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Mary, 19 y.o.


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44 thoughts on “Mary the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I get the feeling that in the last five years without you there, your son has gotten to see a lot more of the real man his dad is, and probably sees your side of things a lot clearer than he did before. I understand if it takes a little while, but if you wait too long he might get the idea you don't care.

  2. I used no contact to get over her. I referred to this in the post and admitted im not fully over her but my plan isn’t to get her back. I’m simply playing things by ear. If things work out, cool. If they don’t, whatever.

  3. You need to tell her this friendship, and the time she devotes to it, is going to cost her her marriage and see how she responds. If she truly wants to protect the marriage, she will re-prioritize things to make more time for you. If she already has one foot out of the door, she will spin this as you controlling her and not wanting her to have this friend.

    You are at the precipice, it's time to force her hand and jump. She will either hand you a parachute or a rock.

  4. I always say something like, “Nice try. I come to you with a real problem and you are getting out of discussing it quite successfully. I’ll give you five minutes and then you have to go back to talking me and my feelings seriously, no funny business.”

  5. Exactly. OP has received variations of this response everywhere they’ve posted this even though they left out the fact that the girl told him that she was involved with someone else (she’s also ignored his friend request on social media). It’s not a matter of giving her “space” over the break and asking her out again, she’s simply not interested.

  6. And just idk why he needs me to do it without him asking like what difference does it make lol

    He wants to be desired.

    Imagine how you'd feel if he never initiated any intimacy.

  7. Just saying, OPs bf is in here downthread denying its to get the dog to pee and OP is telling him thats not what he told her earlier so we may never know the whole truth or extent of this lol…?

  8. Goddamn it. When my mom died and I was a lonely second semester college student, barely an adult, and far from home, I would have LOVED it had somebody made me food. Getting out of bed and deciding what to make felt like a ridiculously heavy burden. I’m sure your friends feels loved and appreciates your effort. Your boyfriend is being incredibly insensitive. You express your love be cooking, and of course you like sour acts of love to be appreciated! Everyone likes that! Your boyfriends sound jealous and immature.

  9. Curious: Why are you attracted to men who are married? Wouldn’t logic dictate: If they’re the type to reciprocate their a shitty catch.?

  10. Yeah I couldn’t come back from that. Maybe if he was asking her out in the first year of our relationship I could learn to get it go but still asking her the day before the wedding? Nah fuck that.

  11. We’ve always referred to each other as “bro” and he once referred to us as “siblings”. So I always viewed our relationship as a platonic one and was careful about not catching feelings.

  12. Woah, just back away from this whole situation slowly and calmly then when you get to a good distance, run and never look back. Too much, too soon

  13. Why do you feel like he deceived you, when you just assumed he quit smoking? He never said he quit did he? It was just something you both talked about doing.

  14. Anyone who takes relationship advice from this sub has to be nuts and ready to destroy any and every relationship.

    This sub should be renamed r/RelationshipAdviceFromSinglePeopleNeuroticsAndPeopleInUnhappyRelationshipsAndFailedMarriages

  15. I don't know, Holy Spirit.

    I was not the one officiating your whatever situationship you have.

    Maybe, your desire to see your girlfriend embarrassed?

  16. Why cant he just be curious? Without any thoughts like “lets check how faithful she is” or anything like that.

    In his place i would have been just curious expecting nothing and just doing it., no deeper meaning. What does that mean?

  17. NINE MONTHS after getting an abortion, it has nothing to do with hormones from having an abortion almost a year previous

    You might want to recalculate that? Like a woman who's not yet pregnant isn't going to get an abortion. Unless you're calling the morning-after pill abortion?

    Most women get their abortion around 10-12 weeks. So they'd have been due just six months later.

    And FYI any emotion you have ever felt has been driven by your hormones.

  18. Your mother put you in an extremely shitty situation. Frankly she is the one who should tell him.

    Before your update there was a possibility that your dad knew that you are not his child and was ok with it. But the way they both reacted means he has no clue but she knows.

    But if you or she will tell him, you might or might not lose him because he will be very hurt.

    If he never learns about it – you might or might not lose him because you yourself will feel incredibly guilty.

    If he learns that you are not his child and you knew about it – I am afraid you will lose him for sure.

  19. I know I’m overreacting to him texting her. But I am having this feeling that Alex wants to have my than a friendship with my bf now that he’s committed to me. It’s his first ever commitment and Alex has lost her importance in his life for the first time ever. Also the pulling up shirt thing is bothersome, my boyfriend would have gone bat shit crazy if one of my friends had done that to me.

