Monaii on-line webcams for YOU!

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20 thoughts on “Monaii on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. let all these comments be a lesson to you. never say ‘i was looking forward to this all day’ if someone has already said they’re not interested. it comes across as extremely manipulative and full of pressure.

  2. Ehhh…..

    I don't like the idea of a SAHM putting her only nest egg into the kids' college funds. She needs emergency and retirement savings too.

    It should be invested under her name alone and not touched until you two retire.

  3. Maybe if you two come up with a solid plan as to how your relationship can work, for you and for them, they'll give him a chance.

    But if they won't, ultimately you know the situation best and it's up to you to decide if you are ready for the problems from your parents that come with this guy.

  4. My friend, she sounds incredibly toxic. My question to you is why do you put up with this? Why do you put up with her being controlling, dismissive, assuming the worst intention, and being totally unable to communicate and listen to your concerns?

    Is that a partner you want to continue to put effort into? It sounds like she's attached to her trauma and is happy to weaponize it to the detriment of your relationship. She doesn't sound like a person who is doing the work to overcome and manage some of the painful events that she's been through.

    Why are you choosing that? Why are you tolerating that? And how do you respond when you try and talk to her and she shuts you down? I mean this with all kindness, but it sounds like you really need to stand up for yourself and stop being this doormat that she feels entitled to control and shut down at her own whim.

  5. Your girlfriend is not your posession. Shes your partner. There will never be any more advice on this issue than you need to change your attidute and get over it. Stop thinking about the exes. Nobody cares. Youre not in competition with them. You dont own your significant other. They have a past and so do you. I doubt she thinks about every middle school crush youve ever had. So stop.

  6. I honestly think half the trending posts on this sub are just fake stories.

    I suspect these are written by the same people who make a living on tiktok and youtube by just reading these stories from this subreddit. They write the stories anonymously so they have content to read on their channel, it's the perfect content scheme.

  7. This is the problem when people use their bf/gf as confessionals. You won’t be able to reassure him. You told him about this massive crush. Maybe you got bored with the relationship and wanted to spice things up a bit. Drama. Jealousy. Don’t really know.

  8. If this isn’t a troll, leave asap. This is not ok. Your suspicion is one thing and you def over stepped looking at his phone but physical violence, choking and spitting in your face. That’s a lot and you brush it off like he was madder then usual. You both need help but I fear one day he throws you and you hit your head or doesn’t stop choking you and you die. If he abuses you like this. He will abuse his children like this. Leave now and run. You life is worth more then that treatment and trauma that will be done on to your children.

  9. Depending on where it was those wouldn't be crazy expensive drinks. Maybe 4 or 5 per person, at least where I on-line. They weren't getting bottle service. Its $60 per person not including tip. Using his money is completely out of line though.

  10. No, but it means you’re going to have a harder time finding that person. So at that point, you can decide if you should settle or if you should keep searching. When I found myself obsessing over finding a partner, I asked myself what am I needing from someone else that I can’t seem to provide on my own? Then I start working toward filling that void myself. It’s an overused expression, but you gotta take this time to work on you or you’ll be lost looking for something you don’t know exists.

  11. You are 24 years old!

    Youve known each other for less than a year.

    You moved in together way too soon (out of situation)

    Her daughter is just getting to know you. (is her dad around?)

    You have not processed your loss completely.

    You are not financially steady.

    And you 2 are already discussing having another baby? What is the damn rush?

    This has so many red flags.

    No decision needs to be made now, unless you are 100% a no and she is 100% a yes.

    You need to go to therapy and deal with your loss and fear. It will help you figure out and deal with many things.

  12. I asked him one time how his brother feels about it and he said “he's only made jokes about it. He knows me and her are close as siblings nothing more. You're the only person that thinks there's something there.”…


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