LissaMore online sex cams for YOU!

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42 thoughts on “LissaMore online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Hey as long as he is funny who cares if he was going to hook up with a prostitute!?

    Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds?

  2. Usually I say dont contact when a relationship is over. In your case i suggest Send him a copy of the letter. Hopefully he will learn what his mom is doing to his relationships moving forward

  3. Realistically, all that matters is what YOU think.

    Personally (and full disclosure, I’m a guy who’s happily married), I wouldn’t and don’t give a flying fuck. Two things there; first and most importantly, I trust my wife. So she “liked” some dude’s picture. So? Second, I honestly couldn’t even tell you if she’s done it. Why? Because I don’t monitor her social media.

  4. ABOUT YOU STARTING YOUR SEXUAL LIFE AT 15 Did you get pregnant? if not you’re lucky, if you did then you should see why we’re concerned.

    ABOUT KEEPING HER INNOCENT We know she’s gonna watch stuff on-line and stuff but we just don’t want her making the mistakes that we’ve seen a good number of people in our lives make.

    ABOUT THE SNOOPING she snoops through both her siblings stuff and the only reason op snooped was because of how her sis was acting when we chaperoned yesterday

  5. I did this to my boyfriend the first time we had sex. Also a victim of SA. He was very upset and confused. And so was I. Can’t tell you why to this day the reason I did that it was the weirdest thing I’ve ever done

  6. Kelfie23 enjoyed your feed, but this married military guy you married was like 20 years ago. You should stop looking at the past wasting your life constantly talking about it, & focus on your loved 1's & your current husband that is probably dying for some of your attention you constantly waste bring your you other ex each & every single day. Quite obvious your heart still with that dude that sounds like a loser, as you probably have a great guy waiting for you to get over your off her exes you probably have many cha cars to in life. Spending more time in internet nonsense than your life is just wasting an amazing life away that someone is waiting for you to share now…. forget about your other dudes. Not a single day goes by I bet your not talking about your exes, be real with yourself. That's the past…your an amazing catch, don't waste to this garbage. My opinion I would t be in this garbage everyday as you have a dude wanting you, food for thought. Best of luck with the that is in your present wanting you….❤️

  7. u/Unhappy-Basket-1452, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  8. I’ve never tried biscuits and gravy before but they look good!

    My specialty dishes are lasagna, chicken parm, and sausage w/peppers and onions. I cook them in the crockpot with tomato sauce and serve them over pasta.

    I want to attempt to make a chicken parm lasagna. I also want to attempt to make jambalaya!!

  9. It’s not misogynistic when us being able to provide is usually the main reason to get with us. Also all we are good for it seems.

  10. If you want expensive gifts, you should have chosen someone who's older and has an established job. Who expects expensive gifts from a 21 year old who probably hasn't even finished education?

  11. He asked you to be exclusive before knowing how old you are?

    Yes, this is another hallmark of a groomer. He's just so in love! erm no actually, he wants to put that impression across, the girl then feels like she's in control because “he's clearly so much in love”. He's deliberately creating romance to suck her in.

  12. Very very simple solution follow your heart and tell him. How about see if he has similar feelings and go for it don’t on-line life by labels. But do you don’t care to purse the feelings you might have to distant yourself until you deal with them.

  13. What exactly is it that she’s doing? Nude to understand the above with no punctuation—she doesn’t talk to you but tells you you’re doing things wrong?

  14. Thanks for this input. I’m down to just be friends with her and not have any sex or anything, she’s the one that initiated everything from the start. I just wish she could’ve communicated with me about how she was feeling at least. I’ll just cut my losses and keep moving forward

  15. sounds like she had nothing but good intentions and you thoughtlessly dumped on them with your pride. i’m not hating, i’ve been there myself. it feels good to put your nude work into something for yourself because it’s rare that anyone else can understand what the value of the purchase and possession means to you. that being said… you should let her buy you the gift. she’s actively working to understand what she can do to show you she cares for you. you’ve finally got money to throw around and yet she still wants to contribute in a heartfelt way. that response is leagues ahead of a partner who groans at a frivolous purchase because they think your money is theirs to direct. obviously, i think an apology is necessary. but i would personally take it a step further by surprising her with something of equal value. i’d work tirelessly to study her likes and hobbies to find something truly meaningful, and give it to her with an apology and the acceptance of any gift she’s willing to give

  16. We've been together 7 years but were separated last year. I have three kids from a previous relationship and one child with him. I am not financially stable enough to leave.

  17. dude, me 37, wife 38…

    Its like me writing this post myself, talking about my current issues, after almost 15 years of marriage (lol)

  18. Why dont you leave now? Start your new life. You can still coparent but each will be functioning on their own. The kids will survive it.