  20. I don’t understand why so many of you are so desperate to have a husband.

    If your husband is a cold hearted idiot, you divorce him. Down the line he will give you so much grief for something else that you’ll regret ever marrying him.

    I really don’t understand this level of desperation.

  21. I can tell you this. People frequently suck at knowing what will make them happy in the future. I've seen people spend thousands of dollars to just get pregnant and a couple years in go, nah this ain't for me, and straight leave a whole ass life, kid, everything. People that never wanted kids happy and thriving in parenthood. People taking that job, winning that trophy, marrying the one, and hating it. So, who knows?

    Logically, no one would want a tiny alien looking thing that contributes nothing and screams and makes messes all the time. I read a book called “All joy, no fun”. That describes my experience of parenting.

    So idk. That's my two cents.

  22. How do you know the ages of the girls who are posting thong pics? I have a very hot time believing IG would allow these posts to stay up if the girls were truly under age.

  23. This person lied daily and mislead you rather than talking to you. That’s not the person you thought you were befriending.

  24. What kind of porn addicted freak is he. You better be sure he deleted those pictures and start running real fast

  25. I was kinda sympathetic to her until the she's upset because “she missed out on a huge part of my life that we won't experience together”. This is incredibly immature bordering on insanity. A normal person would not resent something so ridiculous. Are you supposed to apologize for the life you've lived before her which she wasn't part of? What is the actual point of her saying this? I would interpret it as her wishing that I'd erase my son and ex and restart my life all over with just her.

    Everything is just nonsense by a grown woman acting like a teenager. You also want to be extra careful with her being alone with your son. You said he's on the spectrum where he struggles to pick up on certain things and she may in fact use that to plant nefarious information in him that he wouldn't be able to interpret and just internalize it.

  26. Doesn’t mean he sent them on accident. He could have sent a message asking if it was about him hitting on her, then deleted it after a second or two. There’s no telling

  27. OP,

    The trauma that you going through losing such a close family member is really tough and I get it. I lost my father also, it was very very hot.

    What your doing it taking the trauma of your loss and projecting it on your GF. Your grieving, it's so very hot. Trust me, I understand, you wish she would have been there. She, by your words had a prior commitment. Do you know if it could of been postponed? Most of the time when a family member is visiting from out of state is because it was planned for other family members to take that time off and be together. That means a lot of planning took place for it to be that certain period of time.

    I am not invalidating your point at all, I am just trying to get you to understand other perspective of the situation.

    I believe you need to see a grief councilor and talk it out. I know when I was your age, I thought it was either this way or that way. The thing I learned later was that everything has to be give and take. Even when times are tough. I also learned that I had to stop being so harsh and think around everything, see it from both sides and just not my side. Its naked to do, but once you start trying it gets easier.

    I am sorry you feel this way, you need to do what you need to do. Just understand if this is your only issue with her and you break up with her, Will you find someone that is as good as her? Are you willing to give up on somebody because either way they chose, was going to hurt someone else?

  28. What are you doing with a man who laid his hands on you? Do you plan on marrying him? Do you want your children to grow up watching their father abuse their mother? Do you want your children to think it’s ok for a partner to hit them? Not only that but buying picture of other women? Completely disrespectful. Leave him. You can do so much better. There is a man out there who will treat you like a princess and you’re stuck with a lowlife like him because you wired your brain to think he’s somehow deserving of any of your efforts. Leave. Seriously. You’ll be so much better without him.

  29. It was a time in her life and someone she got close to, and that’s ok. Partners will bring up their past from time to time and it’s understandable to feel a bit weird about it especially at your age. It’s not an issue to talk about your ex but the context on what is being brought up with them is important. And if the topic is making you feel uncomfortable, let her know. She’s your partner and she should respect your boundaries. But you need to set those boundaries, unspoken rules or expected boundaries never end well.

  30. Thanks. Hopefully things will somehow improve over the next 24 hours or so, but I'm not quite sure how. I was thinking of trying to get dinner one more time before the leave on Friday. I'm just really hoping my black eye is gone before then.

  31. Shit like this is whats wrong. If I was your current husband and saw this post I would leave too

  32. Thought I believe your opinion on what is acceptable to say to your S/O is wrong, I appreciate you sharing your opinion

  33. OK so he's overstepping boundaries on a sexual level since he finds out funny. Would it still be funny if he did it to a woman? Also sounds like he's the only one enjoying his “jokes” which still makes him am asshole

  34. It definitely is not. Plus it’s really very hot to find quality girls out there man. Im fine most days but like damn. Im guessing it’s also the guilt of how I left things that keeps hunting me

  35. If it is bothering you, ask him about it. If you question him first, you have a much better chance of having an honest, mature relationship


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