Ammy on-line sex chats for YOU!

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15 thoughts on “Ammy on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Every couple goes through that “phase”. Idk if phase is the right word since it’ll happen every once in a while. No couple handles fights the same way and I guess you’ll just learn how to deal with each other until you reach a point where your fights become more peaceful if that makes sense. My bf and I used to fight like crazy when we started dating. But now when we do fight, we more or less know when to back off or when to give the other one his/her space or when the right time is to talk about our issues. Conflicts are good once in a while since it helps you know each other better. Just make sure that no one crosses the line where it becomes abusive. Being together is a choice so as long as the two of you still choose to be together, then those arguments shouldn’t break you.

  2. Do they share a same boss? You could easily blow this up if you chose to do so.

    As per others, don't buy the ring.

  3. What if this effects my relationship with my friends though? They might start thinking I’m unreliable and stop liking me?

  4. Without knowing the context of what was said or the seriousness of it, I think you are correct, especially because of the grudge, best behavior, and them admitting to their toxic trait, as well as saying they wont change. As they said, what they said at the end being direct with you, you have to be direct with them, and I can only see bad things happening and you walking on egg shells with this person.

  5. Dude this is totally possible, and my daughter is living proof of it.

    I (the mom) had a drunk one night stand that I have 0 recollection of with a guy I barely knew. I knew 3 weeks later, as it was the day my period was due and I thought it would be safe to take a pregnancy test. My test was very positive, and due to some hormone testing through my doctor, I found out that my HCG (the hormone used by pregnancy tests) shoots up rapidly at the beginning and peaks/plateaus early. This was the same with my 2nd daughter. Many women have this and are able to see positive pregnancy tests even before their missed period. It’s also why some women have morning sickness early and others later.

    My daughter is 4 now and her dad and I coparent beautifully. Never dated or even discussed trying to. I barely knew the guy other than his name, so I obviously wasn’t trying to baby trap him into some weird marriage. Shit happens.

  6. It was a month ago, I just found abt it yesterday. So i can’t remember what our situation was like at that time. But I talked to him about lately I feel like we’re far apart from each other cause we don’t spend much time together anymore even tho we on-line together. But maybe you are right, I get let my insecurities get the best of me sometimes

  7. So you suffer from insomnia, but he doesn't and gets regular sleep.

    He helps out and it sounds like he does his fair share and if he also works, then of course he is going to be tired. Who wouldn't be!

    So I guess that in an ideal world he would be an insomniac like yourself?

    What you guys are doing right now is balancing out the household duties and are picking up the slack for the other. What you are now doing though is cracking the shits with him because his early rising/early to bed is conflicting with your late rising/late to bed.

    Really doesn't sound all that fair does it?

    So its not so much a matter that he is not prioritising the relationship, he is actually prioritising the whole family!

  8. Its not about the eyes, its about putting you down a peg with negging, gives him more control and leaves you feeling not good enough so you make up with it in other ways.

  9. You can only really ask yourself if you trust her. You know her better than us, what do you think?

  10. When he commented in the thread he says she has no money and they broke up yesterday (which was the day before now)


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