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19 thoughts on “Mia-hot-cum1 on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. If he doesn’t see harming an innocent defenseless animal as bad as a base ON HIS OWN without you trying to convince him, the man’s a psychopath. Sorry but you’re lucky your cat didn’t die, his behavior is disgusting and someone who can condone and make excuses and stay with someone who can hurt animals like that drunk or not makes you just as bad.

  2. I agree. I think everyone is judging too harshly when PPD is serious that some women will even kill themselves. It’s not an excuse to cheat but leave some room for reconciliation. It’s his choice not sponsor her and that’s okay. If she gets her student visa again, I believe OP should still help her pay for that one last year of college. After that, she should look for work and apply to stay longer since her child is a citizen. At the end of the day, the child must grow up with both parents in her life.

  3. Tell me you grew up with more bathrooms than people in your household, without telling me you grew up with more bathrooms than people in your household…

  4. Is he like this at work? To other people in public? I am guessing it's just to you. Which means he's an abusive partner. Don't put up with it.

  5. Your FIL is trying to run your life to protect his daughters. You need to sit down with your wife to address your concerns. If she decides to take the house, you need to set limits as to your financial involvement. If there’s a mortgage, she will pay. If there’s remodeling or adding furniture and appliances, she pays. The money you save by not putting money into the house goes into a divorce fund. Your FIL is trying to in effect create a post-nuptial in the event of divorce. The two of you need to create an actual post-nuptial that refunds any money that you put into the home. Frankly, given the wedge it will drive into your relationship, she should seriously consider not accepting it.

    As far as working for your FIL. I wouldn’t recommend it but if you decide you need to. …

    Create an employment contract that specifies the number of years you will work for the company and after that time period, any non-competition clause would be voided. Go out and start your own company and beat him at his own game. Also, in the agreement, set your salary. Should he die before the agreement is up that would also void the non-competition clause. Your SIL will likely want you to stay on since she’s not used to running it and you are. Again, if it were me, I’d say no but it’s your life.

    Talk to your wife and discuss whether she’s going to support your choices and whether you will accept hers. Good luck

  6. Oh man, its nude. I tried sitting down and talking to her, she always says she will improve but its a cycle.

  7. Honestly sounds like you’ve made something out of nothing. Your issue is that he liked photos without listing photos of you. And then you went on to tack on the baseless narrative that he does this to hide you. It’s possible. But it’s not the likeliest answer

    Honestly it’s even shittier to continue dating someone if you’re going to secretly have such a shitty opinion of them. If you genuinely think this is who they are the break up

  8. I'm not seeing where you broke her trust, she broke yours several years ago. Then you made this agreement, she now wants to change that. Sounds like she's projecting.

  9. i bet he re-evaluates your looks. since you couldn’t land a better looking dude you are somehow less appealing

  10. Im sorry to hear about your situation! I know stuff like this can be incredibly difficult. My piece of advice is to give it some space. If it really has been a long time of you ignoring him he might grow to resent you because of it. This would probably be worst case and i know that isnt what you want to hear, but let him sort through his thoughts for now. In the mean time, reflect on the relationship and make positive changes for yourself (better time management, mediation, reading, going outside, exercise). Do things that build yourself up and can allow you to reflect on your mistakes and how you can change as a person. Be a loving friend to yourself, what would you tell your best friend to do in a situation like this? Definitely give it some time (maybe 2-3 weeks), 7 years is a long time to throw all feelings out the window. Respect his wishes and find ways to love yourself


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