Sweet Choco Goddess on-line sex chats for YOU!

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40 thoughts on “Sweet Choco Goddess on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. I know it's a pain, but people like kids, so you should try to get along with them. As a class, they're not very mature, and it takes time for them to grow out of it, so it's advisable to do some child-proofing.

  2. He is probably just the kind of guy who isn’t interested in dating multiple people. I mean if he starts rushing thing that’s one thing, but all he did was delete the app and didn’t say anything about it until you asked?

    That’s not a red flag. You can always reinstall apps.

  3. My dude I have every phone number I’ve ever received since in the last 15 year in my contacts lmao who the fuck goes through and deletes contacts?

  4. Nope, I’ve read your story aloud to 6 different people… 4 women two men. They all say the same thing.

  5. Or don’t.

    Stay, sabotage it, argue and break up anyway. Then keep staying bitter, insecure and unresolved.

    You aren’t doing anyone favours staying together until you get your emotions sorted.

    You could get therapy while staying together but resentment and therapy take time. It will wreck the relationship before it gets resolved

  6. I’m sorry you’re going through this, but that woman is a leech. Either she needs to get a job and start helping around the house, or she needs to leave.

  7. I have known more than my share of heavy drinkers and the “Acid Test”

    for any of them was the same:

    —-Could they willfully choose to not take a drink

    for an indeterminent period of time.—–

    The more common rule of thumb is:

    “someone who when they drink, gets into trouble”.

    But that isn't necessarily in concrete.

    Since I don't know either of you, I would have to chalk it up as

    “abberrant behavior”. Certainly not heathy, and maybe even boardering

    on self-abuse.

    And its not helping your Bond much for him to “check-out”

    Thursday to Sunday. Just sayin……..

  8. If they split up she’ll be well taken care of by the court. Even then, the fact that she got access to a much improved quality of life by marrying the wealthy man makes up for the career compromise down the road if they split up

  9. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    [27F] [26F] [55M], in a polyamorous relationship but I'm not allowed to see others.

    I (27F) know him (50M) for 3 years, it was a superficial friendship but i always felt that he's attracted to me, this year we started spending more time together, he introduced me to his (26F) girlfriend of 3 years, she liked me too, and weeks later we end up me and him having sex, then she joined us, i don't know where i stand with them, as he made it clear to me after she went and stayed alone at night, he confessed to me that he doesn't want me to see others and he wants me only to be with him, no other men are allowed only women. Later that week i found out that she's fucking a younger man because she mentioned him during sex she said we should bring X. I didn't ask them yet about that X person but I'm planning on asking him, to clear my confusion.

  10. Hello /u/McMeMeorMcScream,

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  11. He’s mad that she’s no longer “his”. Maybe he does have feelings, but it definitely seems like he’s treating her like his possession. That’s a pretty gross way to look at another person.

    I get that you just wanted to “hit it”, but you’re also just treating her like a hole and not a person. Do you actually care about her because it doesn’t seem like it.

  12. The friend made it her business by telling her about it. The husband is asking for help. She's not butting in or getting into anybody else's business. Don't be a shitty person and you don't have to worry about the truth ruining your life. I'm sure you're familiar with being scared of the truth if this post bothers you so much.

  13. Thank you Lucy! I agree with you! I struggle to let go, and I definitely have to put myself above this whole stupid situation.

    I am thankfully at a point where I am happy to move on, but just as you said, it will take and I should stop giving this whole thing room in my head. It'll only waste space and time.

    I'll graduate soon and I'll hopefully have more to my life than just worrying about people that don't deserve that.

  14. I have two friends who married each other and are also poly, they introduced a third to their relationship and now the three of them have two kids and afaik are in a very healthy relationship.

    Your friends aren't leaving trails of broken hearts because they're poly. They're leaving trails of broken hearts because they're jerks.

  15. thank you. i needed to hear these things from someone. I’m going to give him a chance to step up. either he does, or he doesn’t.

  16. I don’t plan on it i definitely feel like i don’t have freedom after my long 9-5 job i like to go to the gym and he knows that and it’s like since he’s been in the picture i can’t do what i enjoy!

  17. The guy that told me about the bet said that he wanted to tip me off about it, but didn’t want to get involved. However I think if I update him on how the situation has escalated he’d step in and speak up if I needed someone to back me up to HR/management.

    They’ve all requested to follow me on social media but I have my profiles locked down and haven’t accepted any of them. They can still message me (and one did and asked me to accept his request) but none of them can see my profile etc.

