been seeking help for about 3 years now.

  7. My advice is to give her an ultimatum. You're 30 years old and so is she, do you really want to spend the rest of your life with someone with an addiction who won't seek help?

    It's time to tell her “get help or I'm out”.

  8. You, a grown ass man, married a barely legal teenager. Add to that you told your daughter you wished she was never born? I wouldn't want you back in my life. Disgusting.

  9. Just some philosophical thouhghts here, but I always found it very amusing that in cases like this, there is a financial incompatibility. Of course most cases are solved by one partner handing out 75%, which on paper adequate and displays love. But rationaly, it strucks me on why the hell you'd sink 25%+ of your salary for someone to whom you're not engaged. Maybe most people don't think about money like me, but it's 1/4 of your day lost to pay for someone else, someone that made his/her own life choices up until that moment.

    If you're married or planning to have children I can fully support a different dynamic, but there, I find it weird somehow. Feel free to argue with me, I'd love it!

  10. How f ing dare he say someone is beautiful, who is a movie star and literally picked cuz of their attractiveness to be on the telly? so you have a hard time hearing the truth and are one of those that seem to take a compliment of others to mean that you are not also attractive?

    you know when my gf says that “Chris Hemsworth is super fit and hot” I generally agree, since he is super fit an hot. Sometimes I say “yeah, I would fuck him too”.What I dont do is get upset and take my partners statement of reality as some sort of insult to me..

  11. the only thing warranting the fear she has rn is abuse, possibly emotional but likely physical/sexual please be gentle and swear that ur on her side no matter what. ur dad sounds scary.

  12. I hope this is a fake post, OP. Cause if not, you’re fiancé is most likely ‘broken’ and not coming back from this. It sounds like he doesn’t view sex the same way as you – you can have set without any emotional attachment and for fun. He most likely does not feel the same – sex is something intimate for two people who care about each other.

    So seeing you with not just one guy but two at the same time, it will break him (even if it is just one guy but for fun). Just because it happened in the past, it does not make a difference. This is fresh to him after having just seen it. And knowing there are many, many more videos.

    I hope he can see past it and I am by no means trying to say anything bad about you here, but I hope for the best for you and him. But I just don’t think he will get over it, at least not for a long time.

  13. Women can also hook up with no emotional connection. Provided she doesn't get pregnant by another man, and let's say for argument's sake that you as her partner were her first sexual partner, why would it make a difference to you if she does that? Her “purity” is unaffected at this point, and her emotional and procreational loyalty remains on you, right?

  14. She’s already cheating on you and you haven’t even been together for a year? She’s not the one. Tell your job yes, tell her no, and don’t look back. I promise in 5 years, or even 10, you won’t look back on your time with her as the one the get away.

  15. Nowhere does it say he reached out to try to connect. She stopped talking to him and then he stopped talking to her. Not exactly the same thing and you know it isn't.

    Regardless, it does not make it okay for him to say she is better off dead and it is extremely reductive of her depression. Not talking is a common symptom of melancholy (severe depression).

    You are the one painting the husband as someone with all the best intentions even though nothing in the post suggests that. That OP is depressed, we know. That OP was told she is better off dead for not talking, we know. That's not made up, it is right in the post I assume you actually read.

  16. I'm so sorry to say this but the truth is that you don't have a boyfriend. You have a man around that sees you as a body to have sex with and nothing more. He's not interested in you as a person. He does nothing for you. He YELLS at you (hell no, that's emotional abuse). He doesn't do nice things for you. Nothing. For him you're just the sex machine, not a person. Dump him, you can do better.

  17. I feel like the purpose of my messaged was missed. I have handled the adult responsibility side. The emotional side is the issue.

  18. My advice is that you are still so young. I mean this sincerely, take a moment to answer these questions for yourself:

    Why do you want to talk to her?

    What are you looking to get from her?

    What issues do you want to bring up that you think can be resolved?

    Will she want to resolve them?

    Will she actually resolve them?

    Were I in your position, I would send something like:

    “I have tried to get a conversation going, but you keep blowing it off, so here is the truth; I cannot continue this relationship anymore. You know full well that is in love with you, and it feels to me like you are leading him on. At the very least, you are letting him hang on with those feelings. I feel disrespected by that.

    But even more so, I feel disrespected that you are starting and abandoning conversations to go hang out with him. I am not happy, and it is clear you do not care if I am happy or not. I need to move on for my own well being. Do not attempt to contact me anymore. And look at the bright side; at least now you can officially get with “

  19. First issue I see here is your gf sharing your sex life with others. That’s a no go.

    Second issue is getting the other people out of your sex life. She needs to build a wall around that subject and tell them no more. No means no if she values your relationship.

    Thirdly, she needs to drop the peg act. You don’t want it. She needs to respect that.

    If she can’t do all of the above, dump her.


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