Angelina-anges1 online webcams for YOU!

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31 thoughts on “Angelina-anges1 online webcams for YOU!

  1. So he can keep the house when he divorces you. Everything thing about him is a red flag. Finances are a big deal. Especially when one person holds more leverage over you. He seems very controlling already with some MAJOR relationship issues.

  2. Didn’t say that. Every woman should get to choose who is with them when they give birth, and every woman deserves a supportive husband who isn’t going to make it all about him.

    In general, I think there’s a lot of misinformation about what a normal birth is like – it might involve poop, vomit, and tearing, but about half of them don’t. I think women are unnecessarily frightened a lot of the time. Convincing young women that birth WILL ABSOLUTELY be humiliating, terrifying, and traumatic is not only untrue, it takes away their power and agency. Also, fear makes pain worse and Can itself interfere with labor.

    I’m not invalidating anyone else’s experiences – birth certainly can involve all of the things mentioned. I’m Just providing a counter example.

    Wishing the best for this young woman and hoping her childish husband comes to his senses.

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  4. And such a good work-around too. Never addressing it. ‘Well we never talked about deleting dating apps.’ ~ we never talked about not littering either but that should be a given. Maybe I’m just old and out of the dating pool too long.

  5. Before talking to him: Talk to a lawyer about the law in your state/ location. In some places fathers can sue to control your decision, men have tried before. The law is shifting in the US right now.

    After you have the facts about your situation: The physical, body burden of pregnancy sits only with you. Who you choose to discuss your business. To create a life , or choose not to being this one into the world- that is ultimately up to you.

  6. Mine did 2k over 2 years. And thats just what I found. I got over it and then three months later I freaked out and accused him of cheating and he told me “I need to get over it and move on or we are done” I never believed he was capable of lying and so I thought with lying comes way worse issues. That was unfair to just paint him as the worst possible human blindly and it fed into my disdained view of the situation. (Cheating to me is only physical acts.) He did tiptoe around that boundary and we evolved and discussed our boundaries.

    In a way he is right like we either move on or don’t but I just can’t immediately trust him again so we have been building on that and so far we have come a long way.

    We are working on it and trying. If it was one or five girls I wouldn’t of been as mad. But it was 15-20 subscriptions. Counting canceled ones it was over 50-60.

    Fuck I would have even watched too I mean fuck we are paying for it and I like chicks too. Just mad about the lies smh. So far hes stoped. Deleted everything and showed me that he did so and did genuinely apologize and discuss it.

    I mean porn is fucking free like wtf at first I just couldn’t understand at all.

    It just was never talked about and now it has been but I don’t think leaving immediately is always the answer.

    It doesn’t make you dumb or a fool to work on your relationship. But i cant stand lying. Thats worse than buying it like fuck I was watching some of it and I almost subscribed myself. One was very body positive and did yoga ooof I’m still so interested in her. Some were just so hot ?

    Maybe my opinion would be different if I wasn’t bisexual? But overall lying will not be tolerated in our relationship. I’ve made it clear I will leave if it ever happens again.

    The only positive outcome I hope for is that it would make me less jealous someday but definitely not today no ma’am. Im groqing a developing myself currently.

    Porn is still a solo activity for each of us and I don’t find it to be cheating if its free and talked about. I would’ve honestly been okay with him buying it if he just showed it to me. I genuinely dont care.

    Our relationship is much better now but its a slow progression and it does absolutely suck at first and Im not justifying the behavior at all. You have to really work very hot to make it work and Ive met people who disagree with me staying with him…but they have partners who have their own negatives that are honestly worse deal breakers for me. One for example was wildly financially unstable and extremely risky and privy to pyramid scheme investing….thats DUMB. Im not judging but THAT would have to be my boundary. That person was really harshly judging my situation but casually talking about their partners blatant financial abuse… it was just weird. I don’t judge people. Everyone has their dealbreakers and limits and I just found it so strange that her parter was also doing something horrible and was manipulating the conversation like my partner was satan themself ? it seemed like projecting.

    We were both expressing how our partners did something messed up but we resolved it and accepted it and i felt like they were trying to tell me that their personal limit should be mine too…

    Idk it was just strange. My circumstance was just weird and I would rile her up to leave him due to his wild financial issues but give her real advice to encourage her to talk to him and advocate for herself…not just immediately dump him..

    I wont judge you OP of you decide to stay with this perosn. Im not going to force you to leave but you need to continue with a therapist and set very hot boundaries.

    For example no person would be irresponsibly investing and being financially responsible like that if you want to be with me. 2k is not really that irresponsible…like we could go to casino or strip club and blow that same amount easily on the same concept and content…but 18k is very steep and shows a highly level or irresponsibility and inconsideration

    To me financial abuse is unequivocal to jacking off to bitches I also find hot online ??‍♀️ one is just less worse….but 18k is beyond my level of tolerance.

    No abuse is ever okay but by a long shot I find that any relationship could have its problems and I very well could leave at any moment and may leave someday or not. But being negative about your approach wont bide you well in life.

    So whatever you do chose to focus on yourself first. But OP 18k probably would be my limit at that point it crosses into financial abuse. At this point this is beyond addiction and was blatant fraud. If he used your name for any of this I would sue his ass.

    If i was in your situation and decided to stay (I wouldn’t believe I would personally) I would make tough and nude boundaries about money and get a financial advisor to discuss all finances.

