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20 thoughts on “Alicia-Escobar live sex cams for YOU!

  1. Don’t think you have the right to tell not to watch something because YOU had a bad experience with it.

    Then there’s the fact your pretty much having a kid with a stranger.

  2. Uh. No. The fact that he's demanding that your MOM apologize after the shit HE pulled goes to show he's an abusive piece of shit who doesn't think he did anything wrong. What the fuck does he think you Mom needs to apologize for, exactly? He is trash, girl. Trash.

  3. Ew, now you’re comparing grown men to puppies that you need to save from your big bad kicking sister? How condescending. Infantilizing, even. These are adults that can handle their own lives without your intervention.

    This is the root of the problem, you see yourself as the grown up/hero in all of these peoples lives. The only one with wisdom., therefore all should do exactly what you say. Yet no one reciprocates that sentiment. That must be frustrating. Best to take matters into your own hands since people won’t do what they are told.

    Also, yes I stand by that if your brother was in a good relationship he was enjoying, if he didn’t ask your opinion, you should stay in your lane. Unsolicited advice is rarely appreciated for a reason.

    How long exactly do you plan to punish your sister for her life choices (also for not listening to you)? Now that she isn’t talking to you, are you going to stalk her and secretly warn anyone else she comes in contact with? Because she’s cheated in the past, do you seem her unworthy forever of a relationship? I mean, you’ve obviously decided people can’t make different choices in life, ever. What’s the timeline here and how far are you willing to go to fuck with her because she didn’t do as told?

  4. There is something about getting ready with your team and unwinding after a game that is special to team building. I don't stare at the guys at the rink while they get ready we are all just kind of there. I don't think she's interested in any of them or she wouldn't be so honest with you. Plus you build more of a family relationship with your team mates than a dating relationship. It's never a good idea to date or mess around with a teammate, if things go wrong it can be really awkward. I work where I play and I've seen it happen a few times it's always a bad thing, 100% fail rate

  5. You want a partner, he wants a subservient house wife. Unless he can change his attitude there's not much you can do other than find someone whose wants are more aligned to yours.

  6. Okay then If you want to continue the relationship then I would have another discussion with him and explain that things need to change and we can't keep doing this status quo where we have a talk, you change for a few days and then go right back to the same crap, that this time after the conversation you don't keep your word, there will be consequences. Cuz the reason why these things become a pattern is because there is no consequences for his actions, he has learned that I can tell her I'll do something and if I fail to do it, there is no real consequences because she will just forgive me and we'll just repeat.

    I do not want to say weaponized incompetence cuz nowadays everyone screams that right off the bat and is basically calling anything weaponized incompetence. I also won't call it that because he hasn't given you an explanation as to why yet, I think that is something you definitely need to find out in your next conversation with him. I would also say that is probably the most important thing you need to get out of that conversation as no one even you don't know exactly why this is happening and until you find out no one here could really say for certain why he's doing this.

  7. Thank you. Her family lives several hours away. She moved here for me after that first year. Having the kid potentially so far from me is not an option. She is extremely generous in her actions throughout the relationship, which is why I was so jarred by this. I am torn trying to bridge the gap between who she had shown me to be and who she apparently was.

  8. Whether or not your cooch is pumping fumes, anyone who doesn't brush their teeth daily and floss frequently is going to smell like way worse shit than that in a few years

  9. Go to your graduation. You will regret not going andd putting him fist: your family already does that, don't do it to yourself. Congratulations!!!

  10. I’ve seen people on here say they don’t tell anyone their personal life at work. They want to keep their lives separate, so i think it depends on peoples’ personalities.

  11. It is not a serious relationship, she is playing cougar way to early in life, her midlife crisis is going to be very interesting, you are teenager, you are a cub to her a toy boy if you will. Report your car stolen, find a room to live! in focus on your studies and date from your age range.

  12. The main issue is how his brother's fiancee and his mum would react.

    If you discussed it, what did your bf say? Why can't he talk to his family?

    . I'm just worried that because everyone has an idea of how the wedding process is supposed to go

    Stop caring about what others think. Your bf handles his family, you handle yours.

    they'll start asking me lots of questions about it and take the focus off his brother's fiancee and damage the relationship there…

    OP….you're planning to propose to your bf…'re overly worried about how his family reacts to you getting engaged, but now how they will react to their son being proposed to given how traditional they are? Does your bf know that you're going to propose?

    If you are this insecure about how to move forward, talk to your bf again…. he can ease your concerns and you can work something out together.

  13. She will probably have to pay spousal support if he files given the difference in their incomes. Inharried someone who was financially like that and I had to pay him 1500/month for 18 months and then 1000/month after the trial for the next 15 months. He got 41k out of me all while I was raising our kid all my by myself. Yes I had a lawyer and he didn't. The judge just entered our incomes into a calculator and said this is what I owed him. He got half of everything that could have gone to his kid.

  14. I honestly recommend you skipping visiting that area and Mia. It wouldn't be healthy for you and it's not fair to her.


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