Emma Gray on-line sex cams for YOU!

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16 thoughts on “Emma Gray on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. You need the legal advice sub.

    I’ve red that when you declare some one a domestic partner on official documents it’s difficult if not impossible to dial it back though.

    There are other things that factored as well for the one person I knew in this situation, including whether you ever made consistent financial contributions that were significant to their household etc

  2. 3) I’m not thinking about sex, and don’t really feel like it

    You're doing it anyway when you don't feel like it…? That's… I mean, I guess you're consenting to that so it's fine, but you really shouldn't have to do that.

  3. I think it would make sense to limit video games or something like that, that is what my parents did. But to limit the computer all together?? I’ve had to do so much research related stuff for school that could not possibly be cranked out in 2 hours. Not to mention there is a whole lot of interesting stuff on the internet which makes you think, for example, I became extremely fascinated with engineering through cars and learning how they work. Now I’m rebuilding an engine in my garage thanks to what the internet taught me. You’re demonizing something for what you fear it could do, not because their is any rationality beyond that. And no shit he resents you. It seems like you’ve controlled every aspect of his life since he was born. My parents were similar and all it taught me to do was learn how to lie without blinking an eye and get away with shit. The more you try and control him the less you will be able to control him. Guarantee when he goes away for school he’s gonna do a lot of shit you would be very glad not to know about. If you care about your relationships with him cut him some slack. Nothing is more infuriating than being treated like you have no self control and are some stupid child even when by a legal standard you are an adult

  4. You got pregnant, got married, moved away from networks – you both hardly know each other and now it’s going to shit. Mmmmmm

  5. And again, I think that continuing to focus on that “benefit” doesn't align with her request for space. My advice still stands. You should post like you would if she weren't watching your stories, and leave her be.

  6. So your gonna let your wife get railed by random dudes while you sit at home?

    And to top it off she'll come home and not give you any

    Grow a pair man. Wtf did I just read.

  7. OP

    If she asked for evidence, tell her where you found it. She will get more passed but she has already lied to you so meh.

    Ignore that, Don't get side track, or she will gaslight the hell out of you.

    Shame Insults Guilt and the need to be right.

  8. So obviously if his mate needed a hsndy or blowy he would do it since its not a sexual sct and he doesnt need to be in the mood to do it for his mste to relieve stress right?

  9. reddit is a terrible place to get advice on anything remotely religious. it's your wedding, you get to decide who comes.

  10. Sadly just think about his wife? You're probably not the first person he's cheated with her. Be thankful you dodged a bullet and I'm sorry there are such creeps out there.

  11. This might be unpopular, but how much do you remember about the hooking up and consent? It's not like you were walking, slipped on a banana peel and your penis magically fell in a vagina. Did her friend take advantage of your inability to consent? Had you already been making out and it escalated? It's one thing to stop drinking and to say you want to be responsible but if you truly didn't choose to have sex then it's a nonconsent situation regardless of gender. And thus do not ever get in the situation – only drink (if you drink) with friends you fully trust!!!

  12. Sounds like you need to see your Doctor about your meds. You might need to up the dose or change meds. It's a process to find the right dose and /or meds.

  13. Yeah…. fuck that man. Bottom line is that you and every person deserves to have a partner that you can trust. He will give the same exact sob story when it happens again which it will if you how him cheating has no consequences


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