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14 thoughts on “AlanaLor live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. u/jamiepikespike123, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. The question is when you asked why didn't she call you for a ride or let her know she was safe, what did she say? How did she react?

    If you tell her that it makes you uncomfortable and you were worried and she reacts negatively it might be an issue, but if she accepts that boundary and doesn't do it again you're good.

  3. My last bf would not stop making sexual comments. Flash me, you got a nice ass kind of comments. I repeatedly asked him to stop because it was so excessive, every day. Explained to him that it made me feel like a piece of meat and that I don’t like it. He never stopped. A couple of times I ended up screaming at him because I got so frustrated. Lost every single bit of respect for him and kicked his ass to the curb. Not dealing with dumb shit.

  4. That’s disrespectful as hell and if I were you, there wouldn’t be a second date. You don’t touch another person’s phone. Not cool, red flag

  5. Trustworthy people don't have these traits. If she valued your relationship she wouldn't act questionable.

    10 to 1 she cheated but she won't admit.

  6. What? It was appalling for them to bring it up in the first place, and even more so to go through with it after the initial reaction, but OP said yes when she didn’t want to. That’s on her. She lied about her own boundaries and that’s why we don’t do that.

  7. Of course she should feel hurt to fucking read that. He just told some random from work that he had to convince himself not to break up with his fiancé because she’s not attractive enough for him. Get out of here with that “violation of trust” BS! I can’t imagine a bigger violation of trust than a partner speaking by so disrespectful it about their fiancé behind their back.

  8. So what changed then OP. If you don't want him, but you were with him for ten years without guilt…what has changed that apparently now leaves you so guilty that you do want to confess?

    Don't get me wrong, you absolutely should tell her, but I don't trust your motives and I think you will be doing it for all the wrong reasons, and likely in absolutely the wrong way, despite your claim that you feel guilty and like a terrible person.

    So what is it? Vengeance for him not wanting you anymore? What's up. And most importantly, how will this motivation translate into how you tell the wife?

  9. So, if I get it, they have 300k between two brothers. I make his part 150k. I am in agreement. Do not borrow what you cannot afford. If you need a loan get a faceless bank and make it official. Keep saving until you have your down payment. This is a recipe for an I n’épila relationship with family and the potential for family feuds. Don’t do it.

  10. Not sure what you’re looking for in an answer here. You know he’s lying. You know he doesn’t have the money he claims. You know he’s lying about not having any debt. And you know he wants you to move in with him after only 6 months so that he can start using your money too. If you stick around and move in with him knowing all that, you have no one to blame but yourself for the disaster that follows


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