Thayracockk live! webcams for YOU!

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38 thoughts on “Thayracockk live! webcams for YOU!

  1. u/tiffforever123, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  3. u/Strawberrycheesecak3, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  4. I haven't watched that specific porn actress in a while. It seems like to me she has developed a dislike of porn in general.

  5. Who knows it could even be both! (Again, thinking of some particular relatives of mine.) But OP definitely, definitely needs some therapy.

  6. Hello /u/Natural_Put332,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  7. Be straightforward and say exactly what you're feeling. It doesn't have to be complicated.

    Hey, I know we agreed to keep things casual given the long distance and everything, but I wanted to ask if you're open to going out on another date some time? It would be nice to get to know you a little better.

    If he rejects something that benign, there's nothing more you can do. Rejection sucks but it comes with the territory.

  8. Are you bisexual? I guess that would come from that statement. Anyway you are smart to break it off with that lady. Move on with your life.

  9. Ask if he is willing to be pegged with a strap on with no prep that is the same size as or larger than his erect penis

    Problem solved, I bet he isn’t man enough and if he is that’s mad respect

  10. All I can offer is my POV and what I would do in your situation.

    I personally value a good standing reletionship over a job.

    Jobs can change.

    A healthy future and madly in love reletionship is hot to come by.

    We're here to serve each-other. If I want the both of us to be happy, I need to do my part in offering her a relationship that she is happy to be in.

    For those reasons, I would begin to consider other options for work. We're not at that stage yet, so I have time to work towards it. I got where I am now, I can do it again.

    Ensuring she is happy at all times is what I want out of my reletionship. I never want to put her in a position where she is hurting.

    I put the same amount of effort into my job, that I did into my reletionship. And of the two, I value my relationship effort more.

  11. I don’t know. I mean, I said something pretty sexual to him and it was detailed. And they said in his eyes he’ll officially see me and put me in that category. It was only one text. And we have so much in common. I honestly just brought up how I love another of his hobbies because I do it. And I’ve backed off. The last thing I said was asking if he was still coming here. I’m not reaching out after that.

    And no. I need to focus on work. It’s incredibly stressful for me right now

  12. Is there literally anything redeeming about her? This “friendship” just sounds exhausting. I think maybe it's time to cut her off. If not, I think your boyfriend needs to be the one to put his foot down here and tell her how uncomfortable she is making him, how her attention and affection is too much, her coming over when he explicitly says no violates his boundaries and is disrespectful. He can be kind but he needs to be firm. It has to come from him, not you. If it comes from you, you will be framed as jealous and insecure. The object of her affection needs to shut her down.

  13. Your first mistake was dating a cop.

    If you tell her, and she wants to leave, he will make her life hell. She will have no protection and no help. She could get hurt or worse.

    So, I wouldn't tell her to keep her and baby safe.

    And in the future: don't date cops.

  14. Not in the slightest and he’s admitted that he wouldn’t like it if I had stepped into our relationship under the same circumstances and has an issue with me having any type of communication with any exes of mine.

  15. The comment he makes isn’t a statement about his feelings

    Being told as a guy … is extremely hurtful.

    If you re-read his comment, he is making a statement directly about how this can make men feel. The feeling they experience is extremely hurt. He is not judging or demanding in any capacity here. Women are justified to express themselves, but words can be hurtful if they're not expressed with tact and care. Two things can be true at the same time.

    This is something to seek therapy for

    It is not women’s responsibility … It is their responsibility to learn that.

    I totally agree with you. As I mentioned in my last comment, this insecurity of men is not an excuse to avoid healthy communication, and it's not a healthy mindset to begin with. I agree with you that therapy could greatly help.

    Everyone has insecurities because it's human nature. I have insecurities. You have insecurities. Maybe you're insecure about your appearance, or maybe you're jealous. If you're in a relationship, would you want your partner to scrutinize you for your insecurities, tell you to just get over it, dismiss your feelings, and question your sexuality?

    That's not how parters are supposed to treat each other in a relationship, and that's not how you support someone to overcome an insecurity. It requires patience, love, understanding, compassion, reassurance, and some time. It is also possible to express your needs and feelings while also respecting your partner's needs and feelings.

    We're all humans. We're not perfect and we all have flaws. We should try treat each other as we'd hope someone would treat us.

  16. it was 3 months

    “of like mind”, and “you're buggin'”

    You conceded the point of your original post?

  17. Just add it to the list along with the mold we're living in then. Renting is a God damn nightmare at this point.

  18. go to therapy, with an LGBTQ+ competent therapist. Seriously, you need to talk to someone about this who ISN'T in your family.

    do research ON YOUR OWN–there's this thing called the Internet, you're actually in it right now. While it would be convenient and nice to have your son explain everything to you, you are actually an adult who can learn things on their own by googling things you want answers to.

    keep in mind that your son has faced anger and denial and hate from the rest of his family–it might hurt that he's not being more patient with you, but it shouldn't be surprising.

    pick your kid over everyone else, and make sure he knows that. Your husband and the grandparents don't NEED to understand everything about being trans–it would be helpful, but understanding isn't a necessary prerequisite to treat someone with kindness and respect. And trying to play peacemaker is honestly hurtful to your son if you're acting like both him and the grandparents need to come to some kind of compromise. He is who he is–asking him to stop taking testosterone would be like asking you to take a goddamn estrogen blocker! It's a ridiculous thing to ask! This is necessary healthcare for your son, and it doesn't matter if his grandparents don't get that (or you), he doesn't need to stop talking hormones just to make anyone else “more comfortable”.

  19. Even if you don’t like Hank Hill you need to watch the season 5 episode 19 where Hank has to wear a prosthetic rear when he is diagnosed with Diminished Gluteal Syndrome.

  20. ??? you are a good father sir, well done for being there now to pickup the pieces and working on healingand❤️?????

  21. Please get out. SHe should have been left the first time, she deserves NO more chances. I would press charges personally.

  22. What was his response when you broke up with him.

    I would say he was in the line of emotional to physical cheating. Good riddance tbh. You're too young to worry about that.

  23. Thank you for saying you’re proud of me. I’m forcing myself so hot to uphold my self worth and never look back…. It’s so nude. I needed to hear that.

  24. Thank you.

    I don't really drive though. I have a licence but I have very little experience and I am not at all confident. We are in Eastern Europe and people cut you off and drive like crazy on the regular and I am afraid to drive honestly.

  25. I've invested so much into this relationship because I love him. I moved away at 21. I transfered schools. I got a job here.

    It was worth it because I want to build a future with him.

    He proposed to me because he said that he wants a future with me.

    If that wasn't the case, wouldn't he ask for the ring back and end our engagement??

  26. Yeah man you didn't miss anything

    She didn't even ask if she could bring you

    You are only an idiot if you stay with her

  27. No contact. For your personal wellbeing I can recommend looking into Stoicism, reading something like Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, etc.


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