  19. First of all, I am so sorry you are going through this. All these people are being so blunt and seem to forget that you’re a real person with real feelings and I hate that you are having to deal with all of this. I pray you have kicked your husband out. What he did was rape, as everybody else has said, but not only that- if he could do that to an unconscious person what else is he capable of doing? You’re not safe with him around and you need to contact the police and a lawyer immediately. As for your sister… she clearly has a problem and needs help. Whether or not you can forgive her is up to you, but she needs to get help.

  20. It's the way he phrases the sentence before his last one that makes him come across as racist. I'm beginning to think this was a troll post crafted to create outrage. How is it “even more of a red flag” if most of the guys on her list are black? Would it be less of one if they were Hispanic? The way he phrased it comes across as race driven.

  21. Lies, deception, disrespect, easy to get angry/gaslighting…dude. Dump her. The bony thing running from the bottom of your skull and runs to your pelvis is your spine. Use it to get the heck away from this toxic immature girl who is obviously still obsessed with her ex. Those videos may not all be BEFORE you two dated and she LIED about the timeframe so she may be still sleeping with her ex. You are only 18. Stop wasting your time with this one. The “pick me” dance is a huge sign of weakness and she'll have you either raising another guy's baby or watching her make out with your best friend by the end of the month. I cannot be any more clear to how you need to get away from her and if you've been foolish enough to not use protection with her, you better go get an STD check. Sorry if I'm coming off harsh, but there must be a father figure missing in your life to be this passive so I think you need a little tough love here.

  22. I'd love to go some day. I have been very chastened about my own attitude by some of the comments here, and feel like I should reflect on my own attitude and way of framing this too.

  23. Including one time when he was behind me using it and he didn’t even say anything so when I saw

    Only a really shitty person would do this. He's using you like a fleshlight. Please gather up your self-respect and dump this loser.

  24. You're right, and I'm trying to hold myself true that exact saying since I used to have major issues setting boundaries. It just feels awful to say it to someone who is clearly just desperate and lonely, I often think what if this what if that and my conscience eats me but I need to be stronger for my own sake. Thank you.

  25. I have had a bit of trauma in my life, and I don’t go around making out with someone every time something traumatic happens. I don’t because I value my relationship and want it to continue. I don’t think she values your relationship, but if you keep letting her get away with it, she’s got the best of both worlds I guess. Good for her. I think it’s time to grow a backbone and break up.

  26. It sounds like he really dislikes you. Walking between you and another person who are in conversation is extremely rude and disrespectful, unless its necessary and you say something to get the talking people's attention (excuse me, pardon me, coming through, etc…) and pause to let them move or be motioned to pass through.

  27. You might consider reaching out to a family lawyer about setting up a custody arrangement. I have a feeling she is not going to take it well when you move out and is unlikely to be judicious about letting you see your kid.

  28. She didn’t WANT a new car! She likes her car. She does have kids. None of this is her responsibility. And kicking her out of her room when she was paying rent is not only selfish and ridiculous, it’s probably illegal. Rent = tenant.

  29. I hope you realize she just called you a liar, and she doesn't trust you. She also just told you that she will never have your back. You don't deserve that, and she doesn't deserve you. I'm will to bet he's done this with every relationship she's ever had. While yes he's gay, he's also overly attached to your girlfriend, and refuses to share her with anyone in the romantic sense. Until she wakes up, and realizes what he's doing she'll always end up alone. That is not your fault, it's hers, and not something you should have to fix, or tolerate. I understand you love her, but she jist showed you she really doesn't love you. Record him the next time he starts his crap, send it to her, along with a text that says you didn't believe me so here, now we're done, and walk away because you deserve better.

  30. Also self sabotage to me is saying something. 1) yes therapy like we talked about and 2) your heart is telling you something isn’t right about this relationship

  31. I’ve always been better off on my own so that doesn’t bother me one bit. I don’t work because once I left my hometown I had to quit and leave everything behind. Now in this little town there’s no work for me that I can do from home since I don’t have a car and this town is not very walk-friendly or safe. However, the fact that I don’t work doesn’t bother him since I do help financially thanks to savings I had for this very reason, and I don’t ask anything from him.

  32. It sucks – not not much you can do. Maybe the diagnosis was a trigger for her to change her lifestyle altogether, including her current relationship. The thing is the diabetes type 2 is treatable and maybe she wants to spend the time alone treating it.

  33. I feel like I am definitely a fallback. And I don’t deserve this treatment. The more days pass the more I resent the fact that HE has just cheated on me yet HE is the one deciding.

    I am lacking in self-respect but I will try. Thank you for your advice.


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