Lana-danger live! sex cams for YOU!

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FULL NUDE – hi guys, i’m new, my name is lana, wee [209 tokens remaining]

32 thoughts on “Lana-danger live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. It sounds like he didn’t even cancel the plans officially yet and that you are still waiting for a response.

  2. The worst has happened, so keep going. Tell her you know: telling the truth is the only way to face up to reality and start moving through it. Keep your friends and family close and let them support you.

  3. You'll be exhausted the last good years of your life if you have children now. I think she knows it, but the baby fever hit her very hot. Happens to me whenever I hold a little one. Just talk to her and try to reason with her. She's probably having a crisis. Realizing that you'll never be a mom is nude. I'm in my mid 30s and decided not to have more kids and it's very hot to accept. Not that I need more, but it feels so natural to keep making more. Getting closer to menopause is just scary, because you have to get used to a whole new identity. And no sex for 3 months… Honestly in your age is pretty normal… Or at least it will be if you have small children.

  4. You don’t. … don’t apologize for mistakes you didn’t make. You guys were broken up and single. People have to understand that time waits for no one. ??‍♂️

  5. I know it’s easy to blame the woman (Laura) but your dad sounds like a real piece of work here. He’s caused you a lot of hurt..first by leaving you as a baby and now this. You have the right to cut ties with him. Talk therapy might help with the healing process. Focus on your future and doing great things. You are young and have your whole life ahead of you. Leave shady ass people in the rear view mirror. Onward. GL. Hugs to you.

  6. If this is all going on at school doesn’t your university have a counselor on staff that you can talk to about these concerns?

  7. Yeah get angry once now you have anger issues. You people are have a stick so far up your ass it's crazy. Don't even know why I come to this pathetic site with you miserable people .

  8. I love having time to myself.

    I'm an introvert myself! I fully understand needing to recharge. In general, I'm the person in the relationship that is too independent lol

    It's very strange and I'm just tired. The other foot is almost completely out of the door at this point

  9. It's possible to live in the present, and still have a past.

    I keep everything. Doesn't mean I spend time looking at it, but I don't keep a journal, so my old pictures are my history.

    What's the difference between keeping those memories in your brain, vs keeping them on a phone?

  10. This is a great idea! The tricky part is doing it in a way that does not arouse suspicion or does not give one the time to alert the other so they get their stories straight.

  11. That’s sort of how I’m feeling. I don’t know if she was letting it happen on purpose or not but It definitely shouldn’t of happened.

  12. She doesn't have an issue with masturbation, she has an issue with pornography.

    I agree that there are often double standards at play when it comes to gender in this sub, but I really don't feel people would go the other way on this one if the genders were flipped. I'm a man and I believe that the porn industry is inherently misogynistic and portrays sex in an imbalanced and often negative light, regardless of the gender of the consumer.

  13. Look at it logically. Do you honestly think its normal for people to be this needy and wanting for someone, even in an argument? This is not normal behavior.

    It sounds like it could be hyper-sexuality. You might wanna look into that.

  14. OP says “explicit”.

    Dictionary definition of explicit for films is “1a b : open in the depiction of nudity or sexuality explicit books and films”. So probably not just a twerking video.

  15. Lol wow okay. Please relax. Nothing you’ve said here is true about my personality but it doesn’t matter since you know nothing about me. I don’t think I’m the first to experience envy. I’ve recognized what I feel, and I’m just asking for tips from others who’ve felt similar in the past that’s all. Are you telling me you’ve never ever in the past struggled with comparing yourself to others? It’s easier for me with strangers since I don’t know them, it’s just a bit harder with my girlfriend.

  16. Her not drinking makes it feel ever more like she raped him, assuming they had sex at all that night and she wasn’t just lying about getting pregnant

  17. I’m in shock that you actually stayed with him through all of that. He’s been having this emotional affair with her for years and has betrayed you multiple times. It’s never going to stop and he’s always going to go back to her. Please get a divorce and leave him. Luckily you guys don’t have kids yet. There are millions of better men out there. He is not the one for you.

  18. Why would you stay with someone who betrayed your trust and jerks you around?

    Go back on the dating scene and find someone who does want to have kids.

  19. He's worried about what his friends think? Really? Boo-fucking-hoo for him.

    He's an ass. Don't waste anymore of your time.

    I'm sorry, OP. It sounds just awful.

  20. Tell him that because he’s unable to respect your decision, that next time the answer is no.

  21. Not disclosing having an STD before engaging in sexual activity with someone, is a huge breach of trust, very immature and problematic behaviour and it would definitely be reason for immediate break-up in my opinion. The fact that she didn't disclose it before OR after is another huge red flag. If you hadn't asked her, she wouldn't have told you, even though she knew you were exposed to it and could be infected. That, makes her apology quite hypocritical in my opinion. I would believe she was sorry, if she told you herself. Also, depending on where you live, not disclosing an already known STD to your sexual partner before you engage in sexual activity can be considered a crime (and yes, herpes is included in the STDs referenced in these laws).

    In the future I would suggest getting tested with your partner, if it's even in the back of your mind that you could possibly have unprotected sex with that person. However even then, I wouldn't put both my health and birth control responsibility on the hands of someone else, so early in a relationship, when the amount of trust I would personally need for such a decision isn't there yet.

  22. Why… why would acknowledging that this would be a highly unusual sex toy to actually use and at the same time a not-uncommon gift among friends suggest someone has never dated? I’ve certainly dated… I’m also someone who bought my friend a giant dildo last year on her birthday as an inside joke.

  23. And everyone is giving you your answer!! Go the the fucking police what the fuck! That is what you do, you go to the damn police! If you don't your just as complicit in child sexual abuse as your predator boyfriend is.

  24. Even if you avoid her when she's drinking, for the relationship to go to the next level you'll end up living with her and you won't be able to avoid this kind of behavior.


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