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34 thoughts on “ZahoryHuge online sex cams for YOU!

  1. I'm not sure it's going to help you to confront her with this. If and when she's ready to hear it, she'll ask you. Otherwise I think you're just wasting your breath.

  2. She does not love or respect you. If she did she would not flirt with a man, secretly meet him, and have sex with him, AND give him a bj.

  3. Just because he can't facilitate therapy for her doesn't mean he can't hold her hand love her and be there as a support while she works through her trauma. None of us come fully whole and without things we need to work on as people and your expectation of perfection or toss them is pretty sad and shallow actually.

    However if he shares your shallowness and intolerance then yeah I hope he does leave her for her sake. If you can't be loving and supportive while someone heals and works through their issues then you have no buisness being with anyone and should probably be working on yourself a bit more.

  4. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. But yeah he was upset about you crying because instead of actually acknowledging what you did to hurt him you made it about yourself and how you feel. And in “jest” or not there's some things that aren't “joked” about especially when you're old enough to know better

  5. You are being ridiculous and you should see a therapist. Your desires don’t control you and you can control them if you really want to. But since you can’t find anyone to cheat with, you might know that deep down. But you are still cheating your wife out of a committed relationship and that is just as bad. Let her go so you can explore being single. You will lose her forever, but that’s the chance you take. Living like this is not fair to her.

  6. Snooping even more is irrelevant. The fact is you don't trust her, therefore you're snooping. Once you feel that way it's time to break up. If she's cheating you don't need her. And she certainly doesn't need to be with a suspicious snoop.

  7. If he ever willing to respect your privacy and marriage he should get rid of the fantasy he have , by doing this he’s ruining the marriage .

  8. She is so right. Your relieved your not going, but jealous she's going to have fun with someone else? Bro its a concert. If your not going to have fun, why not just let her go with someone who will enjoy the show with her. You don't even want to go

  9. He didn't mention her because it's none of your business. Leave that man alone. He's not on your time. He has every right to leave you in the past the same way you left him. It's selfish on your part.

  10. Time to leave the relationship. My husband and I have never yelled at each other once in our near 7 year relationship. What your partner is displaying is anger and a lack of control.

  11. Girl what?!! Him being an asshole is way more than enough of a reason to dump him. Don't worry about the why, just want better for yourself.

  12. On one hand you made some bad choices and did a bad thing, presumably you knew he was married. You don't need to atone for this, just examine your standards and decision making process and don't do that again.

    The married man is fully responsible for his actions though, and has demonstrated himself to be untrustworthy. Nobody in their right mind wants a cheater. Don't be friends, don't feel bad for them. Just get away, and call the police on anyone who harasses or threatens you if that is a safe thing to do in your jurisdiction.

  13. Tell him to get the house of his dreams because you love him and want him happy. Than inform him that you will love to spend time there when you visit him because unfortunately you can’t afford to live there and you will be looking into a affordable housing arrangement that won’t put you in debt or homeless.

  14. What makes it manipulation? He has a high drive and wants to bone every day. He has stated that. Nothing wrong there. She has tried to find a middle ground, which he says does not work for him. Nothing wrong there either.

    Totally Incompatible yes, but seems like a stretch to go to manipulation.

  15. A lot of your questions are for a lawyer. This sub won’t be able to help you. Local and state laws are at play, whether you had a prenup, what the partnership agreement states, etc. speak to a lawyer and don’t listen to advice here about that.

    As far as your kids go, I don’t think you should tell them all the details. This isn’t a typical situation where one partner cheated on the other and is now leaving to be with their affair partner. You two had an open marriage and he developed feelings for someone else, which is always a possibility in an open marriage.

    I get the sense that you want to tell your kids the details in order to manipulate them into hating their father. That’s not the right thing to do. I understand you feel betrayed, but manipulating your children won’t have the outcome you hope for and won’t make you feel any better.

    Who wanted the open marriage? How did this all start?

  16. Boobs are not for the male gaze. They’re literally milk machines. If he doesn’t like them too bad for him

  17. Ok misread that. How would you feel if his girlfriend bought him some something personal for him.

    I still think its odd for a guy friend to buy you underwear. You do know that for some people, getting or giving gifts is part of their love language? This is where is can get confusing

  18. Read the letter and offer to makes “changes' and if your husband refuses to do the same then offer to see them without him.

    Your sons “heart bleeding” for others would imply that he has empathy and is kind to others and values those tratits , but you and your husband think YOU and HE deserve kindness from others without having to give any in return.

  19. I didn’t say I need it. I said it makes me relax. And why do you keep using the words “constant” and “reassurance”. Neither of these words are relevant at all. I don’t want anything constantly and I don’t need reassurance. Yet you just keep bringing them up as you project some imaginary scenario.

