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48 thoughts on “evidence35 the naked live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I'm a guy. I have two cats. If I get drunk I might pass out cuddling my cats. Kick an animal? OMG NEVER!

    An old saying “In vino veritas” – In wine there is truth. People reveal their true selves when drunk. I have dropped friends and girlfriends for their behavior when drunk. You can be a silly drunk, or happy drunk, but if you are an angry drunk, you are not a person I want to associate with.

  2. Agreed. There’s more to this that op doesn’t want to say because she knows it’ll show just how bad of a partner she’s been

  3. Maybe you should dig into why you’re letting this bother you to the point of wanting to call off your engagement… are you sure you’re not just looking for an out?

  4. Dump her. Besides getting any kind of sex for drugs the fact that she’s doing drugs make her a crappy girlfriend. You can do so much better 5 1/2 months is barely anything in your life.

  5. Is it clear that she is still his boss though? OP took a summer internship and they started dating after he went back to school.

  6. That isn’t a proper response to you laughing at him if he fell. It’s such a childish thing to literally throw popcorn. Damn this sucks. I’m sorry your birthday was ruined but you certainly aren’t over reacting. You should really draw a very clear line right here. That’s some behavior that could potentially escalate.

  7. I would say it’s kind of typical male behavior, but the fact that he’s going out and stuff is especially annoying.

    I personally find that men can be a touch dramatic when they don’t feel well and I am not trying to stereotype or be shady, but just say sometimes that’s normal behavior.

    I also think it’s common for couples to share viruses and be sick at the same time, but it’s not really a competition. You can both be sick and also show care and concern for each other.

    Have you tried pointing this out to him? Maybe he doesn’t realize what he’s doing or that it’s having a negative impact. I would evaluate next steps based on that conversation.

  8. I can't tell if you're joking or you're that delusional, either way, pure comedy. But fr women only see y'all as easy money or wow they can't get with someone their own age they probably have no emotional intelligence, because be for real who wants used dick if they can't get money from it.

  9. Hello /u/snowberry1,

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  10. You withheld sex from him so he’d marry you. And that, my friends, is how karma works. You’ve gotten exactly what you put out.

  11. Hello /u/Jdock_81,

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  12. Hello /u/garbage_cannott,

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  13. His parents dislike me (why I don’t really know when they have never met me but apparently it’s because I’m older than him) that’s why we can’t use his place & my mum dislikes guys in general as why we can’t use my place either. I do know it’s crap that he won’t at least help pay for the hotel rooms too!

  14. Tell him that while you appreciate niceties, repetitive and stale questions bore you. You want more in-depth conversations.

  15. Her family is controlling and machist, and they got upset with me once over literally nothing, so I’m not allowed back, and I decided to not go anywhere near them.

    It’s an in-person relationship, but she got sick and I assume she hasn’t contacted me because she wants a break from the stress and because she is sick.

  16. Get her something cute the night before. And her big surprise on the day.

    For example get her a little hand made card for the night before. That just says will you be my valentine?

    Then tell her that you have some more thing by s for her tomorrow.

    Valentine’s Day is not a two day event lol. But if you want to put in the extra effort you may.

  17. Sounds like something bad happened when he was younger.

    Tell him you love him an are here for him. Drip the questions and when he is ready he will tell you.

    Be yourself live! him and build that trust .


  18. It sounds to me like his episode caused him to wet himself. By lost control it isn't like when someone violent does something on purpose and says they lost control. During a PTSD episode you can loose control of your bodily functions and freeze, not able to do anything. It's like wetting the bed while you're asleep. It's happening and theres nothing you can do until it's over.

  19. Oh cool cool cool, you're either a ragebaiting troll or a walking advertisement for why women on average are happier when they don't have a male partner or children.

    Good job, little buddy.

  20. He doesn't sound reasonable and I wouldn't put it past him to retaliate on you or her. You need to protect yourself and God knows what he could do to others in thr future.

  21. Girl, would you be OK with a friend or a sister being treated this way? Or would you tell them they don't deserve this?

    Grow a spine and break up with that loser.

  22. Fucking hell people, it was ONE guy, it’s not like she was bringing home a string of psychos. How about not blaming the person who was trying to slow down a sexual encounter, she isn’t the one who caused the escalation

  23. Eh, I still say it doesn’t mean anything. For example, let’s say he follows women with big boobs and little butts, and you have a big butt with little boobs. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t like what you have! He might like big boobs when they’re available, but likes your boobs because they’re boobs and they’re yours.

