BrianCutee online webcams for YOU!

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47 thoughts on “BrianCutee online webcams for YOU!

  1. My boyfriend has never gotten me a gift for any holiday or birthday. He's just not the type and doesnt see holidays that are centered around gift giving as authentic. He thinks gifting people things at random times during the year is more sincere. Like, if you went to the store and saw something that you know a loved one would like/find useful and bought it for them, it shows you are thought about them at a random moment and arent just buying it because they're on a list and you feel like its required. This has definitely taken some getting used to on my part, but I don't hold it against him and it does makes me appreciate the things he buys for me even more

  2. Short answer? Yes. Giving him another chance would be stupid. He's a cheater, he's abusive. He's not going to get any better and, considering the threats, he's going to get worse. End it, safely, and get as far from him as possible.

  3. When you marry someone, their family is a package deal. If she's not willing to put her family down for real, good luck, orthodoxy is nothing if not bitchy and judgemental.

    I'd suggest not marrying this woman. If you can't agree on avoiding genital mutilation being a good idea, then there's probably a trillion things you might also not be able to find solutions to. Like, what if you have a son? The family is going to want his stuff to be cut up, too, and I doubt you'll be down for that.

    Love her or not, if she's more interested in living by her parents' rules than keeping you around, you're destined to be incompatible.

  4. Hello /u/-Purple-turtle-,

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  5. I have a formerly alcoholic mother who finally quit cold-turkey 12 years ago after she drunkenly fell in a parking lot and required a shoulder replacement as a result. Before that, my siblings and I would leave as soon as she showed the slightest sign of intoxication. That meant holiday gatherings would often end prematurely. But that approach (plus additional ultimatums) didn’t get mom to change. She had to want it, and apparently needed a devastating and very painful fall to be convinced. I think you have no choice but to go LC until your mom stops for good.

  6. Are you even sure she is 150 pounds or just your perception since she refused to tell you how much she weighs. Maybe she's just 125 or 130 pounds. Is she curvy, apple or pear shaped?

  7. First off, he made a choice to date somebody else. So he’s not available anymore.Stopl dragging your mind through it anymore and focus on getting over it. Just keep going out with people and doing things socially. Maybe you won’t find somebody with a spark for a while, if that’s OK. But you have to accept that he’s made a choice already. I have a question why would you want to be with somebody that doesn’t want to be with you? All the great things you think about him that one point outweighs anything that your imaginations or experience could cover. You didn’t really go out with him long enough to know who he really was.

  8. Stop it!! Stop talking yourself down!! You're feeling this way based on an outdated stereotype. Talk to her, tell her how you feel. Ask her to be your girlfriend and see what happens.

  9. He is making it weird. I agree. But it wouldn't hurt for him to talk to her. Why hold it in? It is also for her safety.

  10. I mean your boyfriend is not wrong, but maybe he shouldn't have said that to your father. Not every opinion needs to be voiced at all times.

  11. Lol nope. It’s his fault. All that work lost because of his stupidity. I learned to write my own CV and cover letter at that age. He’s not helpless.

  12. I mean I don’t condone 9/11, but I get Muslim frustrations with america. Said to a firefighter. I mean, realistically with American involvement in the Middle East it’s a valid point. But seeing both sides doesn’t mean detaching yourself completely from a situation or someone else’s experience. If we are going to say the cop is having a naked time seeing both sides I would say the bf and daughter are clearly having the same problem. You don’t know that the father is a bad cop (and if you assume he is it says a lot more about you than cops) but you do know that colleagues of his were murdered and he is sensitive to it. To go out of your way twice in a row to border on victim blaming (yes in this case cops were the victims) says a LOT about the bfs views.

    If I knew my daughters bf was so colored against the people in my profession that he would lip service a massacre of them while immediately implying it was their own fault, I probably wouldn’t want him around me either. At best it’s immaturity in how to handle a sensitive topic.

