Valeria27 online webcams for YOU!

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34 thoughts on “Valeria27 online webcams for YOU!

  1. Do you but some still gon think its weird. That gap is too big, and some people still dont understand what love is

  2. She has to evict you if she wants you out, but if it's her lease in most jurisdictions she can make you go. A local lawyer can clear up what rights you have.

  3. Stop going out with men much older than you. It’s a sign there’s something wrong with him that women his own age avoid.

  4. Sounds like he does not have the maturity to online with you. He blames you for everything and goes into his own space (gaming or out late drinking) to avoid responsibilities and you. It’s a one-sided relationship sadly, he doesn’t to fix his problems or the problems in the relationship. He just wants out…. Do what you must, it will only hurt you more the longer you stay together.

  5. Stalk and send threatening signs to the ex from a hypothetical third party and him he still insist on trying to be in the life of Your gf’s, take your threatening signs to another level. its people like him that breaks many good potentialed relationships…..mine included. Hm? what? my gf’s ex? oh, he moved to another country cause i abused him all the time

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  7. He’s using you for somewhere to online until his apartment is ready. If I were you, depending on any legal issues, I would be asking him to leave immediately.

    This is an awful, selfish way to lead someone on. You deserve better than someone who thinks this is okay behaviour.

  8. Hello /u/Madman1313,

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  9. So many questions here, but I will try to stay on-topic.

    Sounds like she’s not ready for an intimate relationship. Especially since she’s still wearing the wedding ring. You may be; marriages sometimes die long before they end, and that might be the case for you, not my place to say.

    If you want to date her, then start with building trust and being with her in a non-intimate way. You can do that without placing yourself mentally in the “friend zone”. It’s just a longer, slower courtship.

    If you really do have feelings for her, this is a way to show her and yourself that you’re not rebounding.

    Or you could date around and include time with her less romantically. That might lower any pressure she feels.

    Time is your friend and pressure on her is your enemy here.

  10. That is a wide age gap that I'd be uncomfortable with, and the relationship sounds bad, but it also sounds like you're leaving something out for them to use words like “pedo” and “grooming.” How old were you when you two met? Is she or was she ever in a position of authority over you?

  11. She is 18. If you want a real relationship, stay away from that age group. I'm not saying all are basically out exploring, but it's like an 8 out of 10 that do.

  12. I’m with you on this. It might be a last straw for me too. Your spouse is supposed to be someone who always has your back and prevents putting you in situations like this not make you a laughing stock. If my wife did something like this to humiliate me I would be irate.

  13. You don't have to prove anything, he's overreacting, imo. If this is an issue for him, maybe reevaluate things.

  14. Some states cut it off way later. Regardless, about 93% of all abortions occur before 13 weeks' gestation. So now is the time, OP. It is not a baby yet. It has no definable features of humanity. PLEASE consider this option. Do not chain yourself to your abuser this way!!!

  15. Go read through the previous posts, I've already answered this as well. I'm going back to work lol.

  16. I was understanding until you started projecting blame to the kid. That’s where you start to lose me.

  17. If you want to end the relationship because he's selling weed, end the relationship if he starts selling weed. If you, for yourself, want to sell feet pictures, I'm not telling you not to do that, but don't do it as some kind of revenge.

  18. Just talk to him and tell him how that made you feel and reconcile. I don’t agree with imitating it, but I also don’t agree on you just leaving that’s silly

  19. I am doing exactly that. We’re friends and it’s jarring to be that because we still love each other, but she has a lot of stuff to figure out on her own.

    Therapy would be great for her, but she thinks her parents wouldn’t support it. They are pretty narrow minded on that stuff.

  20. Ive spoken to her, she says its for herself which is obviously not true. It just doesnt feel right that she posts so much of herself while shes in a relationship

  21. Cause since we started even “talking” she has had plenty guy friends even when I didn’t talk to another soul for her. She would hangout with them and all that and I would tell her and she didn’t care. We dated/ talked for a year and half.. we was dating just without the dating. And I found out she had sex with one of her guy friends that and I didn’t think about leaving her at all we just talked about it. And what I’ve done is nothing compared to that even in the slightest, I think what I’ve done can completely be handled by us talking it out and coming together. Now I know what I’ve done is still wrong and I realize that but I don’t think she truly wants me to go

  22. Yes but her coworker/other friend had conversations with that friends husband so he’s definitely on there. It’s not just an account circulating with no activity, he’s actively talking to at-least 1 person.

  23. When I got into my relationship I stopped spending the night with my lady friends, even if it was strictly platonic. They’re still fucking and laughing about it that’s my opinion. When you’re in a relationship with someone you gotta make commitments and he’s prioritizing himself and his friend over you.


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