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god thank you this is one of the most reasonable comments I’ve seen so far
That is simply too much bullshit for a relationship that is 10 months old. I’m not saying either of you are bad people but this ain’t it. You’ll move on and learn for the next one.
This is nuts you need to grow up
Emotional cheating is just as bad as physical cheating. You stayed with him for the wrong reasons and now it's not working.
You're settling because you want that family fantasy. Get back in your car and don't turn around this time.
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Honestly? I’m pretty sure my laptop hasn’t screen saved yet and it’s in the next room to my wife. She can go and read anything on it if she wants. I don’t care.
Yes exactly and that’s why I think it’s a real possibility that he at the very least enjoyed the attention and wasn’t willing to set boundaries to stop it and at most was wanting to break up with OP for a while and just used this as an excuse…
If you want real advice from a mixed race relationship here goes:
My FIL cannot pronouce Josh, his language has no voiced fricatives so it is pronouces Dioss (like god in spanish with a longer s) after 3 years.
The main issue tends for me to be simply. Are they trying or taking the piss? some langages struggle with sounds and will never get it right. But also they might just be assholes.
If they are trying but cannot get it then fine. If not then they need to be sat down and get some respect.
If you're called Anh or such fine but if you're called something more like 梦圆 then its a bit harder because the e nad ua sounds dont exitst in english so theyll get mesed up.
If you're embarrassed don't go. I don't know what you want people to tell you. Or just try being grateful
I disagree. I am choosing to make this an absolute for what I feel is best for me. He has freedom of choice in this will all my love and support.
Said no one ever in the history of pap smears…
i would count my lucky star that i didn’t have a kid with this person. if you choose to stay with him you will seriously regret it. on the day of your divorce, you will think back on this day and say to yourself, all the sign were there, how could you be so stupid.
Things are going well, but she has started to talk about children a lot.
That's because she is 33. Time is ticking for her.
I want to enjoy my time with it and just go with the flow.
You and your girlfriend ARE the flow.
What do I do?
You think long and nude. Relationships are about sacrifice. Do you love your girlfriend enough to sacrifice the roadtrips for?
I don't want to break up because god knows how long it will take to find a new girlfriend.
Hmm, there I thought you didn't want to break up because you really love your girlfriend.
If she's trying to trap him she ain't gonna allow him to frog-match her into a store for a plan B. Once she knows he's onto her all bets are off.
He wants you to get home safe. And alone.
Judgemental? No, i don't care at all what other people do. If he wants to date a town bicycle, he's free to do so.
“To her this “game” is slimy and says it reflects on my character as a person.”
Either she has the mentality of a 15 years old kiddo, or does not know nothing about how the real world works. I dont want to make assumptions here but, has she ever worked for anyone? On anything that was not like a small – familiar bussiness?
You did fine sir, congrats on your new job and salary.
I know this sounds super exaggerated but she knows that my bf and her ex talk about shit at work so she does SPECIFICALLY ask me if I heard anything and asks me no word of a lie dozens of super specific questions per hour. I have a nude time talking to her about anything other than this. Her and my bf are also relatively close and he doesn’t even wanna be around her bc she puts him on the spot and literally won’t shut up about it. She says she just wants answers so she has closure which I understand… but like you guys said I also agree that now she’s single it’s none of her business. I guess for my own sake I only have the urge to tell her to try and get her to get over the convos about him regretting it and coming back like she thinks he will. It almost sounds selfish on my behalf now that I’m typing it but Idek anymore lol
Waiting more than three weeks is insane.
It could be something else. Get checked out
More so the connection to my husband for both of us
He knew her issues prior. He knew what to expect
Yeah we online together. And to answer your other question she got a little to close for comfort with a coworker from a previous job…nothing physical just more on a texting level but we got through that.
So she is well on her way to get ahead in her job by sleeping with her bosses.
My sister put her maiden name as her middle name
He hates the guy. You know he hates the guy. He hated the guy before you went out with him and he’s going to hate him even more after you hooked up, especially as you’re likely his best friend and on top of that, he probably has romantic feelings for you. You can’t be surprised that he doesn’t want him in his home. You can’t morally force this upon him either as it’s his space as well as yours. This still leaves you with two options regardless. Force your relationship upon your flat mate and hope that he moves, or move yourself. Some have said that you could just spend time at the new boyfriends house, which would be fine in the short term, but it’s likely the situation with your housemate will become toxic given how much he hates him. In any case, it’s likely you’ve lost a friend but gained a new one – that is the likely outcome.