  7. What do you mean not inviting him isn’t possible? Like hell it isn’t possible. You do not want a clown at the wedding, you and your soon to be spouse need to have a come-to-Jesus talk about that and reach a consensus on how you’ll handle it.

    My suggestion? Hire security for the wedding and send out a text reminding everyone of the dress code and tell them that anyone who is not appropriately dressed will be turned away at the door, end of discussion.

  8. He's fucking her and keeping you as a side piece. Tell her that he's been seeing you and then ditch him

  9. Thanks so much for offering honest advice. I’m sorry you and others who did so without dogpiling on me got downvoted. I do value my family and I think my sister does too. We talked today and she said she’s been in her head a lot lately but family was on her mind this week. We have made plans to spend time together tomorrow and I am looking forward to it. We both missed each other.

  10. would still be with his ex if she didn't

    So what?

    Would still be with the ex if they didn't murder the rest of the family in cold blood. But they did, so how is what would be the case if they didn't relevant?

    Why get all butt hurt and bent out of shape over what ain't the case and would or might be the case if things weren't as they have been and are and shall always be?

    Would still be with the ex if they didn't turn into a three-eyed bug-headed alien monster. So friggin' what?

    Would still be with the ex if we lived on Mars instead of Earth. Big damn deal, who cares.

    Would still be with the ex if they didn't do what they did, but they did, so they're not.

    Why the hell be worried about what might have been if things never were as they were and went?

    Our relationship is amazing and he's the man of my dreams

    Then why are you jealous of a woman that doesn't even exist – a non-cheating version of his ex? No one's even found an alternative universe that contains such, let alone a way to access that universe or get that version of his ex from that universe to this universe. Yet you seem quite concerned about that alternative version of his ex in that alternative universe that no one has even yet shown to exist.

    hurt my feelings he got extremely angry

    So, man who hurts your feelings and gets extremely angry – that's the man of your dreams?

    he will still bring up his ex in conversation quite a bit

    But that's the man of your dreams, what are you complaining about?

    I don't like hearing about him with other women

    But he's the man of your dreams.

    He brought her up again today

    Yes, he's the man of your dreams, what else could you possibly want?

    That stung a lot

    But he's the man of your dreams!

    it made me sad

    But he's the man of your dreams!

    I felt like he would rather be with her instead of me

    “Her” – you mean the non-cheating ex that doesn't exist? Would you be equally jealous of him preferring Santa Claus over you? Do you believe in Santa? Does he?

    And, what you report he said:

    would still be with his ex if she never cheated and he said yes

    Yes, that doesn't even mean, if what is the case weren't the case, that he'd necessarily even prefer to be with her:

    would still be with his ex if she never cheated and he said yes

    That's not the same as would have then preferred to have been with his theoretical non-cheating ex if such existed. Maybe if she didn't cheat on him he never would'a left her and met you? That's not the same as even saying he would prefer a hypothetical but non-existent non-cheating version of his ex to you. But you're jealous of the non-existent regardless.

    he got intensely angry with me

    That's the man of your dreams?

    made me sad. He then hung up on me and won't return my texts

    Man of your dreams, huh?

    So, you get all butt hurt 'cause if something that did happen never happened, then things might be different … and the man of your dreams … hurts your feelings, gets extremely angry, brings his ex up a lot and that stings you and makes you sad, hangs up on you, won't return your texts.

    Uh huh. So, that's how it is, huh?

  11. Bless your heart dear, we’re not bros, we’re not friends, we’re strangers on the internet, so please address me properly since we didn’t eat from the same plate nor did we shoot at the same goal…

    Now don’t you worry bout me, make judgements, since again you don’t know me, I don’t know you.

    Byyyyyyyyyye Felicia!

  12. I had my own mother help me with everything! She gave my baby the first bath and helped me after my birth and cooked for me and rocked the baby. Why shouldn’t I get to do those same things with my grand baby??

  13. Yea and it’s so sad when a person doesn’t see their wrong doing. We’re all human and not perfect but he’s old enough to know what self control is and know that’s not okay no matter how upset he got. If it were the other way around he definitely wouldn’t have liked that.

  14. I would let my partner do this maybe once or twice, but there is no way I would allow this to continue. She needs therapy to deal with her insecurities. I would give her an ultimatum & say therapy/no snooping or no relationship.

  15. Then put it it writing. I will NOT support this child. I have NEVER wanted your mother to give birth. And unless this child is biological proven to be mine, I will not support it

  16. Miss all nonchalant is pre-gaslighting you, nice technique. Once you convey how your trust in her is compromised, you’re acting “crazy” and it’s not a big deal.

    Don’t fall for the games.

  17. It's interesting how it's your fault that the sex is bad. It couldn't possibly his golden dicks problem., right? You could just be sexually incompatible, it happens. But him calling you sexually autistic is pretty far out of bounds, and you really don't have to keep dealing with that if you don't want to.

  18. Agreed…I'm sorry this is happening to you, but focus on what you can control and use that as your totem to stand/rise above this situation…take the high road in whatever it is you need to do to better your position.

  19. i agree i mean like i said i thought she was super unfair and mean as well it’s just tough because i can’t explain that to her. he blocked her during their argument and said it was just to end the convo and they haven’t spoken since so idk how i could word it to her that he’s gonna be more respectful because she is at the point where she doesn’t think she will ever want to speak with him again


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