Amy the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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Amy, 18 y.o.


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14 thoughts on “Amy the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Divorce. Not for you, for her.

    You're shallow and unsympathetic to what she may be going through. You're not a partner to her at all.

  2. How does she think putting that extra pressure on you is supposed to help you perform? ??‍♀️ I get her frustration and the hit she may feel to her self-esteem, but that reaction and ultimatum aren't helpful. It needs to be something you work through together, and if she's not ready to do that, well..

  3. This is no way to on-line. He should be doing 50% of the housework and child care if you are both working full time. And he should speak to you respectfully, and treat you like the goddess you are. Know your worth and ditch that AH.

    I just want to add that the age gap IS a big deal. Not with older adults, but with a 19yo, and a 36yo, it is. A grown man hooking up with a teenager is gross, and he probably had to find someone young and naive to put up with his bullshit, because women closer to his age have the life experience not too.

  4. A Master’s is an optional activity she needs to invest her own finances into. I would never ask someone to pay for my higher ed. degree, nor would I pay for someone else’s. There are scholarships she can apply to and financial aid options she can seek, but ultimately she should be looking at ways to work to fund it, including being a Graduate Assistant or working a part time job on or off campus.

  5. That’s not a good partner nor father. When I was pregnant, my husband made sure from the time I felt exhausted in the first trimester to now when the babies (twins) are 5.5 months old to clean, do dishes, and cook me breakfast and supper. He makes sure I am well fed for my sake and the babies. I pump so what I eat is what they eat indirectly. He wouldn’t let me do any chore when I was pregnant. And when the babies arrived, he parents just as much as I do and even did part of the night shifts even when working despite my wanting him to relax more.

    You deserve more. You were injured. That’s normal you weren’t able to clean as much. Then with pregnancy, it’s also normal you we’re exhausted. I can’t believe he kicked you out while pregnant. And you’re willing to go back to him?

  6. Why would it be the right thing to sacrifice your life for someone who you “accidentally” got pregnant and never loved??? It would be more the right thing to just step to be the best father you can be for the child plus pay child support. Doing the right thing doesn’t mean marrying someone you don’t care about, let alone love!! Are you living in the Middle Ages? You’re not doing anyone involved a favor with your approach.

  7. Yeah there is something on that phone that would end your marriage, and he knows it.

    I would honesty take it to a foresnsic place to see and recover the data, if he didn't break the main board it might be possible to replace the screen and get the data.

  8. Dude I on-line with my folks but I do not do any of this, this is mooching. You gotta pay your own bills and have a separate life, you can’t count on them if things progress in life, time to put your big boy pants on

  9. I would not take him back because his first instinct is to run dodge and block without saying anything, then he isn't worth it

  10. Nope. Trust me, if he won’t stand up for you now he never will. Dodge the bullet and get far away from this guy and his family.

  11. If that's not the biggest most obvious sign your body is physically rejecting his presence, I really don't know what else it would take.

    If you can rule out allergies, inner ear problems, reaction to something you ate… then yeah, listen to your gut. Literally.

  12. Also, no. He absolutely can't use an alarm. He's tried. And I mean 1 every 90 seconds, for at least an hour, loudly and obnoxiously, right by his head, blaring a variety of different annoying, catchy, and loud tones and songs. He sleeps through the damn things.


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