XIOMARA on-line sex chats for YOU!

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26 thoughts on “XIOMARA on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. I don’t want to spend it with someone who treats me like this.

    It’s so degrading being with him.

    he becomes hostile , he becomes aggressive

    Honestly i could use your entire post as a quote. Why do you date him? This isn't just a christmas problem. Just leave? I cannot for the life of me comprehend why you're still in a relationship with him. There are no kids involved, you're not married, you're not attached to his family, no financial abuse, … so just leave him.

  2. You are, Queen. I see how it's possible to get pregnant from a guy you barely know. No more questions, Your Highness.

  3. I would just tell your husband because eventually he will figure it out so it might as well be from you. When he's ready explain the situation to him fully and let him know how you feel. He may have kissed you but you flirted with him so take accountability for that in your conversation with him. I understand you not wanting to ruin your relationship but the worst has already happened. You will have to repair your relationship and build trust again. But if your marriage is worth it then you have to fight for it. Also consider if you can be faithful to him in the future, because you don't want to drag him along into any mind games. You should also consider looking into transferring to another hospital. Because if I put myself in your husband's shoes I don't think I could stand the thought of you working with him everyday when there's no trust in a relationship.

  4. Over 30 years ago, I kissed a boy who is now gay. He is now one of my closest friends. Would I date him if he were straight? Sure. He's handsome, respectful, self-sufficient, responsible, compassionate, and loving. But I'm not actively fantasizing over him. He's GAY. If we were on a trip together and in a hotel, I would feel comfortable sharing a bed with him and know that FOR SURE, there would be no shenanigans.

    HOWEVER, if my partner had an issue with me sharing a bed with him, I wouldn't do it. Would you have the same issue if their best friend was a lesbian or a female bisexual?

    Have an open conversation with your partner about boundaries. Be open to learning about and addressing biases or insecurities you may have. I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm just saying there is a growth opportunity for you here.

  5. u/Specific_Use8328, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  6. Ouch. Yeah they seem to be everywhere here. I’m sorry. I know it’s way to simple to say please come to Canada because people can’t just move but if you ever get the chance please come to Canada. I wish you all the best.

  7. I am not trying to control her, and can you really control another adult? Its just stupid to even think about. Its about mutual respect regarding feelings and boundaries. If we agree great, otherwise we will move on to find more suitable partners.

  8. If I were OP, that would be the baseline of what I would accept. If needed, set a domestic wage and insist he work a certain # of hours to make up the financial disparity. He can alternatively get a full-time job and make an equal contribution.

  9. It depends on your appetite for difference and debate (I love it), but in a good relationship that's often where personal growth comes from as it helps you challenge your beliefs, explore your blind spots and be able to connect with more people.

    Enjoy getting to know her and discussing things like this in detail.

  10. I gave her an ultimatum, she could pick her or me. But now she says she is going to resent me for making me get rid of her oldest friend. She says she can’t even be upset about her friendship breakup because I’ll throw it in her face. I am not that kind of person. She just wants to move on but I’m devastated. I want to believe we can resolve this but her losing a friend is making her angry and bitter and she has no empathy left for me.

  11. I am trying to decide which is dumber, the fact that she thought it was a good idea to compare dicks overtly, or that she chose to do so via TikTok lol.

    She doesn't sound all that bright. At 28, she should know better,

  12. I just think it’s gross she’s saying one of her children is the best person. Blatant favoritism is pretty awful,

  13. No the wife is a grown woman and could have easily said no… that’s just disgusting to equate this to sexual manipulation or assault… you are part of the problem with why real sexual assaults are not taken seriously…. You can’t just label anything sexual assualt

  14. The part that you’re missing is that Judaism is a religion of shared practices and not shared beliefs. You can convert to Judaism as an atheist.

    It’s also interesting that OP doesn’t describe him as just culturally Jewish in her post (I haven’t read OP’s comments just yet). It sounds like he wants his children to be able to join the Jewish community without conversion – maybe not necessarily change how he practices or have a higher level of practice for his children either, but be circumcised and have a bar/bat mitzvah.

  15. Yeah bro, that’s the real her. You were working while she was fucking some guy on a beach. Keep that thought first in your head as you go through this. It’ll make it easier. She wasn’t emotionally ready to get married and now she regrets it.

  16. It’s your day, you do you.

    But, if you’re looking for a compromise, can they each walk you down? Like Roger part of the way, and step-dad rest of the way? Grandma needs to understand that step-dad is important too.

    Maybe Roger walks you down aisle, but step-dad gets father/daughter dance? I don’t know, just trying to think of ways to include them both, if you’re hoping to keep the peace.

  17. How do I tell them I don’t want my biodad to walk me down the aisle?

    If you don't understand that the question above also comes with the implied ending of “and also not completely ruin my relationship with my biodads side of the family” then you have no business giving anyone relationship advice.

  18. , through no fault of your own you are in a shitty place, I feel for you. What ever path you try I hope it leads to happiness for you

    Good luck and best wishes

  19. He needs to cut contact with her at this point. He isn't prioritizing you or his children in trying to be her white knight again.

  20. he doesn't feel ready to be a father, but he feels the need to have a child

    yeah thats basically a breeding fetish. ew

  21. Uh no. This isn’t normal. It’s ok to have some different views but it sounds like you have fundamentally incompatible views and you losing your virginity to him (the concept) is clouding your judgement.


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