Emma-loyd live! webcams for YOU!

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25 thoughts on “Emma-loyd live! webcams for YOU!

  1. Hello /u/Lionel_Messi10_,

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  2. Damn the downvotes are insane.

    Why would anyone automatically assume how op is feeding her newborn, let alone, why would they even mention it? The original commenter needs the downvotes. How rude.

  3. “you find expect your dick, I got bigger and it was better”. He would be shattered and crying after 3hours of “why it's fine to critize your boobs but not my dick”. Dont put yourself in a situation where you don't feel good in your own body. Find yourself a man that would be happy with everything in you.

  4. Hello /u/ConsiderationDry8903,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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    [34NB][88-F] We are two people in an example post

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  5. How do you post text messages?? She just said he isn’t mine after I said I’m taking her to court

  6. He hit you and it’s serious. When you figure out that it’s time to leave make sure you leave him a dirty house. Make sure you and baby have clean clothes and an emergency bag packed.

  7. I refuse to believe it’s real. Like have some self respect. Why are you kissing that dirty gaping maw and handling his skid marked to hell underwear? Good God, this man sounds like the walking embodiment of a 30 year old nicotine stained wall.

  8. You’re 22 dating a 30 year old. You’re moving too fast. Who you are at 22 is not who you will be in 5 years. Trust me. 6 months is too soon. I’ve been with my fiancé for 11 years – since we were teenagers. You don’t truly know someone after 6 months. Even 2 YEARS you truly don’t know someone.

  9. I also want to add that from your name including Bible in it it may possibly be harder for you to understand your rights sexually because of christianities purity stuff, please do a quick YouTube search of deconstructing purity abuse my fav person is god is grey and I didn't even grow up Christian but she helped me alot you can try 'god is grey deconstructing purity movemnt' or something similar

    I know this sounds random but it might help in a couple of ways

    My blessings to you

  10. She has the heart of a cheater, my friend. She likes the attention of other men and the adrenaline rush that comes from teasing the boundaries of infidelity. Drop her, there is nothing for you long term.

  11. well you either online without sex, or you find someone you're compatible with.

    Also you're not “impure” for wanting a normal, natural thing to want. Did you grow up in a very religious household? Sex is not impure.

    If you did grow up in a sexually repressive household, i would venture that may have an impact on his sex drive. Therapy might help in this case.

  12. your girlfriend obviously has done porn in her past. or maybe in the recent future

    3 things to ponder.

    Are you ok with her doing any porn in her past? Are you ok with her doing porn now? are you ok with her doing porn in the future?

    if the answer is a firm NO to any of the questions above – then is no future in this relationship.

    if the answer id a firm YES to any of the questions above – there is a future in this relationship.

  13. If she really wants to try again, you two shouldn't try to rekindle by moving back in together. You need to date each other, take your time, and see if you can get resolve the problems you had in the past. Having a significant difference in religion is one of those things. It's been a relationship ender for me… twice (I was the non-religious one).

  14. You’re kind of all over the place here.

    Very much so hence getting things written down, I journal privately, and communicate with my husband too, just sometimes it's enlightening to get insight from others, it's hugely helpful to me, as I do feel so different to all the normal people lol

    You want someone to take charge—well it’s not going to be your young kids taking that on—you mean you want your husband to take charge.

    Absolutely not so much about taking on the responsibility, my ideal would be absolute democracy rather than feeling often I have to be the snowplough to getting anything done. Everyone in my life seems to want me to make all the decisions so that I can be the fall guy if I get it wrong which does happen all the time I'm not just assuming that would be the outcome, if I don't make a decision literally nothing happens, to the point where children would go unfed and watered! Seriously!

    And you want to feel that new relationship energy where it’s all exciting and lovey dovey but that isn’t going to be with your husband of many years because…..that’s not how it works.

    Yes totally but I am not sure there can't be moments of oxytocin and vasopressin release in an established relationship, I often have times where my husband says or does something that melts my soul, I just want more of them, is that really unreasonable to expect? I don't feel like I'm being unreasonable in wanting that but again I feel I am very different to everybody else so perhaps my expectations are unreasonable to the vast majority?

    Then you go into the dom/sub thing like it would solve both of those issues (it won’t) and also say you don’t want that.

    I don't want it to be some sordid affair, I definitely do want it. In that I have no issues with my husband knowing about it and us dealing with any negatives that come up in relation to it together, again it's a different mindset to most people. I respect if my husband has any doubts over whether it can improve our marriage and know that if that is the case then it cannot happen and divorce is a consideration for us both to pursue whatever we need in the future. the main problem here is that my husband appears content and I do not, so should I just give up my pursuit for happiness to sate him? Part of me thinks I should, part of me thinks YOLO.

    I think you two need couples counseling. And maybe some individual therapy for you too because you’re doing the martyr thing and have some kind of emotional “hole” that you’re trying to fill.

    Accepted, it is something we have done previously it was hugely expensive and didn't really get us anywhere as the same issues came up in counselling that do day to day, the willingness to be open and honest on my husband's part is overtaken by his anxiety, and conversation is moved to menial things between him and the counsellor rather than trying to communicate and resolve any issues. Seperate' therapy was hugely helpful for us both, but hasn't changed things for the better, again it was bloody expensive.

    I dunno. If it were me (44F), I’d tell husband he needs to plan some shit for the kids and run the show. If you don’t ask for what you want, you’re not going to get it.

    Observation appreciated, thank you.

    As for the lovey dovey stuff, I just don’t see how you do that without both being on the same page and trying. I think that’s where couples counseling may help so you can communicate better what you each need/want.

    I will discuss with him if he's up for revisiting couples therapy, I agree it's a sensible option. Thank you.

  15. Thank you so much I really appreciate the help. You're very right

    I wanted to ask one more thing if thats OK: I think what I find hard is identifying if something is a genuine concern vs my anxiety. For example, what worries me even more is the fact that I feel she wasn't initially completely transparent or honest about the crush thing. At first, she implied that it was him that was flirty with her (not the other way round), and that she only had a crush on him many many years ago (which is true). But then recently she admitted that it was actually also during the time we were first seeing eacother that this flirting thing / minor crush was happening. I think the reason she didnt say is because she views it as a very minor thing that maybe she wouldn't even define as a full on crush. Still , is this a red flag I should be worried about? I kinda think its still me being insecure but I never know

    Thanks again

  16. Thank you. This is about as practical and respectful as I was hoping for starting this thread. Thank you ever so much.


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