  18. Tell him, because somebody should tell him, and he's your friend. However, resist the temptation to give him any advice.

  19. i didn’t ‘just meet her’ i’ve known her for a few months from my job, this thought about her was on my mind for like a week then after 3 weeks it came back to me again… i don’t think about this when i’m with her because she’s so cute and innocent i don’t see it..

  20. Maybe both of these persons are young and need to learn from this experience? Like learning to say “no” to drive 24h without sleep to dine with your date?

  21. Most people who are consistently late are making a genuine effort to be on time. They find it incredibly stressful to try and get anywhere on time and it's really distressing to them when they know that others are upset by their lateness. No one is purposely disrespecting you, they're trying their best and you're being an arsehole.

  22. I have been where your boyfriend is before.

    Work like high school puts you in a social circle with a lot of women whom you get to know on a personal level. And contrary to what Reddit tells you getting into relationships with coworkers in corporate jobs is common.

    Brining your girlfriend to work means every girl is going to scratch you off their list.

  23. He works swing shifts and gets home around midnight frequently. What is the luck on days where he is not working? Is that typically when things happen?

  24. I’m so sorry, OP. You sound like a very loving person! I don’t have answers, but I feel for you, and also for people who have been struck with disability and are forced to rely on others for help. 🙁

  25. OP, you are not a monster. You are understandably struggling under many expectations, responsibilities, and roles.

    How old is your stepson? He absolutely should have, at least, developmentally appropriate chores. Sit him down, explain your expectations using 'I' statements, and have rewards or consequences depending on if he completes the tasks or not. Add in that you appreciate his help yada yada.

    If you can and if you would be up for it, seek a care giver support group for resources. At the very least, maybe you find friendships, understanding, and support.

    Carve out 10 minutes to do something just for you. OP, you are taking on so much. There is nothing wrong with you. My partner is struggling with alcoholism. Though it is definitely not the same thing you are going through, I've had similar destructive thoughts. You deserve care, respect, and love.

  26. If someone is repeatedly asking you to do something you’re uncomfy w, that is coercive :/

    the only thing that should matter is you don’t feel like it, it is his responsibility to respect that, it is not yours to make sure he feels pleasure.

    Idk if breaking up w this person is on the table for you, but at the very least, I’ll say I’m sorry this is something you have to deal w. That sucks and is not ur fault. ❤️

  27. dang, thanks for answering indepth, i hated to bring it up and make u explain, but makes me think i may have some things like this to add up to myself..thank u for sharing

  28. i dont expect to cater to everyones feelings, but i think its ridiculous and frustrating that he brings it up constantly as if in as irresponsible as i was when i was 12. how is a 12 year old supposed to replace an electronic like that? it wasnt until recently that i was in a position to get a job in the first place, i had no income to get him a replacement

  29. Understandable! My first boyfriend and I dated for a period of almost six months. It ended with him cheating and other fundamental differences. Early on in the relationship I bought him some very expensive cologne and he treated me like complete crap throughout the entire relationship. After we split, I realized I left some things at his house and he would not give them back to me. I waited until he went to work, used the gate code that I had to his house (this was a time before IOT/ home digital things were as big, so it was a school locker lock), went in the back door and got my things that I left at his place and the cologne. The TikTok was about that incident, (stupid I know)… I took nothing but what was rightfully mine, and I suppose the “gift”. Did not damage anything or rummage through anything. Just wanted my things.

  30. She might need more than a month away from you. Communicate via text. Do not go to her house. Don't mention other family members. Keep things simple.

  31. I don’t know what type of work your wife is in but a lot of jobs (I am a partner at a law firm) rely on “socialization.” And although the socialization is not “mandatory” it really is mandatory, meaning you simply cannot get ahead if you don’t go. Where I work there is at least one happy hour a month where one is expected to attend. At former firms it was more like once a week and those that did not attend were ostracized and did not get the good work. So two times a month? That’s nothing. And these are really not likely her friends. It’s not like she’s making weekend plans with them, she’s going after work and if her birthday tended to fall on a work day maybe they just wanted to take her out. You make it sounds like she planned a birthday party on the weekend and did not invite you. This is an extension of her job and she does not invite you because you don’t come to work with her do you? No one else’s spouse is there either. For many jobs this is just how it is.

  32. Not enough info to make a guess on her reasons,maybe she already had the time off from the original plans, maybe there's some event happening at that time. Maybe it's the only time her friend can go, might be the long weekend etc.


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