LanaWyatt online sex chats for YOU!

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22 thoughts on “LanaWyatt online sex chats for YOU!

  1. I wish he could demonstrate the respect he gave you to his daughter. He understood perfectly that you needed space after the incident and why you initiated conversation through text first.

    My question is why he's so willing to hit his child in the first place if he knows it's wrong. Was he himself hit as a child?

    Glad you noticed “don't hit her around me” was a terrible boundary. I won't be with someone who hits their child is a reasonable view. Hope he stops doing it, if not, cps is probably the way to go.

    As for advice on the conversation, I'd ask why he can respect your boundaries and not his daughters?

  2. He’s 13, what happens when he’s 16 and the size of a full grown male adult and he hits his mother? He could be charged for that and spend time in jail/prison. Why weren’t his tantrums handled earlier in his life to prevent this? I know it can be difficult to reign in a child who is prone to tantrums, but your girlfriend is absolutely correct. This needs to be stopped now before it progresses into criminal activity.

  3. Because they worked an overnight shift and are sleeping. I don't know about you, but I generally find it difficult to talk to sleeping people.

    Not that what you're asking is at all related to any of this.

  4. Yes, he started collecting the new ones that have come out to make up for his old childhood collection he lost.

  5. Your response makes absolutely no logical sense at all and is utterly ridiculous. Cheating and flirting happens in plain sight literally all the time. He is questioning the intentions of this dude who was touching his girl inappropriately. His girl, even after realizing it wasn’t him touching her didn’t respond any sort of what they made him feel like she didn’t enjoy being touched. I had a friend touch my gf’s thigh while I was at the bar getting drinks. She didn’t tell me that night but in the AM she was transparent and said she felt it was inappropriate and wanted to make sure I was aware of what took place. My former buddy flirted with my girl literally in open sight at a bar. This happens all the time. The fact she told me what happened and I was able to cut ties with the asshole is everything hitting on all cylinders. However, OP seems to have something off with this situation.

  6. I understand and thank you for your compassion. I always try to see the best of a person and maybe I placed this person somewhere they didn’t belong. From a few of the comments here I’ll take your advice and be classy about it. Just seeing them both pretty much everyday is a recurring nightmare, I wake up most nights as I have some tonight trying to analyse it in my head. The best part is, you can’t analyse an affair or what happens within it !! Thanks again

  7. Why are you ignoring all these obvious red flags? You have to respect yourself bro- no one else is going to do it for you.

  8. If you’re putting forth all the effort and planning of course it feels like you care more. You can talk to someone about it but you can’t harass or force them to change. Sometimes hanging back and letting them reach out to is the way to learn how much they want to be with you.

  9. Break all contact, block everywhere, and stop stalking her social media. Get sleep, exercise, and healthy food. Focus on self care. She will never take you back, so move forward. Time will make this better, but not if you contact or stalk her. Make a clean break.

  10. “They aren't nude enough evidence…” There's a fucking video of him fucking a child. In fact, you can get the FBI to go through his phone as this is child porn.


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