SummerShaw online webcams for YOU!

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38 thoughts on “SummerShaw online webcams for YOU!

  1. anyone who says “it's important to know bc you might have an std” is a fucking virgin lol first off you can have an sti with a body count of zero, mothers pass it to their children during birth all the time. secondly, you can have a body count of 100 and never contract anything. it's a weird question to ask and it's completely unnecessary. if you're worried about STIs, ask when they last got tested not how many people they've fucked before you got to them.

  2. i also wanted to ask their question, my bf was stressed & says very hurtful things like go ___ yourself, stupid b**** a and i know it’s mean it’s more than mean but like op said would these be crossing the line? and what if he’s stressed and saying these things

  3. The immediate problem yes. But I do have other issues including complexly ptsd thanks to family that I have to deal with. I should start therapy again

  4. I’m guessing the new woman was an affair which is why she’s the “love of your life” only 2 months after a divorce. That likely contributes to your ex wife being angry about her.

    You need to be responsible and go to court to get an actual custody agreement in place. Let the courts deal with it.

  5. You need to talk with him about this and not move in until you're both on the same page.

    If it's a house that's meant for both of you to raise a family in, you should absolutely be involved in the process.

    Let him know how this makes you feel.

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  7. She never cleaned the house and always complained about watching the kids when she is the one that wanted kids

  8. I’ll probably get downvoted, but so what? OP, it’s literally not your business. Maybe your sister believes he’s the one and she was going to tell him in her own time. Maybe she’s getting therapy and isn’t ready to tell him. Maybe she’s matured and has learned from her fuck ups and has turned a new leaf and she can’t face what she’s done in the past, yet, but she knows she’s done with that behavior. You don’t know what her plans are or what her feelings are and you have no right to interfere in her romantic relationships unless someone is in danger. Mind your own business.

  9. Seriously, I've heard of this before.

    AND it's a common TV trope in ugly duckling type movies.

    It's not unheard of at all.

  10. She has taken the bus to work in the past, so I am not sure what the deal with why she didn't go was.

    To quote her she ” hates kids”, so she wouldn't enjoy Disneyland

    Also, we do have an emergency fund, for our emergencies, not to fix her car.

  11. oh he's gross and he blatantly manipulated you

    this man is a pervert and I don't think he really loves you at all, you just fulfil his fantasies

    do you have any friends who you can go and stay with while you find somewhere else to live?

  12. that’s very true, that’s one thing i was afraid of, i was afraid if i brought a friend that they would get pulled into this mess but i know now it’s a safe option and also being someplace public, thank you for this

  13. Fuck no.



  14. I’m not saying they shouldn’t be close with your kids or not be in their lives. He needs to step it up too. You need to have a serious conversation with him and get past his bull crap. I can see why your so frustrated through this whole post.

  15. Through IG. My husband is friends with her cousin who lives in San Francisco. He watched one of his IG stories and there she was on a rooftop with a drink

  16. This isn’t true. He asked multiple times after being told no. Why tf would he even need to acknowledge that if not to scare her or have some type of power trip? Nobody who cares about you would tell you that if they wanted to they would rape you

  17. True, but I feel like it helps and strengthens our relationship – it always makes me feel great to know how we're both fully on the same page like this. Talking about major things and life decisions like this is important, i dont think id enjoy having it set up so passively. – I hope it makes sense

  18. Justified.

    I have a grandpa like that, only he did this with the money his father had meant to give to my aunt and her sisters. My grand 'invested' the money greatgrandpa wanted him to give to my aunts, and my grandpa said they'd get it later. Then, after he bought a huge house, a few cars, a charging station for the tesla he bought…he told then opps, the money meant for them is gone. 🙂

    So money has a way of showing us the true character of people.

    I think your gf is very justified. This seems like a less straightforward issue and more of a game they are playing. Either they favor her brother, or whatever, but yeah, I think she is completely justified in not wanting to have anything to do with a pair of people that she can't trust anymore. Life is to short to deal with that shit.

  19. Yes this last thing was intolerable. I didn't wanna judge but I didn't do anything to him at the end of the day to talk to me like this. I tried to help

  20. That is so interesting to hear – my mother in law is a hoarder and my husband fights against anything he considers the start of a hoard in real life. But he openly admits to hoarder behaviors in video games, whether it’s gold, resources whatever – I’ve never heard anyone else describe that behavior before.

  21. Do not respond.

    Even if she is legit, you have spent your life almost hiding because of what they did and she was a part of that. Even to this day you aren’t using your own name or picture just in case.

    She might not be legit, if they’re as bad as you say they are she might just be trying to find out where you are.

    You moved on from that group, she was not your BFF if she turned on you like that. Don’t respond to her message at all.

  22. He can’t be trusted. Id reconsider the marriage. He’s easily tempted and that’s hell to live with…

  23. Probably insecurities. In my experience, best way to deal with this is reassurance. Constant reassurance.

    Have a heart to heart talk as adults. Tell him what you've told us. Tell how what he did vonfused you and tell him why you like him so much.

    Hopefully there's no narcissm involved and it's just him being insecure.

  24. It's clear to the rest of us here ?. For me, He's trying to put another notch in his 6 shooter. I'd be telling him to holster it somewhere else.

  25. Inactions also!

    He us the father and rather than picking uo his own crying child to give them both some rest he just put him out of reach and left!

    That's cruel!

    Babies tend to be such sensible antennae picking up mommas wibes. And if momma is stressed a bit it will have repercussions on the baby!

    I can't think of anything more stressful than attending a work meeting with a crying baby in my arms.

    Sure he cried! But that is remediable!

    Just father pick him up and leave the room. Do whatever a good father does… go for a walk. Talk to his son. Whatever!

    Man…. did HE eff up! One dick move, so many faiks accumulated!


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