  13. For the love of god and maybe a little love you have for yourself, end this man wtf, shes a compulsive liar and serial cheater, what do you want with her? Like the other dude said, every bad thing she does for you going on its all your fault, because she already gave you any possible sign that she doesnt worth a penny and that she isnt someone to marry

  14. For all the qualities she has, she sounds like a nightmare to be with. Don't put yourself down OP, it's not your fault. You said she is a genius, but she isn't smart enough to treat others with compassion

  15. There’s no definitive act of cheating. Cheating is whether she betrayed your trust. Personally, I’d not want my gf to go naked into a bar, she knows that, if she did, that would be cheating.

  16. Physical attraction and “good person” aren’t shit when it comes to marriage! And 3 months in… he’s just trying to marriage and then probably baby trap you. There is no rush for the rest of your life. If this is the guy, it’s gonna be the rest of your life anyway.

    My guess is by the time you’re 26, you’re gonna know that this cheap ass was the wrong guy for you.

  17. He told me beforehand he was staying at the Fairmont. Which is the resort and I was just sitting thinking about the whole room separation thing and I decided to called to Hawaii to the hotel and asked them, so I talked to this reservations person and he explained to me all the type of rooms they had and the way the are arranged and ALL SUITES are single one king size bed. That’s it. I asked if they had separate rooms but in a suite and even asked for the villas and he denied and said that they only have 2 queen size beds at the villas but even same rooms.

    But they stayed at the suite so yes. I’ll give more updates tomorrow. For tonight I have no much more to say about this other than he’s still blocked since the AM, and I asked my friends that had him to do the same from all social media and I blocked his phone too.

    We also don’t online together but I have stuff of his and his apartment keys so I’ll be driving there now to get my stuff and leave his keys and clothes in there because he returns tomorrow (I don’t know what time) and I don’t want him to have an excuse to come to my house for his keys and things.

  18. It’s perfectly valid for a woman to want to receive head while not wanting to give it. Most women need oral to orgasm. It’s also a form of foreplay. Men do not need oral to orgasm. I don’t particularly enjoy giving head and if my bf stopped going down on me as a result of that, then I’d just stop having sex with him. Ya want penetration? You gotta make me cum first and get my pussy wet and ready enough to take your dick in the first place. Not every sex act is tit for tat, ya know. Like Bbonko already said, just because a guy expects to penetrate his partner doesn’t mean his partner should expect him to let her penetrate him (if that’s her kink).

  19. This is just a chip on your shoulder, his thought process is coming from the exact same place as the mother, the only difference is that he is fine with the kids having both names.

  20. The thing is he has phases. He is not always like that. But when he is, it is annoying. Also, he is very smart and reads a lot of books, and he expresses himself very well by writing. It’s really in verbal communication set ups that he becomes very awkward and weird

  21. Don't. Leave her alone and go to therapy to help you move on and stop thinking about her. It's all water under the bridge. Things ended badly but the best you can do is to forgive and forget and move on.

  22. I’m also in Australia and it’s very common to get a reference from your current employer. It generally would be a red flag if an applicant wouldn’t use their current employer as a reference.

  23. You gotta have a conversation with her man. A serious one. You are fully within reason to be frustrated over this.

    They are co-dependent as fuck and you did not sign up for that. Y’all are adults and both ~30.

    Even when my mom had cancer I still consulted my wife about her living with us.

  24. Hey bud, maybe read my caption close before you decide to come to conclusions that I texted dudes about my girlfriend. I clearly said I didn’t, but obviously you didn’t read close enough. If you’re gonna give advice read the whole story before typing. Thank you for the attempt though.

  25. Dam that sounds frustrating, definitely an obsession and bordering on unhealthy at that, you say you've indulged them for years? And it hasn't helped ease any of it? This is very deep-seated stuff then.

    Nothing wrong a with a kink or two but relationships are about give and take; it's not healthy for it to go too far one way or the other.

    Calmly reassert your boundaries I say, it's not unreasonable to not want to be bombarded by anything.

