Veronica-evans live! sex cams for YOU!

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54 thoughts on “Veronica-evans live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Being curious is one thing – and a wise person would share that with their partner – e.g. I signed up for BFF and I wanted to see what the dating part looks like – do you want to look at it with me? So – out in the open, nothing to hide, so forth. Even then it is dicey.

    Instead she hid it and then seemingly lied about it.

  2. That’d make sense, except me napping like that is not normal at all, I don’t think I’ve ever done it.

  3. Based on her age, I can't imagine you've been dating that long of a time. Your life isn't ruined, I get that infidelity sucks, but you aren't responsible for any of this, and can leave easily enough.

    Your life's only ruined if you force yourself to stay when you so clearly want to leave.

  4. Is it rude if I tell him that I like him but I don’t feel attraction? I just want to be honest and upfront but he might take it personal…not even sure if things will change in the future tbh

  5. My friend, if your boyfriend is willing to set your future on fire to keep him warm, he’s not your person. Your future is far more important than his ego.

  6. Honestly, even the tone of your post here seems harsh. I read this internally with an extremely sharp edge to it. There's not enough information to figure out what's really going on here, but either you're rude or your boyfriend is soft. There's not really any in-between here.

  7. You have lost attraction for your partner because you have already “nabbed him”. In fact the attraction is totally gone to the extent that you kissed an ex. You are a 23y old adult, and this is totally unforgiveable from his end. I applaud you for telling us about it, and admitting that it is a mistake. This is brave.

    I have a feeling that you have a deeper issue that made you do it. You don't know it, we don't know it. Maybe a trained therapist can help find out if you have any trauma that is manifesting itself?

    This marriage is not going to serve any purpose in your life. If you marry him, both of you will be miserable for many years. I strongly advise you call off the wedding, and do not put blame on him for this because he didn't do anything wrong.

  8. Sounds like me except I've been in relationships. Each and every time though, they were unhealthy. As a result, I am a bit hesitant because I attract those who are bad for me. Unfortunately, those that would be good for me are never interested. Im ok with being alone as opposed to another bad experience. It's just not fair that I cannot find someone to compliment my life but can find plenty that would ruin it. My parents relationship was unhealthy so I guess that's why. Oh well, I tried and likely I am done.

  9. That's good to hear! Definitely prioritize this right now, because once you get it under control you will have an easier time holding down a job.

  10. Happy birthday, and man I wish I could scream scream (fry), after lessons I can only yell sing (belt)

    I belted out Gaslight Anthem – 45 a bunch of times in my coping of getting over the girl of my dreams since a few months ago. I still call her that so I guess it didn't work but hey its a great song. At this point I just tell myself it will be possible to find someone else just like her that makes me feel the same, kinda transplant the feelings I had onto and I hope you'll find someone else in that way too! That might not the healthiest but I don't know what else itd be. Also welcome to CA you should look at meetups.

  11. Realistically, no. Stick around the sub long enough and it's full of cheaters doing what they do after promising to stop. You either have the boundary, or you don't. The well is already poisoned, you'll on-line your life paranoid. Is it worth it?

  12. I suppose the friend could make a court application to have her declared incompetent. You could be the expert witness.

  13. to prove it

    this is not a healthy mindset for a relationship. you two aren't adversaries, you're not debating. you don't need to prove anything to her, you don't need to change her perspective on sex or her relationship to it.

    she may have a different definition of sex from you or a different perspective to it. your role as her BF is not to change her views, but to do your best to support, accept and expand them.

  14. Hello /u/EnigmaticEll,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  15. And you know she fucked up only once because….? She could easily have been a serial cheater in the past. And where in the post did she mention telling her husband about her cheating?

  16. Doesn’t matter who makes more or pays more. It only matters that you have roughly equal free time. If she’s still doing chores or errands while you’re relaxing, socializing, or enjoying hobbies, your free time isn’t equal.

    I think there are a lot of people who are richer than me that have never cooked in their lives.

    Lacking basic life skills is really not very common, even among the super rich. I make enough to order from nice really every single meal, and very often do. But JFC I’m still capable of preparing a wide variety of dishes. No one taught me, it doesn’t require any classes, you just…do it. That you would claim you don’t know how, at all, is just bizarre.

  17. Wouldn’t it bug you if your boyfriend said “yes I have masturbated to images of women I have liked using their Facebook and Instagram images”

  18. Jk Rowling is neither homophobic or transphobic so your friend just doesn't know how to read. Jk says that biological women and female people should have private spaces from males of all gender identities, and supports trans people's rights to healthcare, gender identity, and safety. She just also believes that female people regardless of gender identity are oppressed and abused by males and that female people need to be protected from men who will abuse us. Trans women still commit violent crimes at similar rates to cis men, so they should not be allowed into female only spaces.

