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30 thoughts on “Small-and-hot live sex chats for YOU!

  1. We've been together around 6 months. I was going to wait another month or 6 months depending on what reddit opinions were

  2. It sounds like you need a new fiancé and better friends except for Michael. Nothing you did was wrong. And we’re not supposed to put people without their permission anyway. You’re just being a decent person and friend. Please don’t marry this guy.

  3. Yes, but i feel like i shouldn't go over there cuss he told me he will send her out if I'm there but i don't want him to do that anyway. he already agreed for her to be there so why send her out now?

  4. I guess my only worry is that if anything were to ever happen between me and this guy that it would look bad for me to be in the closet or whatever this is. I know that gay/bi people who are out don’t really fw people who want to keep that on the dl, but I know I’m thinking way too far into the future right now lol. Thanks for the perspective though.

  5. Should I still at least go on the 2nd date and tell him? I don’t think the age gap is a problem and we are only 5 hrs away and he works from home/travels a lot.

  6. You can’t just get full custody cuz she hurt you. If the child is yours it’s in your best interest to try and out the anger away and work on coparenting. Nothing you said here proves she’s unable to be a mother. You can be a horrible partner but great parent so none of that matters. If you have an interest with your potential Child start by letting the hatred go. A good parent lives their child more than they hate their ex.

  7. Learn from my experience: Men, in general, don't see hints, it doesn't work sometimes a little bit but don't count on it.

    If you like him, be direct and ask or just kiss him. Seeing his actions he definitely likes you.

  8. In my experience people usually only get that defensive when they don't want to answer. He danced around the question all while shifting the blame onto you. Sounds like gaslighting to me. And people only do that when they're hiding something.

    OP if I were you I'd get few hidden cameras and set them up in your house. The tapes won't lie and you'll get your questions answer one way or another.

  9. Most people are incredible and they don't suffer from mental illness.

    Experience shows people marry from their dating pool.

    Plus while you're with him, you won't meet an incredible 'healthy' life partner.

    I suggest you read up on 'codependency' and determine if it applies to you.

  10. It's a really bad joke.

    However, no matter what you think about his joke it's obvious that none of you listen to each other and that will create problem even if he isn't creepy. You clearly stated that you wanted to spend your honeymoon doing things where you are. He clearly stated that he sees your honeymoon as a sexual charged get together. You obviously have different goals here and noone recognizes that and tries to align you goals. That's a sure way to create disappointment and resentment.

  11. I might need to try this, I've had a stuffed nose also since like age 10 and there's only a handful of times in my life I can remember breathing easily through both nostrils. I use a spray rn if it gets to bad but I think I should really just go for a neti pot

  12. She’s gotten real comfortable with the way things are. Why should she change when she’s getting all her needs met without doing anything. You need to be direct. Stop dropping hints. Tell her you’re unhappy with the way things are going. Tell her this is what you need from her. If not then you two need to part ways.

  13. Wrong sub to ask whether you’re TA or not but I see your point. I’m not sure if it’s me who misunderstood your post or some other commenters.

    My understanding is that you’re pregnant GF made it clear that if the relationship ends, you’re not going to see your child. So to ensure that you have a legal standing, you’re planning to stay in the relationship until the child is born so you can establish paternity and then fight for custody while ending the relationship.

    If I got that right, while it’s not exactly chivalrous of you, it sounds to me like you’re doing what you need to keep the child in your life. Definitely pick your romantic partners better next time but if you truly want what’s best for your kid, you go do it.

  14. If not control, then – OP, how va ici childcare do you do for his daughter?

    Are you the one making dinner, getting up with her in the morning and driving her to activities while her dad sleeps in and watches tv?

  15. He did tell her. Before the kid was born. He waited in part to determine parentage.

    She doesn’t have to date him if she doesn’t like it, but it wasn’t dishonest.

  16. My mom & dad did this when I was a baby. My mom kept her job (travel agent) & they divorced when I was 2. They married at 18. She said her opinion changed in those 9 yrs. Tldr

  17. Drunk, high or insane people try to see others at 2:30 am. They aren’t safe. You don’t let them in your home or interact with them because they aren’t safe. You tell them to go away and call the police if they don’t.

    People with a headaches take tylenol or go see a doctor. They don’t bother their ex’s.

  18. Well it seems you have no problem disregarding any of the other unreasonable limitations her parents have place on their adult daughter, so not sure why this one is bothering you.

    I would absolutely communicate with the gf about what is happening and be prepared for fireworks and for your gf to either move in with you or for you two to find a place together asap.

    Seems like even if you don't go on vacation that's going to be the best option for you in the long run anyways.

  19. The FDA actually just put out a warning about teens and young adults using SARMs because of the uptick in numbers of adverse effects- because as you said, they’re getting these promos and discounts from some guy on tik tok, and don’t know what they’re doing.

  20. As a twin, only thing I can think of is it possible he complained about always having to share a birthday? Everything is always about the twins but not individual ever and he got sick of it?

    As we grew older we did venture off and do our own things on our birthday but do combine them sometimes too! Similar we have a friend group that’s the same then we have groups that aren’t. I would absolutely be hurt if our shared friend group did this though so that is bizarre even if he did complain that they did this.


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