3sexyshemales on-line sex cams for YOU!

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44 thoughts on “3sexyshemales on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Whatever hurts you, it hurts you. Liking provocative pictures of good looking girls can hurt people. And that's where some people draw a line. This relationship is not respectful if he keeps doing this and breaks your trust. You should not care about the people telling you to just swallow it down when it is actually YOU who are hurt. They don't know how it feels for you. They don't know how much you've cried about his actions. Just because He doesn't cheat on you physically, it doesn't mean it is not cheating or a dealbreaker for you when he likes these pictures.

    Please breathe in and breathe out.

    Answer these questions for yourself: 1. Is this the type of relationship i want? 2. Can I trust my partner? And will i ever trust him again? 3. Can i make a compromise about my boundaries or deal breakers? 4. Will he ever be honest with me? 5. Does he respect me?

    You should think about what YOU want in YOUR relationship and not what everyone sees is right or wrong for your relationship.

  2. You sound nosy and only controlled yourself because Angel was still alive. Now that she is gone, you feel like you have more power to snoop around without much consequences. I don’t like you.

  3. lol he is mad that his brother got you a sick gift & he was empty handed ? get a grip bro. what the hell were you supposed to do? Look rude in front of his family? This kid sounds insecure af – you did nothing wrong.

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  5. A mothers or fathers fucking should never be the childrens business, regardless of if they do it together or with other people. The parents relationship is a different one than the relationship between a parent and a child.

  6. Thank you for saying they didnt do anything wrong, here my dumbass was thinking that its not right for two married colleagues to confess feelings to one another but clearly that is controlling on my part.

  7. Before you get married, you two need to get on the same page about finances and budgeting. Consider visiting a financial counselor to see if you can come up with an arrangement that both of you can live with.

  8. Overly morbid, lol.. Its just the situation I am in that I can't change and I just asked her if she wants to meet nothing else..

  9. Aside from new partners not liking it, I really see no reason why ex’s can’t get along. I grew up in an environment where my divorced grandparents were very good friends. Their spouses were good friends and life was just easy breezy and uncomplicated. I am almost certain there were negative moments but it never really touched me. I never saw it or felt it. There never was divided holidays or birthday parties. Everyone just got along and participated in the family.

    I don’t think that this really effects your younger children but it does affect your wife so I guess like most people, you’ll have to give in to her expectations or pay hell at home. I think the large age gap between you and your wife likely have a bit to do with her insecurity. When you get to a certain age, this stuff just doesn’t matter. But by the point that she matures and feels secure in your relationship, the damage to your friendship with your children’s mom will have been done. Your kids will likely get married and have kids of their own some day. I do hope that goes smoothly because at 16, it’s likely not the last time your ex will be around. Many more milestones in your kids’ lives.

  10. Damn as a women on these subreddits, y’all will say anything to make the woman the victim and it’s gross

  11. We’ve been together for six years. And I told her this multiple times she lets these girls spit in her mouth and drink off the same Hennessey bottles and stuff

  12. There's no reason to feel guilty over having sexual thoughts. It's super normal. Masturbation is normal and healthy. Keep masturbating. Find a fuck buddy. It's all okay.

  13. You say you wish you hadn't read them

    Man I would be over the moon that I read them

    She is 33 and still f'ing around , thank God you know so you can flick her and move on

    Cats need love too

  14. Well, that’s a pretty shocking experience. I don’t think you’re too harsh and should take it easy with yourself. It’s not something most people don’t expect to experience.

  15. I'm really sorry about everything you went through, and I'm also sorry that your gf reacted in the way that she did. The onus is not on you to make this right, I think that's on her for having an immensely immature and hurtful reaction to the things that YOU went through and the trauma that YOU live with now. She's way out of line. My bf and I have shared our traumatic experiences with each other and we listen, support one another, and provide whatever comfort we can. That's what an emotionally mature partner should do in a healthy relationship.

    If she's unwilling to own her poor reaction to you opening up and apologize, very sincerely with a clear understanding of how she fucked up and how wrong her reaction was, you should probably move on from this relationship. If you still don't feel emotionally secure around her even if she does apologize, it's still ok to move on from her. I firmly believe that your partner should be someone you feel safe being vulnerable and open with. I wish you all the best and I truly hope you find a much better woman to have in your life when you feel ready for that.

