Mya_And_Daviddlive sex stripping with LIVE Cams

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48 thoughts on “Mya_And_Daviddlive sex stripping with LIVE Cams

  1. Yeah I'm not going to say it's dead yet, she does have school exams this week.

    Just seemed like a drastic change from a week ago, and don't want to come across as needy or whatever. But don't want to just drop it if she's just not focused/busy for me currently.

    If it ends up being she's just not interested that's ok too hopefully we can still be friends

  2. So he has spent big on his close immediate family, which would be 3-4 members doing the math, did he spent that much last year?

  3. I think it's very odd to penalize someone for not having a license… especially because of your anxiety that I assume he knows about… Many people don't have licenses; people with anxiety such as yourself, people with poor eyesight, people who live in the city and people who just never felt the need to get one.

    I think theres something else tied to the “not having a license”.

  4. Tell your mum. See if she knows about this. If she dont, then you both need to bust your dad in the act. Follow him when he is out with his 'friend' and catch him red handed. After that your parents should divorce and use the evidence you got as leverage for your mom.

  5. Would you prefer “hey piece of junk”?

    You willingly call it junk, get upset when say say “little guy” then say you’re not self conscious about size… which is it really?

    If you felt this disrespected from what she said, you shouldn’t be sending out any more sick pics

  6. I also think it is an over reaction. I'm sure I don't know every single girl he ever slept with but I did lie to him or never told him

  7. Good for you. I have told my past live in bf that I felt like he treated me like a friend va his gf but I think that’s totally different from your situation. As other have said, no he should be both your friend and your boyfriend.

  8. Exactly this. Your children will have a parent who says racist things and they will grow up hating themselves. My high school best friend is biracial but raised by her white mother. She was never good enough as her purely Caucasian children. She still tries so hard to please her mother but it's never enough.

    Don't do it. If not for potential yourself then any potential future children. But you do not deserve to be treated that way either.

  9. Just bring it up. When I notice an annoying behavior that is affecting me from my partner I just bring it up. Like “Hey how come eeeevrytime I catch something you do too, it’s weird” see what he has to say about it, maybe suggest he sees a doctor. If he gets pissed or something and refuses to acknowledge then red flag

  10. Unlike other posters in here I actually think you're in a pretty nice spot, but you gotta ask yourself some questions:

    1) Do you want marriage? 2) Is she genuinely marriage material i.e. does she have the traits of a wife/mother? 3) Is she traditional in her spirtuality or mindset? Has she been engaged before or had multiple sexual partners? 4) Are there any redflags you may be ignoring that will cause issues down the road?

    If you were a younger guy I'd give different advice, but honestly I'd wait until around the 1 year anniversary to make your move. You're 31 being literally courted by a 19 year old, personally I don't see how you could do better.

  11. If you don’t want to carry the responsibility then say so now and postpone moving in together. I’d expect it to end in resentment and a feeling of being trapped if you don’t, so better to deal with it now than then.

    You’re not required to support her, she’s probably expectant of it because it’s what she thinks she’d do in that situation, but that doesn’t mean that you have to be ok with it.

  12. By messaging someone a song? I am sure it was curiosity. This isn’t cheating. This dude has serious issues, it’s not the girl. She was honest about her apps. He was being deceptive.

  13. Hubby and I have some difference of opinions politically. Neither of us are extreme in what we believe but we are different. We are adults. We respect each other's opinions and don't expect the other to agree with us.

    Trouble is, I didn't find hubby until I we were in our late 30s. Before that I've dated guys who didn't respect my opinions regardless of whether we agreed, felt that I wasn't entitled to an opinion or were extreme.

    It comes down to whether or not you can agree to disagree.

  14. It’s just a name, that goes for all of you, if one of you changes, it will be because one of you value that relationship more than the name.

  15. He moved you to another country under false pretenses (that he was moving too) and then left you there to live a year of debauchery and pretend that he was single and had no kids.

    What example is this for your teenager daughters? Do you want them to think “husband sleeping with prostitutes and not emotionally supporting wife, making work a priority” is what husbands do? Do you want them to marry someone who cheats and think “this is what husbands do”? Do you want them to marry someone who prioritizes their work over a miscarriage and be like “yeah, that's normal cause dad did that”?

  16. “We're going to have sex and if you don't want to, I'll rape you.”

    Where exactly is the joke?

    It's absurdist humour.

    Can we drop the toxic gaslighting from this sub? Do you really think you're facilitating communication in your relationshis by ignoring, and dismissing your partners, because you can't relate to their answer?

  17. How he’s pursing her if they never met and he’s from another country? All I know that she likes to complain to him about us and he text her stuff like “I treat you like a princess”

  18. I think regardless, get tested. You can’t rely on him to tell you because he’ll spin the account in a different direction.

    I would maybe say:

    ‘Hi NAME, after some thought, I think it’s best to separate. I received pictures of your updated tinder profile that shows you in your new home city. I’m hurt, disappointed, and heartbroken. I’m embarrassed that my friends found it but thankful they told me. I have no desire to stay in a relationship with someone who isn’t as committed as me and who will utilize dating apps while away from me. I wish you all the best in your new city. Please don’t contact me going forward.’

