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46 thoughts on “Rajnar-nina live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. They were 16 and you were broken up???

    I understand you feel the trust is broken, but it sounds like they thought you knew about their high-school antics??

    Go to therapy to cope? Doesn't sound like betrayal. Sounds like kids being kids. When you marry someone they always have a past where they were a stupid teenager. You simply knew yours during those years.

    If you can't get over it I suspect there were already other issues. You're both young. If this isn't the forever relationship you thought it would be it's ok to move on. You don't have to use this to do it, you can simply break up because you don't want to be married anymore.

  2. He “loves you with his whole heart” but doesn't want to on-line with you or marry you, but quite happy to use you as an incubator?

    Ok. Not love in any sense I understand it.

  3. Hey thanks for the reply! I had to throw it out there and see if I’m overreacting – just to clarify we’re not married but we’ve been officially together for a year and known each-other for four started off as friends

    Thank you for acknowledging that – I really do invest in someone for who they are and not what they like as long as there’s transparency cause he’s a good person if I haven’t said that before.

    However I do agree with what you’re saying, there’s certain things that I feel like I allow and it’s not fair in terms of my feelings. I’ll let him know what I really think and how I feel then we’ll see. Yeah I still don’t know what to say about that lol

  4. If it were something she was struggling with for such a long time, I can’t wrap my head around pushing to get a house just to end it a couple months later. That alone feels fishy and everyone seems to agree on that. If it were something that she had been struggling with for a long time, the house wasn’t a good idea. If it is new, not enough time had been spent to work it out.

  5. If you don’t want to do anything to mess it up ditch your “friend”. You already disrespected your BF by talking with him at all. You said F is being disrespectful by making those comments? Okay sure but he’s not the one in the relationship. You’re the one entertaining him and those comments. While this isn’t cheating per say it’s disrespectful and I’d be gone if knew my gf was talking to someone they slept with especially if they still were making suggestive comments.

  6. But keep the hooking up part discreet. You aren't doing anything wrong and it is none of your future potential boyfriend to know what happend before you met.

  7. Yeah but that's a big issue I'm seeing. A lot of men are claiming to be “equal” to hide the guise they literally just don't want to pay for dates and are too cheap to invest into a woman they want to sleep wtih

  8. Might as well divorce . The relationship will never be the same or better . Once you bring other people into the relationship it is over .

  9. Lines are definitely being crossed. Like you said, it sounds like she’s purposefully planning things to do with him alone. You need to tell him how you feel and express that him hanging out with her alone, is a boundary he’d be crossing. Shoutout to the person who sent the video though, if they hadn’t shown you it, you wouldn’t have known how close the two of them have been getting. Don’t let either of them make a fool of you.

  10. I feel like if you really loved her you’d be willing to do anything for her. I don’t think you love her as much as you think you do. I think you could be mistaking love for attraction.

  11. That boyfriend is super creepy, but this is not grooming, this is simply a naiive woman getting in a bad, but legal and consensual, relationship.

    Your friend was 18 and an adult. Grooming is a tactic used by pedophiles on minors involving behaviours and strategies that revolve around the victim being a child, that do not apply to adults.

    An adult can be manipulated or taken advantage of, but it's not grooming, do not misuse the term.

  12. Gosh you're right she IS the victim in all of this. Lmao the “men are expendable” mentality of this sub is just unbelievable it's no wonder so many of us are offing ourselves.

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  14. I personally don't have issues with porn but I do have issues with the catfishing. He's lying and exploiting someone's trust to obtain explicit material, and that is a big fat red flag for me.

    I'm not going to say divorce is the next step cos that's your decision. Think about whether this is something you want to put in the work to resolve, and possibly need to go to couples therapy to sort out.

  15. I don't even know what to say. I'm sorry this happened to you. I suppose I'll say two things:

    your friend is a terrible person. She is not your friend, and definitely did this to hurt you. that being said, she did not lie about anything.

    Honestly, what your husband did was in my opinion basically cheating. He didn't cheat because he couldn't, not for lack of trying, and worse, the day before you got married. You say your marriage has been great since then, but still, the fact is he tried to cheat. You haven't been able to touch him in a year, and the sight of him disgusts you. While it does speak a little in his favor that he is trying and is seems to be very remorseful, this current situation isn't sustainable. He may not want to loose you, but I feel like he already has.

    If the mere touch of your husband has your body breaking out in hives, there is nothing to really work on anymore, and that's ok. It doesn't have to be up to him to get a divorce, you are well within your rights to ask for one. Don't stay for the kids, that never works and a dysfunctional family isn't one where kids thrive anyways. You deserve to be in a relationship where you feel loved and beautiful, where you don't feel like second choice, one where the sight of your partner doesn't disgust you. And.. he probably doesn't want his wife to feel that way about him either. It's not fair to any of you. Remember HE fucked this up, not you. He may deserve happiness, but it doesn't have to be with you.

  16. I suggest that one of you move out for three months to fully ensure no mothering. If the experiment doesn’t work, don’t move back in.

    If you can’t afford that, then wait until your lease ends to start the three month experiment. You each find separate housing and after three months, see if he’s become an independent adult.