    I don’t think you’re really interested in much apart from criticism here to be honest. And I think your view is clear on my original question so not much more to say here.

  20. “It's better that your child be from a broken home than live in one for the rest of their life.” This was said to me by a very wise friend when I had to make the same decision.

  21. Holy fuck. Are you a grown ass man or not. She can’t speak to you like that unless you let her. You know damn good and well what the score is so do t let her gaslight or twist up the story. You need to get fucking mad and unload on the woman. Why are you Paying for everything and she is not contributing. No wonder she she never home. Son you need someone to help you get your shit together and stop being the doormat you have been.

  22. I completely understand why it feels like a one-off thing, because it hasn't been a pattern before now. But I'd ask you to consider the profound lack of empathy or concern for your well-being necessary for him to behave this way in this moment, even if this is the first time.

    I know that you want a way to approach him to discuss this, but I'll be honest with you, the ball is not in your court here at all. If he's not speaking to you because you wouldn't service him while in both physical and emotional pain, there's nothing for you to say that any mentally stable and sane person doesn't already know. A healthy, normal person wouldn't need you to explain yourself. A healthy, normal partner would be caring for you right now.

    I'm not saying that his behavior amounts to abuse, BUT, it's not at all uncommon for previously non-abusive relationships to change for the worse when a woman falls pregnant. It's a very common onset event for violence. I am begging you, please keep your eyes and ears open and your head clear and objective when analyzing his behavior going forward. Set aside a fund that will allow you to leave if you need to. And until this man has undergone therapy and you are confident that the root cause of this horrifying lack of empathy for your pain has been addressed, please don't try to conceive again. Don't brush this under the rug.

  23. You said that this is an agreed boundary. He broke it. That is a major problem, and HE needs to work on fixing this, not you.

    It sounds to me like he wants to be “free”. He will regret this in the long run, but right now this stupid idea is running around inside his head and ruining him.

    You need to take a deep breath and look towards the future. He has shown you a picture of the future that he wants in the near term. If this picture is not one that makes you happy, then this future is not for you.

    DO NOT tell yourself “this is just a phase and he’ll grow out of it, I’ll wait.” There is NO VIRTUE in willingly suffering someone else’s dive into vice. You have NO GUARANTEE that he will in fact grow out of it. So DO NOT decide to suffer.

    Your boyfriend has decided to free himself from you. This is sad, considering you were, as you said, your first and only. That is a powerful bond. However, not all of us get to enjoy that bond for life. This is an unfortunate fact, but a fact nonetheless, so nothing to struggle against.

    He has told you “I want to be free”. Let him be free. Good news: you are also “free”. You are free to find out what makes you as a beautiful individual person. This takes time. It will take a lot of introspection and some grieving.

    Here’s what I hope you find the strength to do: – tell him that you want to see a future where both of you are together forever, and this is the future you have been working towards, however him doing drugs and “living life” does NOT fit in that future. – tell him he has a choice to decide whether he wants to help build a future that you will be happy in, or to exit and live his life wildly as he has expressed the desire to do. – tell him “no backsies”. He can’t have it both ways. Either he walks the path with you towards your shared bright family future, or he leaves the path you are on, and you both part ways. – find a support network and separate from him. Go no-contact for at least six months and allow yourself to grieve the loss of your relationship. Then build yourself up and find out who you are as an individual. Find out what makes you happy. You might surprise yourself. But be happy.

    He might, God willing, realize the error of his ways and come back. Let him wait until you feel comfortable being a single individual person, standing on your own two feet, and tell him he has to wait until you find yourself before you can be with him again. He should understand, after all, this is exactly what he is telling you now.

    You are strong and wise and good. Continue being so. Good luck.

  24. What she did was unacceptable. There absolutely no hitting in a marriage, and she shouldn't have crossed any physical boundaries with another person. She effed up on two fronts.

    You're also a major asshole. I wouldn't be surprised if you were 100% emotionally and mentally abusive. You're 36, grow the fuck up. You don't even acknowledge WHY you pay attention to single women instead of your wife. You just say you do stupid shit and act like that's acceptable.

    Despite how wrong your wife was on those two accounts, it's clear that she was just very over your actions throughout the whole marriage and didn't care about how she acted out. She is unstable, but it's because her husband, who is supposed to love and spend time with her, would rather spend time with other people.

    You can't recover from this. It's time for a divorce.

  25. I guess I thought she would guide him through better ways to communicate… Count to 10 or take a walk together and then talk kind of stuff.

    That would require him to be honest with his therapist about why he's there. I doubt very much that he is doing that.

    That would also require him to want to communicate with you better. I doubt hd wants that. He probably wants to be able to say mean things to you without you objecting.

  26. I think this is a good guess and makes his behavior make sense. He thought he was clear but he just realized he could have been caught.


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