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36 thoughts on “Val the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Throw the whole piece of crap out and never look back. The nerve of that man using accident reports to try to sleep with women is DISGUSTING and if I were you, I would report his ass to his job!! What are you confused about?! I'd be throwing up.

  2. Like anything else, approaches are as successful as the recipient receives it. If this specific guy approached you, would you respond positively? Obviously, the answer is yes.

    But at the end of the day, what do you have to lose? If you get rejected then you get rejected. Life will go on. Shoot your shot. Good luck.

  3. Even if I were allowed to, I don't want to sleep with other people. I am not allowed to though because he said he would hate it and even the idea of it makes him physically ill. He is a very jealous person. He also said sex is different for women and the way I view it is different from how he does so it wouldn't be the same. Everything has been going pretty great since we have gotten back together other than the 3-some but I agreed to it and said I was ok with it. He told me that he wishes I wouldn't have gone through with it if it was something I only did for him. He said we don't have to do that ever again if I don't want to. The issue here isn't what's happening, and I have started getting over the past. I just don't understand why I am not good enough. How do you cope with knowing you're not enough for your partner and you feel like they're settling for you or compromising their happiness for yours? I feel like I am holding him back and if I did better this wouldn't be an issue. He also has an emotional disorder, he said that he feels like he loves me or that he's starting to love me, so maybe in the future with more time he will be able to genuinely say he loves me and mean it full heartedly instead of saying it but not understanding what it means. If he can love me one day I feel that he will finally understand where I am coming from & he will be disgusted by the idea of seeing anyone other than me sexually. I just want to know how to help him and progress our relationship, and how do I not occasionally think about how I am not enough. For the most part I don't think of it and we do fun stuff and we are sweet and happy. I am recently diagnosed bipolar 2 though & didn't want to take the medicine or go to therapy. I don't know if that is causing everything to be harder than it really is. Sometimes I feel fine, other times like tonight it's really eating at me. He is being a really good boyfriend now and I am understanding to why things happened and why he feels how he does, I just don't want him to feel that way. I want him to be happy too.

  4. I think you know it’s time to move on.

    Her threat is manipulative. If she truly feels like that-she is beyond your help, unless you are a psychiatric professional. In that case, refer her to your best colleague.

  5. The comments on the other post are insane. I’m glad you discussed it, and I’m glad he is mature enough for understanding it was big risk, and be okay with another stone. Don’t let some on-line trolls bully you into wearing something that’s not your taste. Reddit really hates brides, this is not a sample of what most people would say.

  6. Did already pay for it for the year?

    I usually give my husband the year subscription for Christmas.

    Since it's almost Christmas, why don't you go old school and make him a coupon book of play passes.

    Like 1 hour of uninterrupted play.

    Get out of going somewhere so he can play or relax.

    You can even be cheeky and make him a coupon for a bj while he plays ?

  7. Sorry, but your wife betrayed you in the worst way possible and has endangered your life by having other sexual partners, and who knows how many. She forced herself to have intimacy with her own husband. Had she been honest with you from the beginning, heck, had her family been honest with you, maybe they tried to give you hints but you weren’t hearing anything negative about the woman you love…but maybe you’d agree to the arrangement if given a choice but she decided you didn’t deserve a chance to choose. One thing for sure, you can not ever trust this woman again, and definitely need to divorce on these grounds but perhaps can later re-establish a friendship.

  8. Hello /u/Coffee_cat262,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  9. Your husband is a disgusting pig. He cums in the toilet and doesn’t have the decency to flush, knowing that you’ll be around to see it…?

    He also is a porn addict. Newsflash: If he’s beating off so much that your sex life is taking a hit then he has a problem. That is also the reason why you guys don’t do much. It’s BECAUSE he is watching so much porn that it’s killing his libido and ruining his actual mindset to have sex with his actual partner.

    There is just no respect for you in this relationship at all. And you should’ve left when you found out he was beating off for his ex girlfriend. What the actual f*ck. That is so disturbing that I can’t even wrap my head around how you managed to convince yourself that you somehow have jealousy problems to not be angry at such SCUM behavior.

    I hope you have an amazing therapist who can convince you to leave this god awful relationship and help you grow some self-respect for yourself because lord forbid I even try to tell you to stay in it for this person. This is not husband material at all and if you can’t see that then wow.

  10. The biggest red flags were the way she manipulated you to get back together

    She obviously sees you as a push over

    Tell her to give up on you if social media is so important to her as it's not something you're willing to compromise on

    She'll likely then try and manipulate you again

    I think you know what you need to do

  11. From one autistic person to another, yes everyone's gone over the proposal expectations but I don't see many talking about your comfort as an autistic person.

    I know autism can impact communication. I also know that we do ask for some level of respect and support for it. You mentioned the food issues. I understand that. In that moment your partner did not consider how you handle and cope with food, especially under duress.

    I believe communication is going to be less about the proposal, and more about how, for the proposal, your experiences with autism were brushed under the rug a little.

