Sylvanaa on-line webcams for YOU!

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34 thoughts on “Sylvanaa on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. I would absolutely not attend. The way they treated you was gross and unfair and meant to make you feel left out. You were a child; you deserved (and still deserve) so much better.

    The Christmas gift part was heartbreaking. As an adult, I am sure every single adult will agree with me that we understand WHY kids don't get us gifts. Not only that, but you have to be incredibly mean-spirited to purposefully not get one child a gift, and then force them to watch other kids open theirs. It actually makes me sick to think of how that must have made you feel and I am truly sorry that you had that experience.

    If you feel like you should do something since things have been better lately, maybe send some (non-expensive) flowers and/or a card saying that you are sorry for their loss. But don't go above and beyond for people that never did a kind thing for you when it mattered most. And made you feel like an outcast on top of it all.

    I don't blame you at all for not wanting a relationship. Your stepmom and dad treated you horribly, and even if they have grown since then and want to be there for you now, you don't have to let them. They had a chance.

    To summarize, don't feel like you owe them anything or have to do anything on their behalf. Only do something if you WANT to. You clearly don't want to go, so don't! And you should absolutely not feel guilty for that. Sending a card or flowers might be more than they deserve, but I understand if you feel like you should do something small.

    Wishing you the best, OP.

  2. I was once in a rela like this. My ex literally refused to get me gifts for my bday or holidays, never wanted to drive to see me throughout the week despite me driving almost an hour every Friday to go to his house. The worst was he never took me on dates and made me split the bill with him all while he spent all the money he got from his parents on drugs and things for himself. Tbh looking back the real issue was I did not value myself enough to be with someone who provides me the things I want, and I made excuses for behavior that deep down I knew was unacceptable no matter how much I loved him. The relationship ended terribly due to resentment and I have since raised my standards by a long shot lol. What I’ve learned with men is this: if a man really cares, he will take ACTION to make you happy. On another note my mom always told me “cheap with your wallet cheap with your love”. Once I became confident in myself to only give the men who online up to my standards the time of day, I’ve since dated tons of guys who were more than happy to drive far distances to see me/send Ubers out for me, take me to nice restaurants on a regular basis, and get me gifts/flowers regularly too (not even for special occasions, but just cuz). To simply put: move on and don’t accept any treatment that makes you feel less than valued, whatever your standards may be. The things you ask for in your post are absolutely reasonable and you can definitely find someone who is HAPPY to do those things for you.

  3. my partner is 8 inches and it does get painful or down right impossible to do certain things lol. what i can recommend like others is lots of lube, lots of time and playing/foreplay, and ssslllooowww entry. which, honestly, is super naked. my partner also understands that it's not always going all the way in, at least not all the time. just experiment with each other to see what works and what doesn't, and stuff that doesn't quite work now might get smoother/deeper/better with more practice and experience 🙂

  4. Not sure how it's going to go because you can be as tactful as you can be but “it's not working out” probably isn't going to be taken well by her.

    I think one of the golden rules is never mix business and family. Never rent to family. I'd expand that to work with friends at great peril.

    Honestly? do you want to keep her as a friend? She didn't come through as a business partner. She wasn't professional in the meeting. She's been disrespectful in comments.

    I'd just say the same. “I value our friendship but your comments have been harmful, your help to the business has been non existent and the only way I see us possibly staying friends is if we don't work together anymore.” Lean more into “I value our friendship” if you want to keep her as a friend… more into true statements about her actions if you're not worried about that at this point.

  5. American living in NL, can confirm y'all have a completely different idea of marriage than Americans. I know couples who have been together 6+ years and aren't engaged. That's no big deal for Dutchies. For Americans though, that raises some eyebrows lol

  6. My parents had me late in life and it sucked for me. My friends asked if my parents were my grandparents all the time which was embarrassing. Additionally my parents just didn’t have the same energy as my friends parents. I didn’t get to do as many things as my friends because my parents were just too old and too tired. Now that I’m in my thirties I’m constantly thinking about how they’re getting close to life expectancy and how much it sucks. I’ve got older siblings that are grandparents themselves now and I won’t get that experience with my parents. If I’m lucky my future children will get to meet them and maybe have ten years to get to know them. I hope for longer but I’m aware it could be much shorter. There’s more to this than just your feelings and your wives feelings, there’s also the potential future baby’s feelings. Having old parents sucked and knowing I wont get them as long as my siblings do fills me with this kind of jealous sadness I can’t even begin to explain.

  7. u/Repulsive_Letter661, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  8. u/Specialist-Listen189, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  9. Thanks for your input. I am the type to cut anyone like this, but I make exceptions for her as we’ve known each other for 9 years and have always clicked/had chemistry.

  10. I'm glad you decided to stay single. Your first ex deserves better and you are not it. Hopefully you take this time to self reflect and you become a better person for yourself.

  11. You weren't asking for advice on your relationship. You are in a calm rage and you stated how much money she makes. That made it financial.

  12. If we are talking about someone with no trauma or abusive past (in any manner) that would cause one, it is rare. You know what else is very common and more common than actual block outs due to abuse? Lying, and telling the truth when guilt eats away at you. Unless OP comes her and mentions abuse, trauma, etc. this is the most likely culprit.

  13. Do you realize the example of marriage and individual respect you are setting for your children??? Is the way you are treated acceptable treatment you would accept for your daughter?!?! No? Leave so your kids can at least have a chance of having a normal life and possible marriage. You think at this point that your older children would ever consider marriage if is comes with having to online with ‘stewing shot’ the rest of their lives?!?! WHY IS THIS MARRIAGE ACCEPTABLE TO YOU???

  14. But reassurance is a band aid fix unless you can honestly say that if he reassures you once about any specific thing that you’ll never feel the need to get it again.

  15. “Hey, this was cool to begin with but you come on pretty strong and I'm just not feeling it. I do wish you the best though. Take care”

  16. Not a creep, but you’re wildly inappropriate. This would be an absolute disaster mess horrible situation. This is a young man that grew up in front of you —so stop.

  17. First off, this hypothetical is not OP’s situation so it is irrelevant. Secondly, yes because I’d expect some sort of communication, not because there are other women who will “tempt” him. Sounds like the men who are easy are projecting that onto OP. And regardless I would not “stop” my bf from going, I’d ask for more communication next time and if that doesn’t happen, then i’d leave!

  18. Thank you, I appreciate it. Also now part of me is paranoid that he may have been “recording me” during the entire time with one of his phones since he did seem robotic in a way but maybe that’s just me overthinking and being paranoid. Some instances in the past however, have led to this conclusion so it’s not just fully fueled paranoia. Anyway I’ll try to do better and move on.

  19. They were just listing all possible options. This is an odd response. One of the options is literally “cheat” lmao

  20. yep 100% support this one. It is a little sad we have to make dating a buisness practice but the courts made it that way so we have to play their game.

  21. True, but making a matter complicated doesn’t mean she doesn’t value marriage. I think a huge amount of people, myself included, would get a divorce if their partner cheated. Because I value marriage as a full 100% commitment to somebody. If you cheat while married, you’ve already broken the marital commitment.

  22. She's bored and uninterested in you any longer. At this point the more you chase her the more she's just going to be repulsed by you. Leave with whatever dignity you have left. I wish you could really see what I'm trying to say here and right now you probably can't see it but believe me when I tell you that there's plenty of fish in the ocean. Even if you win her back do you really want someone with her shady character in your life. The best way to forget about a woman is to replace her with another one.

  23. how does she have cats and can’t scoop litter?? both of y’all hopeless atp not my circus not my monkeys bye


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