ArielClark online webcams for YOU!

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32 thoughts on “ArielClark online webcams for YOU!

  1. Can it be an emotional affair if he doesn't have any romantic feelings for me? I agree this is definitely my fault, I'm the one who got drunk knowing I probably shouldn't have. I've never come onto him or acted on my feelings for him and I've made it clear to him that I never expected anything like that from him. That my feelings were my own mess to deal with. I can't break off my friendship with him completely, he is my bestfriend and he doesn't trust a lot of people to talk to, I don't want to leave him without any support. I thought it didn't matter since our feelings are so one-sided and we were just talking and supporting each other as friends. Now I'm not so sure.

  2. Narcissists often push people into committing to them very quickly with big gestures. Read a narcissist check list just in case that’s what you’re looking at. They wouldn’t like a kitten preferring you either.

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  4. The self confidence thing is fine but the “feel like the hottest” comment sounds shallow/narcissistic + delusional. I think u need to look beyond looks here , find a hobby or greater purpose to your life so u care less what men think of u. I know this easier said than done for 18yr old girls, but u probably won’t be with this guy in 5years anyway

  5. Just tell him you’re done. He won’t be heartbroken. He doesn’t even know you (he assumes things about you that aren’t true).

    It’s really but a big deal. You have nothing to feel badly about.

  6. I found out the first week of December that he cheated on me back in October when I was on vacation with my mom.

    Funding his life-style and staying when he cheated.

    She didn't ask for 1k in gifts. She asked for 1 $150 gift

  7. Me personally, I wouldn’t want to stay with someone who I needed to tell I don’t like being ghosted for weeks.

  8. I flashed back to like 5th grade when the boys would lick their hand repeatedly and then smell it, saying that's what “p*ssy” smells like. (Um, no… that's what 5th grade boy breath stink smells like. lol)

    I wonder if Captain Halitosis has had other girlfriends. If so, did they smell just as bad?

    I mean, if breath is bad enough, the stink comes out your nose and everything, too, so even breathing into a confined space would do the trick.

    And… now I'm feeling slightly barfy.

  9. Stay away. She’s apparently not very good at killing herself because she’s still alive. Assuming she has parents and loved ones, it’s their issue to deal with and hers of course. Suicide attempts and the threat of suicide is the highest form of manipulation. You don’t know what to do because you did it already. You ended an unhealthy relationship. Honestly, I’d block her and refuse contact. This is beyond you and there is nothing more to do

  10. Well you're about to have one of your own, and five other to…handle somehow.

    It's too late in the day now. Just tell them.

  11. What if you aren't the only one and you make a new friend who gets your family situation? It would suck to miss that too.

  12. It should be.. Id be more surprised to know that this stuff ISN'T classified as assault.. Because it is.

    I hope the police where OP lives are more accepting though.. Cause my own experience never got anywhere cause “women don't do that stuff”.

  13. No not looking for validation, just looking for honest feedback. I've never dealt with this before and my initial inclination is to compromise with her, acknowledge her feelings but not completely give in. I get where she's coming from, but I don't know how much I should dig my heels in on this and set a precedence.

    I spent the rest of the night with her and woke up at 430 this morning to spend 6 hours on the road.

  14. After 3 months she only realized just now? Nahhh Besides, she didn't feel guilty about the cheating, she felt bad because she had to tell you.

    She was going on perfectly happy until she told you. Then she suddenly put up some crocodile tears. and yes, trust your gut, she didn't lash out at her dad, she lashed out at you.

    How would this affect her dad in any way? In fact, she already told you why she did it, she wanted “validation”. Imagine the next time she's in a validation-needing mood..

    Furthermore, just imagine being in a relationship, swiping through tinder multiple times a day, and still not being swept away by guilt since you're in a relationship. No, instead, you match, meet up and have sex. And then later, after you're FORCED to tell your partner. “Oh yeah, sorry :(” Does it sound like bs? That's because it is!

    End it!

    Even if you don't, the trust that has been broken is always going to affect your relationship

  15. Just end it, You clearly don’t trust her and you shouldn’t be so full of suspicion you sneakily look through her phone

    She’s also clearly not happy if she’s putting the feelers out and it’s better you end this now before emotions get the better of you and someone ends up doing something silly

    If you don’t have trust in a relationship you don’t have anything

  16. Violating your boundaries is the key to your whole post. Why would someone who loves you, insist on this. You deserve better. You know this fundamentally, otherwise you would not have posted. I hope you find the courage to believe yourself.


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