Dark-enchantress on-line sex cams for YOU!

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26 thoughts on “Dark-enchantress on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. And the fact that she had the nerve to not only stay with him, but to bring him with her to see OP after all that time. I can’t believe she thought that was a good idea.

  2. If you are even asking this you aren’t interested enough in her. If she was someone you wanted, you would be trying to impress her. Cut her loose now. …you just want to get laid, and cut it off after and not feel guilty. This is a pre validation question for your soon to be douche bag actions and for her being a moron for putting herself in that position in the first place.?

  3. If one of the dudes wasn't family maybe but I think you just need to get over it. Fine with telling you it made you uncomfortable but I wouldnt turn it into a biger fight than it has to be.

    And the whole not talking to her is called stone walling and its like cancer to a relationship. Grow up and keep talking.

  4. Just divorce, friends come and go. If they can't support you fleeing an abusive situation (it sounds like financial abuse at the least), then you don't need those friends. Your daughter will survive, teach her she doesn't have to be in abusive situations to as to not rock the boat. Get the divorce, take half the assets and custody of your child and start to rebuild. This won't get better.

  5. The harsh lesson I learned from meeting people on line is until you meet them don't get too involved. When you do get involved try to meet. If you can't pull together a plan that will have you meeting in months and actually out details in place don't bother. If they don't want to commit the meeting because it's long distance too soon etc then like most people they don't treat it the same as someone they met in person. And that is your cue to exit. It's a similar mentality to a lot of people fishing for validation on dating sites. You will find time wasters and when you finally find someone serious you will realise how different they were and how obvious it always was

    Ultimately there isn't anything you can do now.

  6. Well it’s time to bring it up. Meet up with her and tell her everything. Hiding it isn’t going to work if you’re already worried about it.

  7. Actually, that’s an unhealthy way to see life and to value what you bring into it. Comparing yourself to others can bring such negativity. I strive to do better than myself and look to improve who I am, not be the best of all. There will always be a prettier, smarter, more successful person than me.

    Financial stability, intelligence will be easily be trumped by overwhelming demands that a child will bring. You have to be mentally ready to have your life revolve around someone else, to sidestep all of your wants for their needs. It’s not always all consuming, but there are times where you can easily lose your sense of self.

    With comparing yourself to someone else, you think they are bad parents and that you can do better. But guess what, all parents screw up. We all do, and it sucks. You won’t be perfect, and that might be a tall order you are setting up for yourself.

  8. I mean I get that she is moody after he fantasy of her has been crushed. But he absolutly didn't lie to her. Opinions can change. Consent can change.

    And the real problem isn't her being in a bad mood but her still trying to make him do it after he cleary expressed how uncomfortable he is with all of that

  9. How often do you think youre gonna see him when she dumped you and leaves cause of your asshole controlling behavior?

    Im guessing the courts will say you have him every other weekend.

  10. It is a big deal. I'm really sorry your mum is being dismissive. Tou are being harassed in your own home.

    ALWAYS respond with something firm like “I find that comment creepy. Stop speaking to me like that.”

    Keep away from him as much as you can, but

    Be vigilant about not being left alone with him

    Talk to another adult you can trust, eg guidance counselor, school nurse, friend's mom. Tell them what is going on

    Keep an incident diary of what he says and when/where so you will have evidence to show police if he escalates

    Talk to your mother again and emphasise that it doesn't matter why he is doing it, it makes you feel uncomfortable and you would appreciate her being a bit kinder and more supportive to you.

  11. You are entitled to your boundaries. Don't be so afraid of losing someone that you let them push your boundaries! Talk to her. If she's worth staying with she'll understand

  12. To go along with the other people it is an ongoing thing. The other thing is if you feel like it’s not a good in the first two sessions feel free to move on. I’ve done that multiple times. Different therapists are better for different people

  13. “He isn’t a bad husband apart from this issue where he is literally so mean to me that’s he’s completely bottomed both my self esteem and happiness to the point where I went to therapy and decided to leave him and refused to believe I was unhappy until I pulled that trigger.”

    This is what this sounds like lovely. I understand how hard it is to leave when you’ve been together that long, but please don’t let sunk cost fallacy keep you with this man for the rest of your life. You deserve someone who loves you the way you need to be loved. Not someone who will only love you in a way that hurts you.

  14. He’s lacks emotionally intelligence and regulation and critical thinking. He’s immature, insecure and doesn’t value your concerns enough to reflect and change. I’m fact, he outright dismisses them. He’s a 32 year old man—he should posses and practice these skills; it’s basic shit for a healthy relationship!


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