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26 thoughts on “MbenzOfCock the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Stop imagining sexual tension. She’s not into you. Nothing you said made me think for even a moment she was into you. Your poor gf. Either love her or move on.

  2. His “punishment” is controlling and extremely degrading towards you, regardless of your behavior. Yeah, I can understand him being upset if what he says is true, I think any normal person would. And having a discussion on boundaries with alcohol isn’t unreasonable, as it also sounds like it puts you in a vulnerable position.

    But he isn’t your parent and he shouldn’t be punishing you. I am also somewhat concerned by your comments on what happened and the fact you have never experienced that before: if someone may have drugged you or if your boyfriend is making stuff up to make you feel guilty. If he had that much of an issue with it, he should have broken up with you. It seems more likely he is trying to extract favors from you by creating a scenario. Talk to your friends and find out the truth. Regardless of what you did, he should not be degrading you.

  3. When another person, their life, their wishes, their thoughts and dreams becomes more important to your partner than you, your life etc, you have an emotional affair on your hands. If he is prioritising this woman over you, that's cheating.

  4. This is what happens when people postpone talking about important things in a relationship – it only gets brought up once it's too late and someone always ends up unhappy. What to do now? Who knows, there's no good solution to this.

    Discuss religion and politics with your romantic partners. Mismatch on this level is gonna mess up your relationship eventually.

  5. u/iceiceeci, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

    Please create a new account that starts with ThrowRA in the username and try again. Please note that we will not make exceptions to this rule.

    I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  6. At this time in your life? Choose your education and following your passion over a guy who wants you to give up the things you care about.

  7. What don't you agree with in their statement? I don't think they said to tell them the messy details, just the age appropriate truth of what happened, with the help of a professional. They'll find out anyway, might as well address it appropriately (without malice of course, which is where the independent professional third party comes in).

  8. I know you want friends, but let go of this friend group there’s racist as anything. They are not your friends friends don’t behave like that find friends in a different way. When I first went out on my own, and I was very young I had all kinds of friends find. I had old people, friends, and diversity. I had different kinds of people that were friends and I was pretty happy.

  9. Why don't you ask her why she isn't wearing her engagement ring? And why she is hanging out with that co-worker so much?

    What work trip is that anyways that takes more than two months?

  10. That is not nearly the same thing as a bachelorette saying she was pressured into it. That ’excuse’ is definitely not close. A strippers cock being out and everyone else pressuring you, and you do it just to fit in right before getting married to someone you supposedly love? Idiot.

    someone saying ‘it’s a boudoir shoot, why wouldn’t I be naked/sensual in these photos? I didn’t think you would be upset by something that thousands of women do for their partner, and I certainly didn’t think you’d be this insecure over it.’ – is an entirely different thing, and does not make the wife an idiot.

  11. i know right, like i can see myself making that type of joke on accident and then regretting it when my gf is overthinking cause it was just stupid, he probably just made the joke on accident, not really thinking about the fact that his girlfriend would react this way


  13. It easily could have been there for years and if covered won't have faded. How long has she had the car? Was it professionally cleaned when she bought it. The box might even be from the previous owner. Assuming she is cheating is a big jump here.

  14. I do worry that he's learning that being my boyfriend is a lot more hot than being my friend.

    That may very well be the case. I commented elsewhere, but my first guess is that the fantasy isn’t living up to the reality.

    But I wouldn’t totally dismiss the possibility of retroactive jealousy. Most couples fair better without knowing the details of their partners romantic pasts. And frankly, men typically have a much harder time with this than women. You yourself are experiencing it. By comparing how he was with other women to your relationship, you’re unintentionally using information he shared with you as a friend against him now. He could be doing the same thing. Recalling things you told him about past partners. Fearing he isn’t measuring up or you are different with him than how he imagined you were with them. That kind of thinking snowballs very quickly.

  15. You should have been honest with her after gifting the first one. Doing it 3 times and never stating your intentions is too much. If you want to be friends you say so after the first gift. If it's something deeper, again you should have done so. You may have good intentions towards her but your lack of communication with your feelings for her upfront may have alienated her s bit into being ambivalent. Give her space for now to get herself together.

  16. You say you have no attraction towards her. Do you not find her physically attractive? Looks are important for most people and incredibly important to some, there is nothing wrong with that.

    If it's physical attraction you're lacking, I think there are two options (besides, you know, divorce). Part of the appearance can be changed: a different haircut or hair style, makeup, hitting the gym, clothing style… You should talk to her and to be fair, ask her what she would like for you to change too. Be realistic about it too, ask for changes that are reasonable and be willing to make reasonable changes as well.

    The other option would be to fall in love with her so looks won't matter that much. But for that you need to talk to her and get to know her.

    I don't know for sure, but from what you've written, it seems you didn't really make an effort to get to know each other and you have just let time pass in the hopes that she'll grow on you. Both of you need to put some work here.


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