TinaSergo on-line webcams for YOU!

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27 thoughts on “TinaSergo on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. I feel like if you're always “waiting for her to calm down” just for her to talk to you, it'd be over for me. That's ridiculous. She doesn't sound like she should be with ANYONE until she gets help. That shit ain't normal. Sorry you're going through all of this, OP. There's a person out there who will treat you the way you deserve, and should be.

  2. He stated he has no worry about the baby's safety while the baby is with her. That negates all that you said about baby's safety. He believes there is no.reason to worry about her alone with baby in his own words. He yelled in front of the baby and he is the only one that could even be accused of harming the baby. Her not cleaning the house isn't harming the baby. She does feed him and if it was all left to her there is no.indication she wouldn't be changing the baby and doing all the things he's been doing. Not a single indication of that at all.

  3. Why would you want him back? He’s treated you awfully and is asking for peace. Stop contact or else you’re just coming across as desperate. Hold your head high, move on and be happy.

  4. A friend of mine did this, and there was the usual “trust me, it’ll be fine, we’re in this together” assurances, alongside “why don’t you trust me?” guilt tripping.

    Can you guess what had happened less than a year later?

    She broke up with him, and got half the value of the house. She was fucking some other bloke on the side the whole time.

  5. Hmmm. How about you text him that you were veggie shopping, saw an eggplant, and was reminded of an ex hung boyfriend who used to split you in two, and all your friends agreed he was the bang on best.

  6. u/silentRageAggregate, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  7. Why are you attacking me? To get to MY post, you had to scroll past A LOT of comments that say he's cheating.

    That's okay, I got time today.

    I went through your post history, in 2 years, you have ONLY posted on gaming and sports subs. In 2 YEARS, you have NEVER had a single post or comment on any relationship sub, or any sub that isn't about gaming and sports.

    Why did you suddenly decide to scroll by all the other comment that say he's cheating, to reply to MY comment? And ONLY my comment. I know why!! You didn't like what I said on another sub or thread. Instead of acting like a healthy well-adjusted adult, and letting it go. You decided to use an alt account to follow me around Reddit. You are CREEPY. Get a life, and leave me alone.

  8. I wonder if a break would be possible

    I was wondering the same thing, before getting to it in your post. Maybe a short time with no contact, and then try starting over without any expectations?

  9. She says she doesn’t like kids. The truth is she doesn’t like YOUR kids. She sees them as a replacement. She just told you how she felt and you pretty much solidified her feelings by not inviting her to Disney. Shame.

  10. Dude, this sounds like manipulation, I've been there, just run!! The sooner you notice the sooner you'll be able to escape the loop As for the trip, either go with the intention of meeting someone new while she is hosting you or don't go at all

  11. it turns out that her daughter is not hers, then she found out that her 3 children are not hers.

    Wait.. how does that work? I'm pretty sure she'd know if she carried the babies.

  12. What if you helped by preparing a healthy meal for her twice a week? Cook at your house and invite them over. Or you can prepare a meal and bring it over, bring paper plates and utensils.

    Go grocery shopping with her and suggest some healthy options. Send her healthy food ideas and ask her if you guys can try it out.

    Consider fun physical activities like pickleball or dosgeball.

    Be her sister and be her friend.

  13. Could he have just told everyone you were his gf to make it seem like he has one? Maybe his parents wanted to meet you and that's why he put on a little show for his mom. Maybe he just assumes that if he starts calling you his gf, you will just accept it?

    You need to say something. He has never called you that before. He never asked you to be his gf. You never kissed or held hands or anything.

    I feel like hes gaslighting you and tricking you to be his gf. Unless he's the dumbest guy on earth.

  14. I have no words, just sending you love and hoping you have the strength to move forward by cutting out this toxicity. You're dodging so many bullets right now.

  15. Hi OP. When your husband says counseling “won’t change the inevitable,” what does he mean exactly? Divorce?

  16. I don’t know if there is a name for it, but she’s doing that thing where partners say stuff like this under the guise of being truthful and honest, but really they are placing the blame onto you for their shitty behaviour later on.

    They’ll cheat or whatever, then say they “warned” you what they would do, so if you are sad at their terrible behaviour it’s your own fault.

    People who do this are assholes who should be avoided.

  17. So several things. One many people are abused and they don’t get porn addictions they leave or get help with it. Two it’s been a problem his whole life he says long before the wife.

    An alcoholic getting abused the answer isn’t well you drink because your wife is the problem. You drink because drinking is your solution and you need a better one. Any better one.

  18. Obvious reasons aside, you and her are both in different places in life. You’re trying to communicate clearly like an adult, you’re demonstrating tolerance and patience, you’re putting in genuine effort.

    She is not. She’s young and selfish and she’s not ready to to have a serious relationship. She’s not ready to better herself as a human being. She still needs the validation of other men. She’ll happy take you along for the ride, but she’s always going to crave the attention of other men.

    Just give her what she wants and dump her.

  19. Antibacterial soap helps too. It works when I got a weird funk on my feet and I use it regularly under my arms because can’t wear anti-perspirant deodorant. It helps get that extra funk off.

  20. This is ridiculous. I've solo traveled many times in a 5-year relationship. Likewise he's done his own smaller trips here and there, or guys' trips with friends. We travel together too, but we aren't attached at the hip. We have different hobbies and travel interests, and we're both introverts- sometimes we want a week/weekend alone. Nothing about that is unusual.

    You're allowed to have a personality and interests and a life outside of your immediate partner. If you're so codependent you can't imagine it for yourself, then whatever- but don't act like it's such an unthinkable thing.


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