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42 thoughts on “Xsexyblackxx online sex cams for YOU!

  1. It is more than average! And I quickly realized I needed to calm down my expectations. You're right though, I apologized profusely and made it worse so I stopped talking.

  2. Check out Al-Anon. It’s a 12-Program/Support Group for family members of people suffering from drug or alcohol addiction. Everyone there has been through it before. They all have similar stories of spouses or other family members whose behavior went way off due to addiction. They help to develop the skills to cope with the situation while also providing you with support. Good luck!!

  3. You sound pretty computer savey.

    Do you know how to use a “Delete” button?

    Your Bond is yours to Fuck up as you see fit.

    Speaking only for myself, I would not assess my current

    Bond based on on comments made before especially if

    his current behavior is positive and supportive.

    But, of course, that just me. YMMV.

  4. u/Zestyclose-Editor-84 Start recording the all of conversations she is having with you and anytime she makes these threats, and give them to a lawyer to use as your leverage to get full custody of your son due to an unsafe situation developing at his mother's. She has mental issues that are unresolved and having your child living in that situation can become dangerous as you date your partner (“if I can't have my family back, nobody can!”) and create a family with her. If you have the ability, request supervised visitation.

  5. I wouldn’t completely let your guard just as a precaution. It would probably be best if you can establish your boundaries as earlier as possible and if he continuously breaks them or not, you’ll have an idea of who he is.

  6. Definitely I agree with everyone for someone who has had a mom who put her boyfriends before her children I was abused sexually and physically by her boyfriends I really hope actions are taking either by your mom or authorities before he lays a hand on anyone

  7. Just stick with indica then. Indica is the sleepytime chill strain. Sativa is the day time perk you up strain! A lot of people can experience anxiety and paranoia with sativa.

    Don't let one bad trip stop you! Drugs are wonderful. Whenever you are going down a bad place you just gotta say STOP. Change activities, topics, whatever. Find something happy and positive to focus on instead. My experience is Marijuana shouldn't really send you into bad trips. LSD and mushrooms are the ones where you really need to keep a positive mindset.

  8. u/Independent-Sugar-23, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  9. That’s awkward, yeah. Really awkward.

    Look, I mean, if you see him, just play it totally straight. No emotions, don’t acknowledge anything, just pretend nothing ever happened. That’s the best way to approach situations like this. He’ll get the message from you that there’s nothing going on.

    The more you feed this kind of thing, the bigger it gets.

  10. Hello /u/jmkroman24,

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  12. A break? So you are willingly allowing her to spread her legs to every euro boy she meets on her way, and then you’ll welcome her back with open arms?

  13. This is also something that's been going on for awhile and quite frankly, there is an aspect of dishonesty to it. Having a person pick at you with a ton of questions they don't really care about is a dishonest way of going about it. If it always boils down to her wanting an ingredient swap, why is she acting like it's something else at first?

  14. As someone who doesn't like looking at pictures of myself, maybe having more than one picture on his desk that he's in makes him uncomfortable and he chose the one with all of you over the one of just the two of for solely for that reason.

    I understand it hurting your feelings, it would probably hurt mine as well, but I don't think it's anything to look too far into.

  15. So he’s starting therapy, in theory. What are YOU doing to ensure you don’t continue behaving in this horrendous way in the future? Are you planning to continue seeing this guy after confessing to his girlfriend?

  16. Honestly you sound like yr bad w money. You're spending insane amounts on gifts. Sounds like your gf had a budget for gifts and stuck to it. Do I think she could've done better sure, but I'd be uncomfortable as fuck receiving gifts $500+ from a college bf working PT

  17. I’m a huge NFL fan and so is my husband. We can get loud watching, but it’s a damn game. If they lose, yeah, it sucks but it’s not the end of the world. We get up and move on.

    His reactions are serious. It makes me think he may be gambling again. Any true fan of a team knows if you are going to put money on a game, you leave your team out of it!

    Honestly, football isn’t your issue. He is your issue. He can still watch his games and be a fan, but he is in control of his actions and reactions. He should be able to watch without behaving the way that he does. Since you’ve mentioned other issues you’ve dealt with in the past, I don’t think football is your problem. I think this guy just isn’t mature enough to be in a long term committed relationship. He needs to deal with his issues first and that doesn’t mean you need to stick around to help him!

  18. This one strikes me as a “take it to your grave” because you were able to pull back from the brink. Telling him will only destroy him.