  19. I stopped reading after the intro – jeez man stop moving into houses with women! Especially the new one who you don't even know. Do you seek this domestic drama or something? You still have physical baggage from your past relationship given how things are not get sorted out and you're off dating other people. Get your house in order (literally) then start dating.

  20. He hasn’t stopped, and having a kid obviously didn’t stop him either. Why not just leave now before you’re really in the hole.

  21. I had to recheck the ages. You guys are almost 40 and acting like 19 year olds. Get a lawyer, sell the house, and grow up.

  22. I hope both of you decide one child is enough for now. Until second pregnancy, he needs to stop being a misogynist first. Otherwise second pregnancy bring a disaster in…

  23. “For the love of Christ, don’t go for coffee, it’s not an interview”

    I was responding to the comment telling OP coffee dates are a bad date, not OP’s PUA vibes. I addressed that in a different comment.

  24. Never again? Possibly. She could always change her mind but the difference between the two of you is you actually enjoy going down on her and she doesn't enjoy going down on you.

    When I met my husband blow jobs were off the table. I hated it. But since then I've learned to love it. That was a me thing. I grew up super repressed (Catholic/Baptist parents) and everything sexual was a sin. I couldn't get it out of my head that it was somehow wrong. And it was a power issue that I wasn't okay with. I had to do the personal work to get over all that and move on.

    Whether she has history or not though, some people just aren't into it. Similarly to people not being into bdsm or not being into any other kink. If you didn't like a specific thing and she kept asking you to do it you'd want a break too.

  25. Of my SO told me they didn’t like me when no drank, I would simply not drink anymore. That’s embarrassing. The fact that she just keeps doing it shows that she prob does have a bad relationship with alcohol.

  26. Good definitions for emotional labour are googlable mate. Stop expecting women to explain our oppression to you. Do the least, at least.

  27. You must get yourself in to therapy, also.

    I don’t mean that as belittling and I apologize for this being insulting if you find it that way, but there’s something going on here where you are deliberately maintaining an abusive relationship and slowly damaging yourself. I understand you care about your gf, but you need to make yourself your own priority before something bad happens. Be careful.

  28. I'm not a doctor nor do I have a penis, but I would imagine that the scar tissue from repeatedly tearing it would have a bigger chance of him losing sensation

  29. Nooooo. OP if you stay the cognitive dissonance will destroy you. Trying to reconcile a betrayal of this magnitude with the love you thought you shared with your wife is going to tear you apart. I’m really sorry that you’ve been treated so poorly.

  30. The “just a friend” excuse again. Tell him, that’s exactly the problem, she’s just a friend and you are his girlfriend but he’s making you uncomfortable with the frequent lunch, dinner and sleep overs. The sleep overs are inappropriate and your feelings are valid.

    She’s the ex of his best friend but is he supporting his best friend with the break up? Is he giving the best friend the same level of attention and support? If not, you know then where his heart lies.

  31. Have you, I don’t know, tried talking to him? Why is this her fault if you admit she mirrors people?

  32. You missed both points entirely.

    You have an opportunity because she’s not distracting you.

    If you don’t know what goal(s) you are working to then that’s the problem.

    Maybe you need to talk to a few professionals in career planning and mental health to figure yourself out?

  33. Ahh, you misunderstand and that's ok.

    You can do a prenatal paternity test that just involves a blood sample from the mother and one from you.

    To explain, a pregnant mother has the DNA from both her and the child in her bloodstream and the DNA from the child contains the DNA from both parents. If you are the father then your DNA will be present in your wife's blood, if you aren't the father then the actual fathers will be there instead.

    Pre-natal paternity tests can be done as early as the 7th week of pregnancy.

  34. I on-line in a city where this is a really normal thing. And I feel in relationships you should try things to make your partner happy. I wouldn’t be second place because he knows if that was to happen I would leave. The first time didn’t work because the guy was straight and was only trying to get with me.

  35. I'm 99.9% sure it's not about you, and you're weird for making it about you. (if nothing else, you're not a teen). Sounds like his taste is as vanilla as it gets, otherwise I'm sure you would have gone into some detail in your righteous indignation 😀

    The only two people whom it concerns are your parents, and if they are not unaliving each other other this, you can forget it ever happened and move on.

  36. Oh. Your other responses are not clear then. It sounds like you want a large house. Then 150k should be more than enough for what you say you want.

  37. If he did the drugs too then your behavior was no worse than his regardless of how it affected you. Getting sick isn’t a behavior. It is a consequence of a behavior.

    Unless you did the drugs and he didn’t then there is no distinction here.

  38. Whatever you do, dont let her know your life and your kids lives ever again. Don't ever yield back, your kids deserve better than her.

  39. I feel if she can't figure it out on her own then she can just have at it.

    This is my mindset too, I dont want to change my partner or tell them what they can or can't do. You cant set bounderies on someone else, you can only set bounderies on yourself and what you would accept from your partner.


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