    If not, keep on living separately! You can stay together emotionally if you want to, might be a much more pleasant relationship without having to chase him around with a toilet bowl cleaner.

  17. I think the next step is to forgive yourself. Maybe diving into your motivations more at the time can help you identify why you said it and why you were so angry. Is it possible you were angry at what looked like a preventable child death? If so, those aren’t invalid feelings even though your response was 100 percent wrong. Can you have friend who you can discuss those feelings with without hurting others?

  18. Umm… if the family refuses to see this person or to otherwise have contact with them, what are the alternatives?

  19. We are in a world where both parents need to work, I'm sorry you had a difficult labor and delivery, but you're the asshole for expecting him to pick up a second job when you don't even have one in the first place

  20. While $1k is a decent amount I am not sure this is worth messing with. Take this as a lesson learned that if you don’t think you can complete the job the way the customer wants, then move on to the next one.

    Calling his boss is only going to make things worse. Going and fighting him will only get you put in jail. Your only real recourse is to take him to court but that would get him deported. Maybe you should just tell him if he doesn’t pay you will take him to court and see how that goes. I would try to stay professional as possible.

    Is $1k really worth all this hassle? I get that you have been abused in the past but If it was me I’d let this one go my friend.

  21. Time to become estranged. It’s their fault, not yours. Sorry you had to be in this situation, you sound like a smart, capable, and caring guy. I hope you find people who treat you with respect because unfortunately, your family does not, despite your repeated attempts to address the issue. Cut your losses and run.

  22. Why does the guard have to tell you instead? Because the lease is in your name? Because you’re a man? So you think it’s wrong to warn a woman that someone is asking questions about her? You sound very territorial and are more concerned about the guard doing his job. He’s there to guard people away like the stranger who asked about your girlfriend. God forbid a guard talk to her!

    Seriously, what is the issue you have? It sounds like you have a control problem.

  23. He was probably trying to be nice about it. When I broke up with my last ex I also said the whole “it’s not you, we just drifted apart, we just want different things in life, etc” when it was entirely his fault in all honesty. I’m not going to go into detail about everything he did wrong though, I was respectful about it. Not saying that’s what happened here, but for the most part people try to let people down easily when they breakup. It’s what I’ve done every time I’d broken up with my partner. I’ve also been so relieved and happy once I broke up with them, because I tried for months before the breakup, so when I broke up with them I was already done with it for awhile.

  24. Did she have male friends before she met you? And whose idea was it to not have friends of a different gender?

    And you still haven't answered my question. What traits are you bringing to the relationship? How is being in a relationship with you making her life better?

  25. My ex and I had different opinions on marriage, I want to get married and he didn't. I didn't find that out until 3 years in and it became the end of our relationship because he was never going to marry me. And he's the one who ended it because he knew that he was never going to be able to give that to me, at the time I was devastated, now I truly appreciate it because I'm with someone who wants the same things I do.

    This is going to sound cruel, but you're both being selfish. Loving someone, truly, means wanting them to be happy no matter what. If you want to have kids and he doesn't but you won't let each other go that's going to end poorly. I get that you don't want to have a baby tomorrow, but what – you're going to spend 3 more years together to come to the SAME end, it's just going to hurt way more.

  26. They dont stop. Once they become a dealer, they are a dealer even if they dont have drugs anymore. A few yrs from now, some old “customer” could come into your house, and demand his fix, with a gun point. Random knocks around the night, little “presents” left in your porch, the “boss” coming to pick up his moola. Scary scary.

  27. So all i am hearing is that Yu are fighting for something and someone who has given up years ago.

    I would.be open with him and say that either he gets into therapy for his troubles and starts working WITH YOU on the troubles, you don't think it has a future. Because that is the fact, this can not have a future if he expects you to do it all while he wallows in self pity

  28. It's not business. Take care of your own relationship before looking into others. Also your girlfriend is as much at fault. He is a piece of shit for cheating, but she knew he had a girlfriend and still did.

  29. No shame in picking up street cast offs! It would make me happy to see someone use my stuff.

  30. Yeah , fuck her and move on , ldrs are ri-damn- diculous and about as fulfilling as a on-line relationship. Go outside , get some air and some real sumpin sumpin

  31. Remember that he’s apologizing for truthfully answering a question you asked him. He couldn’t help that his answer upset you (he had a feeling though) but ultimately honey, you asked a question and you didn’t like the answer. That’s not in him for being honest. And he said your tits were nicer.

    Men don’t like tits just being big. It’s about shape and firmness and nipple types and such. Not just size. So it’s totally possible thag while you may not wear a HHH cup bra that he doesn’t prefer your tits to his exes.

    Also you’re really mad at him cuz he said they’re bigger? Like I’m a guy and don’t get all upset knowing my current boyfriend has had other men with bigger dicks. Our SOs are much more than just their body parts, and so you and I. There will ALWAYS be someone who has buffers and longer dick. Always. There’s 8 billion humans. Learn to love and flaunt what your momma gave you and accept it.

    I know his answer wasn’t what you wanted to hear but let me ask you this: when you asked his exes tits, we’re you asking because you want to know his answer or we’re you asking because he kept asking about your exes dick size and wanted to make him uncomfortable and stop to stop?


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