    My husband loved my ass back when it was small. I would ask him what was to like because there wasn’t much there, but he said he likes butts and he likes this one because it’s mine. Now I have a big butt (and big everything) and he says he likes it because it’s mine. That’s how it is when someone likes you. They’re attracted to the whole person, and whichever body parts they usually like best are probably their favorites on you too.

    I also don’t know what kind of women he finds sexiest. I prefer it that way because not all knowledge adds value to my life. Maybe you would like that approach too.

  24. Yeah, I kind of think that this should be more equitable or at least somewhat reasonable. You didn’t agree to this except that you’re paying it so I guess that is sort of an agreement. I would start telling her you can’t afford to when you don’t want to and see if she picks up the tab

  25. It's a shitty situation and it's one that's not of your making. Sometimes it's ok to not take action. Ultimately, I don't think anyone including your dad benefits from finding out right now. Put away the test and it's results. Delete the email and live! your life.

  26. This is horrible! To add insult to injury, you even paid for her vacation to cheat. She’s a real piece of shit for doing this. Does she have any friends or family nearby to come pick up her belongings? As for the cats I would work on getting them legally in your name some how.

  27. If your BF feels that he is too deep to have a ‘deep’ conversation with you and then tests you by asking you about a philosophers’ name, I really get the feeling that he just doesn’t want to talk. He is basically using you for a home, food and sex. Maybe your BF thinks he is intelligent but he comes across as a A-hole. If he thinks that ‘deep’ conversations can only be about philosophers and what they thought of he is also a dumb A-hole and he doesn’t have any imagination either. I just hate people who act like your BF. Just read some of the works of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle from there you can move on to other Western philosophers. But I recommend to also read Indian, Chinese and Japanese works on philosophy. Oh, and dump the BF while acquiring all the knowledge from those books you’ll read. Tell him he’s too shallow for you.

  28. I didn’t say it couldn’t be a boundary. I thought I could handle 3 beers but I apparently cannot and that was my mistake. I don’t drink often. We see each other quite frequently even though long distance and spent four other days together so I was hoping he’d forgive me.

  29. If you value your relationship with her, then you need to respect her decision to keep her healthcare information private from your parents.

    Obviously, we don't know anything about your parents' culture or religious views, but it's entirely possible her concerns are absolutely right and justified: they may well judge her harshly for it, especially if they're religious, or they're keen on having grandchildren ASAP.

    She may well be concerned that they might try and put pressure on her to change her mind, or at least to delay the decision until it's too late.

    Or, if you're in a part of the world with repressive / regressive approaches to women's rights (sadly that includes large chunks of the US at the moment), she may well even be concerned they might try and prevent her accessing the healthcare services she needs.

    If you need someone to talk to about this stuff, and it's absolutely understandable that you might, then perhaps consider speaking to a mental health professional. With the best will in the world, your, and her, parents are far from impartial in all of this. I can totally understand her not wanting either set of parents to know.

  30. Maybe now that tomorrow is the move in day, it became real. Just ask her if the reason she doesn't want to move with you is because your parents are there. Does she get along with them?

  31. While leaving him is better option, lets think a bit more on this.

    Putting a lot if effort for a short time is extremely easy, words are also very meaningless after so many lies of his. What can he do prove he can change then?

    Stop talking about him, he can talk after years gave passed and he has proved his change with more than sweettalk. Actions include many things, not contacting his ex, respecting you, doing things that are inconvenient for him for your sake.

    Being honest and open, listening to your concerns regarding other people in his life, and his goings out. Not minding you to see his messages.

    There are many ways to show commitment. Look at his actions, and appreciate those that carry some kind of cost to him (can be payed in time, effort, worsening relations with other people, etc). Do not care about his “words” it should take him a long time to regain hus trust in those.

  32. If it's good n feel comfortable great to you. Wait till your partner finds them you'll be here too complain about your GF.

  33. No worries here they both get annoyed of each other after hanging out for a bit. I think it's more like she's become dependent on him like an older brother and he lets her be this way. This is my first relationship and wanted to know if I should tell her not since I am planning on telling him how I feel.

  34. You already apologized. It was unintentional. There's nothing else you could do.

    If he wants to be pissy about it, then let him be. Accidents happen all the time, and if he can't accept that, I suggest you find another.

  35. He does not love or even respect you. He's probably seeing prostitutes right now or did in the past. Please leave while youre still young and healthy. You are worth way more than this


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