DANASSHAX live! webcams for YOU!

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30 thoughts on “DANASSHAX live! webcams for YOU!

  1. You – broke up with him.

    You – told him to toss your shit on the street.

    He – tossed your shit on the street.

    What advice are you looking for? Collect your shit from the street and date other people as you wish to do.

  2. He’s being unreasonable. What’s the problem even if you were playing with yourself? This relationship doesn’t sound healthy

  3. I don't think so? He's not a D&G kind of guy… not very trendy. And he never goes shopping… to brave the crowds at the mall on Christmas Eve Eve in the snow just for himself doesn't seem likely to me.

  4. Leave the bf. This lie is crazy and idk how you would trust anything he says not. And getting a mortgage while being self employed is extremely nude and requires many years of adequate finances.

    I wouldn’t be advocating leaving he if was up front. My husband makes way less than me and I knew that his earning potential from day 1 was way lower than mine. People can work with that. But you can’t work with the straight up lies and nonsense.

  5. U guys broke 2 condoms in 7 months. I gave you a list of reasons to check including the brand and the size of them.

    Your response just showed me exactly why your boyfriend doesn't trust you. You're immature and childish af. You're too self absorbed to even consider that you guys might be doing something wrong or that condoms breaking might be more than a coincidence. You're less worried about how to make sex safer and more about your pride.

  6. Just because you have known someone for a few years, doesn’t mean you have to be friends with them. I feel you’ve out grown your friendship with this guy. I would press charges for the damages to you and the property. If your family/friends have issues with it, then sorry to say but they aren’t good for you either. No one deserves that, drunk or not.

  7. I agree with most of it, just not about him needing to apologize for not starting the conversation. That lets her off the hook for failing to communicate in an adult manner in the first place.

    I would instead say it should be “It seemed like you may have wanted one, but all I had to go on is what you told me, and I took your word. I called you to ask for my own planning purposes and ordered accordingly.” From there they can talk expectations for the future.

    This may seem like a small thing, but it feeds into the general category of communicating effectively.

  8. Thank you for the concern, I am having a friend come over so I am not alone. I confronted her and she has since been crying hysterically and begging me to allow her to show that she is a better person now (since this happened a few weeks ago). I told her I need space for now and I will get back to her when I have come down a bit. I am just taking in all the advice for now.

  9. Honestly you can’t make someone care about you and your husband is not acting like he cares about you at all. His behaviour is widely inappropriate he has checked out.

  10. Have you told her about all of the abusive ways your wife behaves?

    The threats of murder, wanting to cut you, not being allowed out without her, always checking your phone, not being allowed a pillow and all of the other horrible ways she acts…

  11. Congrats, you're being objectified and devalued. This sub won't care so much because it's the kind nobody cares about- when it happens to men.

    Your worth is beyond being an ATM for someone who doesn't give a shit about you as a human.

  12. Yep. Date people around your own age and don’t have kids with people you haven’t even been dating a year.

  13. I think it's completely fair for you to want your relationship to progress, especially since it's been on hold for 4 years already. It's also fair for him to want to stay at home and save money but…. What isn't fair is him dragging things out and not being honest with you about his plans. What's not fair is him allowing his family to use that safety net as a way for them to control your relationship and never stand up for you. I'm with the friends that are mad on your behalf. I think parting ways is a good call. Long term this relationship would have landed you over in r/justnomil

  14. Why does it matter if bacon “has a lot of carbs”? Sounds like a weird comment to make. Having a significant other make comments about what you’re eating isn’t cool.

    Dating someone who is pregnant isn’t a “big no no” either. Getting “hero” vibes from that statement.

  15. Then we’d have to move out. We definitely can’t each afford the apartment we can afford together.

  16. My cousin who has a PHD in Chemistry said The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor was his favorite in the Mummy series.

    Don't let anyone tell you what to like. Just because you're in a field seen as “sophisticated” doesn't mean you have to conform. Stand up for yourself and like what you like and if he gives you shit for liking trashy romance novels tell him to fuck off.

  17. it's 2023 and i can't believe this post is actually real.

    why the fuck do people stay with people this petty?

  18. Your truth is as real as her truth. Her truth does not get to drown yours. If her truth is as antithetical to yours as it seems, then you’re both with the wrong person.

    She’s trying to eat her cake and have it too.

  19. It's still a comment. Can you please tell me an example of an action or a scene? Or what's the concrete opposite of the field you refer to? It'll help me understand my problem in a better way.

  20. Christ almighty, I've looked at your post history and that is just far too much drama for a six month relationship.

    Just move on. She's clearly not over her ex-boyfriend or is hoping moving in will rekindle a relationship. Whatever the case, she clearly doesn't take into consideration your thoughts and feelings.

    But I honestly wouldn't bother responding. Move on and find someone without the baggage.

  21. How was I making myself the victim though? She came into this knowing that my friend and I were close, and disliked it later on. Nobody on this subreddit gave me the “push” I apparently needed- it just reminded me this app is full of arm chair psychologists who want something to be angry about. Thanks anyway.

  22. I’m sure you’ve already communicated with him so there’s no used suggesting this and you appear to have put up boundaries which he keeps stepping over. I agree with everyone else, I think you should go back to wherever you were so you may be exhausted but you’ll at least be happy not feeling like a single mother with a husband. I am from a culture where family is EVERYTHING no matter what so it’s going to be a tough bond to break without you taking drastic action


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