  12. First, you need to break up with your partner. It may be nude for you, but what you're currently doing is selfish, and if found out by your current partner could cause extreme emotional pain. You're currently emotionally cheating. That's cruel. Stop trying to selfishly have both. It's immature, inconsiderate, uncompassionate behavior. If you have any kind of respect and empathy toward your current partner, you'd let them go so that they can find someone that won't treat them like this.

    You need to leave your partner and not enter any new kind of relationship until you're over your ex as well. It's ok to not be over someone, but you need to take the time to get over them before entering new relationships. That's the only healthy thing you can do. Otherwise, you're just going to be hurting other people.

    Your ex shouldnt be doing this to her partner either. She's just as selfish and shitty as you. Both of you need to get more mature.

    Overall, again, break up with your current partner (idc if you love them, because again, if you had actual care, respect and compassion for them, their well-being, and their feelings, you wouldn't be doing this). You can't control what your ex does tho, so I can't offer much advice on that. She shouldn't be cheating, but she also shouldn't be in an abusive relationship. If she's being abused and is in a dangerous situation, there are plenty of organizations that may be willing to help. Domestic violence shelters may also be available around her, so I'd recommend she look into those.

  13. She’s not confused. She knew who she wanted. If she wanted this guy, she would have came to you with divorce papers. But she chose to stay.

    Have you brought up any of this in therapy yet?

  14. Being scared of being alone is not enough. Doesn't everyone deserve someone who is thrilled to be with them?

    Your girlfriend is not in a headspace to be in a committed relationship.

    The help your girlfriend needs is from experienced professionals, not doormat boyfriends.

  15. Can't believe it, I ask here for advice and the same day we end it. I talked to her again about out issues and it over. Hardest thing I've done in my life, was so nude watching her walk away. I feel weird, I feel sad, but I mainly feel emotionless right now, perhaps the initial shock and denial, that 7 years I've known this woman to be my best friend, is not in my life any more. I will always cherish the memories of her

  16. I do t think that you’re communicating what you think you’re saying.

    What does a trip to Paris with two women have to do with a wedding that he doesn’t want to go to?

    And does he travel often? What kind of person goes to Paris on a whim with two women while his gf stays home, but won’t go to one four hour event where everyone is typically thrilled to be there, and tanked, besides?

  17. i’m not ignoring what you said, i focused on one topic that i haven’t seen/came across, i should have acknowledged the other points, im sorry. i focused on the cheating part because he’s never gotten romantic with these other women(aside from his ex but obviously that was before him and i but i’ve seen no indication that he was cheating/romantic with her when he still spoke to her). i do want to hear advice, i came here for advise and to ask questions for said advise and provide information, it seemed like you interpreted my post like i was saying he was cheating, i explained i haven’t seen anything, yet did not disagree with your other points.

  18. He broke up with me because I tried to cuddle him the morning and he didnt want to. I looked over because he was on his phone about to watch porn. I was hurt because he didn’t want to touch me but wanted to Jack off. I got up without saying anything and got into the shower. He said my name twice I didn’t respond. Followed me into the bathroom, i said that upset and he was like okay that’s it’s nothing is changing. It’s the same shit over and over again, packed his shit and left.

  19. Uh, your coworker specifically told you not to tell anyone first. Hypocrisy much? Why should your request be respected when you didn’t do the same?

  20. So what? He asked for it, not that you did it in disrespect…! Period is what makes the difference between you and him and make you a couple together. This is life and you have no reason to be ashamed, rather be infuriated by his childish reaction. But don't break up with him, give him the benefit of NOT being accustomed (yet). Good luck!

  21. Wow… this is a ride, but I gotta say, his instance that he did nothing wrong is the cherry on top. All of this is very alarming, but that last part is the worst IMO. If he honestly sees no issue, there's something off with his judgment and view of the world. To the point that I think he is not completely safe – not as in “he may abuse you” but more as in: his behaviors are so irrational and crazy, that you just can't know what life-shattering thing he'll do next… That's why I get why you feel like your trust has been broken. Because it has been, and now you know it may happen again, any time, since he sees no issues with something 99,99% of healthy humans would see an issue with.

  22. Living with her is a mixed message. You can't have a real relationship with someone else while living with your baby momma.

  23. Those children deserve suitable parents/guardians. Their bio mom and dad, clearly aren’t. They’d be better off in a stable environment that is clean and loving and healthy and well run. I’m not saying that CPS is a great thing. But the kids are suffering and deserve better than their parents can or are willing to give. And you should all prepare yourself for the possibility of them being separated from their parents. And that it’s NOT your responsibility to take on the burden of caring for them.

  24. The worst thing you can do is stay in contact with someone that has broken your heart. I'm sorry, but he broke up with you. Do you really want to spend a part of your life hurting while waiting for someone else to be emotionally available to you?

  25. Im surprised at people saying this is concerning, i thought it was normal but it made me nervous. I feel like if i set boundaries he will say its my fault

  26. I was very sick and in the hospital when they held my brother’s funeral. We were able to stream it, I think through Zoom. I was so grateful for the ability to do things in that way.

  27. I had my last Dr appointment before starting testosterone this morning.

    This evening I finally sent him a message explaining everything, it was so nude. I now realize I have trauma from expressing my gender as a kid, that's why I couldn't force myself to say it.

    I'll update after we have a proper chat on it


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