  16. Her friend paid $550 towards her wedding in the spirit of the pact if that helps… She's being purposely vague and leaving TONS out

  17. Has he told you why he doesn't want you to join?

    Is it because he thinks all sororities have drunken parties with fraternity guys and sleep with them? If so, then maybe you can assure him that this sorority isn't going to do that and even if they do, you are not going to sleep with any other guy. If he doesn't have any good explanation for why he's so much against it, then I'd be concerned that maybe he's trying to isolate you from other people and doesn't want you making a lot of friends because he wants you dependent on him for any kind of social interaction.

    I of course don't know him, so I don't have any idea which one is the case with him, but if it's the second one, that's concerning. You don't want to have him isolate you like that.

  18. The title of this made me physically recoil. My parents used to hit me with a hairbrush and it was fucking awful, it feels degrading as hell, I’m sorry that happened to you.

    Please, leave him. This is emotional and physical abuse. It will not improve, and even if it did, you should not forgive him for this behaviour. He has no one to blame but himself, you have done nothing wrong. Please leave before he gets worse.

  19. Literally run! Don’t put up with this! He love bombs you and then coerces you under threat of taking his love away, to do weird shit for his gratification! It’s like he is pimping you out only instead of money he wants videos! Get out fast!!

  20. That’s wonderful that you went to counseling and saw a therapist. That’s a huge step. Your wife loves you and wants to help you. She’s your partner and she’s trying to pick you up while you are down. Let her. Good luck!

  21. Yeah look, I would tell some random dude I was dating that I had kids that early on tbh

    Did you fuck up the 'nt there or something?

  22. A little more every year. At first she was this person I couldn't find a flaw in if I tried. But I think the pandemic screwed with her. She lost a few friends in political skirmishes, as well as a fee family members. After that she got a little colder, a little more sharp. I've tried talking to her about it, but she gets defensive.

  23. It does! You’ll get your official certification in the mail, if they even have mail wherever you people live.

  24. Yeah, he said he wants to still try and see if it’s the stress that he’s experiencing or if it’s the breakup in the middle that’s caused things to not feel the same but said he will understand if I choose to leave

  25. OP, his “diagnosis” is not real. His “therapist” is not real. She cannot “help” your boyfriend do anything but cheat and manipulate you. I hope for the sake of your babies that you know the difference between verified medical advice from a professional and… whatever bullshit your boyfriend and this con artist are doing. Your naïveté in this situation is astounding.

  26. Does she have people visiting? Her stepson counts so yes. Also you're watching the stepson!? What is she doing during the time you're watching him? If it's working than she shouldn't have an excuse on not paying her half rent. If it's not working than why tf is she making someone else watch him.

    Tell her that if you're not allowed to have guests, then she isn't either, her step son is no longer welcome. I know it feels cruel, but trust me, it's necessary. She'll have to either cave and let you bring your bf over or she'll be forced to move out.

    If for some reason non of that is happening demand all the half rents she didn't give you and the current half rents in full and threaten to take her to court.

    You're a nice guy, unfortunately nice people are taken advantage of if those people can't establish and enforce their own boundaries. It might feel like your doing the right thing but being so lenient but remember, there's someone else that deserves some of your kindness and that would be yourself.

  27. I'm usually the first one to jump on and defend male/female friendships, but there's limits!

    The majority of my (female) close friends are guys. They all know my bf very well and are his friends now too. We buy each other little gifts from travel, for birthdays and Christmas and we sign the cards from ourselves and our partners. Their partners know me very well, and there's nothing secretive or exclusionary. My bf has a couple of close friends who are women and the same applies.

    If he's hiding something, he knows full well he's doing something wrong.

  28. She is trying to manipulate you big time. Don't play her games. Don't listen to her family. Don't see her. She made the decision to have sex with someone else while in a relationship, pretty much arranged it right in front of your face and then lied about it. What else is there to say? She has family to support her, tell them that, then block them. Block her sister.

    Honestly, your ex sounds completely unhinged.. Especially if she's still calling you her bf. Get away from that and stay away.


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