  26. How much does he weigh? You can lose that much weight _so fast_—and help him move on at the same time!

    Dump him.

    Bodies change over a lifetime. If he can’t handle it now, he won’t handle it better in the future.

  27. You can talk to him, but if he hasn't divorced her by now, he never will. For some reason he doesn't want to. There might to be something she's hangover his head for him to stay married to her.

  28. Bc dealing in extremes is a sign of manipulation. She asked for appropriate boundaries and his response is to claim he’ll end the friendship and then act disappointed like OP is too insecure. It’s to make her backtrack on what she said bc he knows she doesn’t want him to stop having a friendship but just set boundaries. Classic manipulation.

  29. Yeah you're right on that one, a part of me feels like not having sex with him would be a missed opportunity (since I'm unfortunately still attracted to him) but I also want to lose my virginity when and how I want to & him rushing me into things is honestly a turn off.

  30. I am not so sure it is a him problem. And i do think her BF trust(ed) her. She didnt say anything about him beeing angry or upset about her beeing alone at that party. The question “why isnt he blocked” isnt that strange.

    I do agree with you on the grovel part.

  31. I've stayed out way longer than I initially was supposed to, resulting in me having to take a cab home in stead of the bus that was planned on. Wanna know what my partner did?

    Lent me money for the cab, welcomed me home with a glass of water, and a warm bed.

    He expects you to follow him, and WAIT for him alone while he's out with his, but then sulks when you stay out with yours AFTER he said it was okay?


  32. Deep down I think you know what happened. Best friends is in love with you,fiancé found out and they had a fight. Best friend must have begged your boyfriend not to Tell the truth,wich isn't his secret to Tell.

  33. Toxicly positive? I can't wrap my mind around that one. Please don't take offense at what im about to say to you. Im old enough to be your mom and ive had these types of people in my life.

    You need a partner that will share your highs no matter what they are. There's nothing at all toxic about being positive. It's actually the polar opposite. A positive attitude is always better than a negative one. Your partner should cherr you on not bring you down.

    Im proud of you for working naked and getting both your raise and your credit score up. And from the sound of it, you have definitive career goals. You keep up the good work. Tell your partner that a mom said that if hasn't got anything positive to say, please say nothing.

    Congratulations on your raise! Double congratulations on your credit score. Good job!

  34. Friend, I had a very serious drinking problem in my early 20's. I'm talking drunk/drinking/getting plastered on the daily. I absolutely do NOT buy when anyone says “oh I was drunk I don't remember…” yes, you do. Having a bit too much at the local bar is not going to magically Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind your brain. Even at my absolute most sloppy, nasty drunk times, I could still see to walk/move around/make decisions (though they weren't the best). I once found a red permanent marker when I was drunk and decided it would be hilarious to draw “lipstick” on my face and yell “WHY SO SERIOUS?!” at random party-goers. Was it stupid? Sure. Funny? Not really. But even my liquored-up brain told me “you know, this is gonna be funny at first but an absolute pain in the ass to remove tomorrow…” and it was!

    I once got plastered drunk of a whole fifth of Caramel Baileys and my best friend's boyfriend started massaging my shoulders, whispering gross stuff to me. I may have barely had the strength to stand up, but I still managed to get up, get away from him, and inform my best friend about that nonsense. So when people knock a few beers back and cheat on their partners and say “I was drunk and I couldn't help it! I don't even remember it!” WRONG, yes you remember. Alcohol doesn't work like that. If you're passed out, that's one thing. But friend, she wasn't passed out at ALL when she hit you. Remember that. Take it from a former sloppy drunk – she is lying.

  35. Her answer.

    As I said – if she wasn’t already fucking him, or wasn’t thinking about it would have been different.

    People in committed relationships don’t say “I’m only interested in men” when shutting down their bosses wife.

  36. all w the same guy. everytime I felt something that wasn’t happiness with her, she cheated w him but now she has no one but me yet again


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