    You cannot give him time to explain. He will say the profiles old, that a friend must’ve taken his photos and created the account, that someone else must be using his pictures to catfish people.

    You know what it is. I’m so sorry you’ve discovered this.

  19. JFC. I am on medical leave from work due to my seizure disorder and I am bored AF. I do all the housework and laundry when I am feeling well and go to yoga almost every day (unless I have had a seizure). My gf works her ass off at one of the busiest hospitals in our city, yet she always offers to do things to help me. I told her not to worry about the apartment, groceries, laundry, etc.

    If he’s that “bored” get a damn job! I wish I could go back to my job, but I have to drive for it (field support for veterinary diagnostics) and my licence was suspended back in October when my seizures started up again. 🙁

  20. You don’t say nothing. Not your place , but tell your sister you are not ok with this. You have red lines

  21. The fuck does this have to do with “woke”. Come on, please don’t conflate this with people wanting more equal rights for those around us.

  22. Give him a suggestion of asking an interesting question. Instead of “how's ur day going?”, maybe it could be something that creates a conversation naturally!

    Something about a show you both like that might have differing opinions, best part of your favorite culture of food, hardest part of a game you've played, or a scene in a movie that you thought about for ages.

    There's nothing wrong with wanting to talk to your partner throughout the day, but it's gotta be interesting.

  23. I think you need to postpone the wedding. This should be the “honeymoon” stage of your relationship. She should really only have eyes for you and vice versa. Being attracted to someone is one thing, a crush is more of a desire to be with someone, IMO. Make sure you are both 100% committed to your marriage before you do it.

    Kudos to her for telling you immediately though and offering to quit her job. It’s quite possible thinks may work out but BE SURE. Good luck

  24. Even if she was joking, that's not something to joke about.

    Ask her to explain how it was funny…

  25. Yeah that’s very valid. I don’t have close friends who tried this so my source of info is literally just the Internet and then trying to balance it with my depiction of reality.

  26. How is he financially irresponsible if he still saved 150k by 30. By the sounds of it he just didn't want to look at every penny and forego every enjoyment in life just to speedrun buying the house.

    He was wrong for not making it clear that 300k isn't just his though.

  27. Tell me you've never been in an abusive situation without telling me you've never been in an abusive situation.

    Proceeds to do exactly that

  28. I'm not condoning cheating, but I think a lot of people are glossing over the fact that they were 18 when that happened. 18 is so young. 18 is fresh out of high school…or still in high school. 18 is still basically a kid.

    It isn't fair to expect someone that young to instantly fully and permanently commit themselves to another person….and I say that as someone who started dating my now-husband when we were 17. Did either of us cheat? No. But we both had prior relationships with lines that were a little blurry at times in the beginning of our relationship, and we both had doubts that we needed to examine in order to move forward in the relationship with certainty. If either of us had ignored those feelings and stuffed them down instead of examining them, we would have been left with lingering doubts. So it was much better to explore those feelings as they came up. I do think OP's wide should have been open with him about her doubts or history, and understand why OP is hurt. But.

    I think that punishing someone for things that happened 20 years ago when they were still essentially a kid is unfair. I think it is even more unfair to violate your partner's privacy in such an intimate way as reading their journal. Journals a private. They are a tool for recording and analyzing our deepest and most personal thoughts and feelings, many of which are exaggerated in the moment of being written because the feelings are being felt intensely enough to write about them. When I read some of my journals from earlier in our relationship, they are not an adequate reflection of my true feelings – they are a snapshot of my most visceral feelings. If my husband read them, he'd likely feel hurt because journaling is how I – and many others – process negative feelings. I have told my husband numerous times not to read my journals and he knows why.

    OP chose to trample his wife's right to have her own personal thoughts by helping himself to her journal. That indicates a clear lack of trust and respect. We are all entitled to have our own thoughts and a safe place to express them. We are not entitled to anyone else's innermost thoughts or feelings unless they are willingly shared.

  29. As long as you actually do have a healthy relationship with alcohol, then they are way off base. But I can only go by what you share here. You are right that people suffering with depression can have healthy periods, and get to live a normal life. It's not a good idea to mix alcohol and psych meds, but the occasional glass of wine with dinner is unlikely to cause problems.

    Your friend doesn't actually sound very supportive – blaming an internal chemical imbalance solely on an external factor. And they are causing you a drastic amount of anxiety…that doesn't really sound like a friend to me, and your self-esteem might get a bump if you were to cut back on hanging out with people who tear you down.

    But to keep an eye to your alcohol consumption. As I mentioned, most psych meds don't mix well with alcohol, and self-medication with alcohol is a very common problem. If it really is only one friend giving you the negative feedback, that's one person's opinion. But if you are getting this kind of feedback from multiple people, your relationship with alcohol may not be as healthy as you think.

  30. Yeah he mocks the emotional maturity of people in their early twenties yet here he is overthinking an instagram follow of all things.


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