    Speaking of which, you should spend a good long while meditating on what it would look like to destroy him that way. See the look of anguish, wounded pride, loss of trust, and reproach in his eyes. See the lawyer’s meetings. See the screaming matches. See the carefully neutral emails arranging custody dropoffs of the kids, who now have two half-homes instead of one whole one. Whether it’s from you having to confess, or it getting back to him from other channels. Imagine all of the above in vivid detail, so that next time you start getting attention from some unscrupulous coworker, you can easily replace that warm seductive feeling with what it feels like to willingly destroy everything you’ve built for years with the man you claim to love.

  19. Is she willing to turn over her phone and change jobs? Read the messages and decide if this “just happened” or if she’s hiding her involvement in pursuing something.

  20. Let's say you forgive her, you end up married, etc. She will spend every dime you have. She will sign your name to shit, she will sell your shit, and when everything is gone she'll file for divorce and she'll move on to the next guy while you're left with a credit score of like 7 and living over the Chinese restaurant in town. This shouldn't even be a question dude, you don't stay with someone like that.

  21. You played yourself. And ultimately she's not really a good person. Sure you weren't exclusive but she knew you wanted to be and that you'd be fine so she fucked this dude.

    And you're insecure enough to put up with that shit.

    Fuck that. If I was in your shoes and the person I was seeing fucked someone else, EVEN IF WE DIDN'T DAY WE WERE EXCLUSIVE, I'd fucking walk.

  22. The workout thing could actually be the game changer… I used to work out all the time, nearly everyday but i got my lower back injured, so i stopped training since January, and this started becoming an issue shortly after. Back is feeling better now so i hope it will help. I hope to God.

  23. Put it all on a credit card and then start paying it off once you’re married. This is a really great problem to have. It’s a good conversation and it highlights the difference in financial goals. You should use it as an opportunity to decide if you guys are on the same page when it comes to finances. If you’re not on the same page about finances, the marriage will not work because it is about shared liability and debt.

  24. This is tragic, but the person you say you’re in love with is gone – he is not that person anymore. I would strongly recommend that you stick to your decision, ask him politely to accept it too, and then both of you seek separation counselling (NOT marriage counselling) to help you reframe your feelings so you can both move on. You shouldn’t now be trying to salvage what is a dead relationship. Good luck.

  25. Of course you aren't obligated to respond! In fact, don't respond at all. He's your ex.

    The thing with people like this – they will push and push and push. If they send 100 texts, and you finally answer? They know you'll reply. It only takes 101 texts.

    It's not that he doesn't understand, it's that he DOESN'T CARE. Any attention, even bad or annoyed attention from you is attention. Stop giving it to him. You owe him nothing.

    Block him.

  26. I wouldn't be surprised if she never liked your daughter and was only pretending to get that ring on her finger and a few replacement kids.

  27. It's not like you're just telling his daughter. You're actually reporting it to the night manager which just happens to be his daughter.

  28. Dude. I love seeing my husband masturbate. Especially if I'm with him there. However, if he was watching porn (which we have already discussed was a no-go in our relationship) and masturbating? Yeah. I'd be upset. But if he was masturbating by himself and no porn, dude I'm all for it.

    So my question is this: Have y'all discussed watching porn in the past? If so, is she for or against? If she's against, I can understand why she would be upset because from my perspective, it's a form of cheating because my partner is using someone else's image to get off. If she's against masturbating in general…. yikes buddy. Because masturbating is a normal and healthy thing, as long as it's in moderation. LOL

  29. He’s an AH at any age. He basically tried to rape you in the ass!

    Don’t be nice about it, tell him Hell No!

    Dump him because he’s not going to get it. Not your job to teach him either.

  30. Also we’ve been together 8 years, engaged 4 (he did on a whim didn’t even know my ring size or anything) and have never even discussed wedding planning. No season preference or color preference discussed. Nothing. Stagnant. I think he only proposed bc I once said I’d leave a relationship if not engaged by 5 years.

  31. Why are you letting your gf spend her nude earned money for you to go see people that bully her? Wtf are you doing accepting her money for this? You should be sticking up for her and you aren’t but at this point you are abusing this poor woman. Set boundaries with your family, cut them off or break up with your gf. There’s no way for you to have it all, pick what will make you happiest.

  32. Please break up with this guy. This is a horrible situation. The fact that you keep needing to clarify that you are insecure makes me so sad. Anyone in a monogomous relationship would feel uneasy about this! You are not the problem!

  33. You should go to HR about this; whether he’s lying or not this is absolutely something he can/should get fired for.

  34. i don’t think you need us to tell you that you need to leave. get out of that situation, he doesn’t love you.

  35. He doesn't owe you an explanation. You can't control him but you can control you. He's shown you his true colors, let that sink in.


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